CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 3
    1. The federal government has recognized the need to build welcoming communities as an integral component of successful settlement.
    2. The CCR has repeatedly (resolution 7, June 94; resolution 3, Nov. 94 and resolution 20, May 95) called upon the government to address the increasing backlash against refugees and immigrants.
    3. The media plays a determining role in shaping public opinion.
    4. There has been no significant proactive leadership role on the part of the federal government in highlighting the contributions of immigrants and refugees, and the role of settlement agencies through the mass media.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on the federal government to launch a large-scale, proactive mass media campaign to promote the contributions of refugees and immigrants.
    2. Urge that this campaign include significant input from refugee, immigrant and settlement communities and their advocacy agencies.
  • Res.: 8
    1. A humanitarian tragedy is being played out in Zaire and Rwanda and urgent action from the international community is needed.
    2. Hundreds of thousands of Rwandan refugees have repatriated from Zaire to Rwanda, resulting in the need for a massive settlement program in Rwanda.
    3. The Government of Canada has announced its intention to lead an international military force to protect humanitarian relief operations in eastern Zaire.
    4. Gross human rights violations and a lack of a functioning judicial system are major impediments to reconciliation in Rwanda.
    5. Leaders of the 1994 Rwandan genocide are living freely in Zaire and other neighbouring countries.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge the Government of Canada to:

    1. Support the safe and voluntary repatriation of remaining Rwandan refugees in Zaire, Tanzania and Burundi under close supervision of NGOs and international bodies such as the UNHCR and UNCHR.
    2. Exercise influence and push for firm and coordinated international action to create a favourable atmosphere for repatriation by:
      a) Helping the Rwandan government and international NGOs in Rwanda to continue with community economic development projects by providing financial and technical assistance.
      b) Diminishing the degree of fear of refugees to repatriation by urging the Government of Rwanda to end human rights violations.
      c) Cooperate with foreign donors in order to provide logistical and financial assistance to rebuild the Rwandan judicial system.
      d) Influence the Rwandan government to quickly begin trials.
    3. Extend financial, logistical and moral support to the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda based in Arusha, Tanzania, and influence the governments of Zaire, Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi and Cameroons to cooperate with this Tribunal to ensure that criminals are brought to justice.
    4. Support a concerted political action to force the government of Zaire to stop permitting the former Rwandan government's militia and the forces of interhamwe, responsible for the 1994 genocide, from using Zairian territory for military operations against the government of national reconciliation in Rwanda.
  • Res.: 13
    1. When the Government of Canada first negotiated with NGOs to join in the resettlement of refugees through the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program, NGOs agreed to participate on the condition that the three principles of partnership, additionality and naming were guaranteed.
    2. These three principles were clearly articulated and supported in the Private Sponsorship Review.
    3. The Government of Canada regularly attempts to dilute these principles.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR write to the Government of Canada clearly reiterating the original principles of the Private Sponsorship Program and expressing our concern over Citizenship and Immigration Canada's regular attempts to dilute or discard these principles.

  • Res.: 18
    1. The CCR has passed res. 11, May 1992; res. 23 November 1993 and res. 29, June 1994.
    2. Appointments to the Immigration and Refugee Board remain political, despite the existence of an advisory committee on appointments.
    3. This politicization manifests itself not only in poorly qualified candidates being appointed or reappointed, but as well, highly qualified candidates not being appointed or reappointed.
    4. The continued political nature of appointments means that there remains a core of Immigration and Refugee Board Refugee Division members who are not capable of functioning competently without the assistance of another Refugee Division member present at the hearing to assist them.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to:

    1. Withdraw from Bill C-49 the proposal that Refugee Division panels be reduced from two to one.
    2. Stop the appointment of IRB members based on political factors and instead base such decisions on the merit and competence of candidates.
  • Res.: 1
    1. The CCR recognizes that racism is systemic in Canadian society, and that organizations committed to social justice must build systemic structures to promote anti-racism.
    2. Racism reinforces xenophobia, increasing the obstacles to participation faced by many refugees and immigrants.
    3. The CCR is committed to promoting anti-racism within the CCR and among member organizations.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Endorse the Anti-racism policy developed by the Anti-Racism Core Group.
    2. Accept this policy as one of the organization's operational policies.
  • Res.: 6
    1. There is continual downsizing of direct service of CIC offices i.e.. mail-in services (Vegreville and Mississauga); reduction in CIC staff; reduction in hours of access; the use of tele-centres; and the introduction of 1-888 phone lines which direct calls from some provinces to offices located in another province.
    2. These changes are causing (a) a significant decrease in access to services, information and support (the existence of which allows clarification of information and procedures preventing delays and complications in individual immigration related issues); (b) a significant decrease in the quality of service due to less personal contact; (c) a significant increase in workload of NGOs and community support who lack resources to respond to the needs.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration expressing our concerns about her department's downsizing having a deleterious effect on services and increasing the work (unpaid) of NGOs and requesting that a freeze be put on any further downsizing of CIC staff providing direct client service.
    2. Include in this correspondence a request for a user evaluation to be done of mail-in services and use of local and 1-888 tele-centres.
    3. Request that CIC work with the CCR to develop a process which ensures quality and access of CIC services, federally and locally.
  • Res.: 11
    1. The situation for all Burmese refugees in Thailand remains precarious, but for Karen and other ethnic minorities it is particularly tenuous.
    2. Exit visas to Canada are only granted by the Royal Thai Government to those refugees who have obtained an offer of a sponsorship, have been approved by the Government of Canada, have UNHCR "person of concern" status and are in the "safe camp" for the required three month period.
    3. UNHCR "Person of Concern" status is rarely granted to Karen and other ethnic minority refugees in Thailand, and they are denied access to the "safe camp".
    4. Earlier CCR resolutions called on the Royal Thai Government not to require refugees to go to the "safe camp" to await resettlement, but this requirement is still in effect and is causing hardships and delays for refugees with approved sponsorships who are NOT in the "safe camp".
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Request that the Government of Canada urge that the Royal Thai Government grant exit visas to all refugees approved and accepted for resettlement in Canada, whether or not they are in the "safe camp".
    2. In the interim, urge the UNHCR to use its influence with the Royal Thai Government to admit all refugees, including Karen and other ethnic minorities with approved sponsorships, to the "safe camp" whence they can be approved for exit visas.
  • Res.: 16
    1. Refugee claimants eligible for landing in Canada through the DROC program often left their homeland for fear of persecution.
    2. The Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta is requiring that all eligible DROC applicants submit a passport as ID for landing purposes.
    3. Some refugee claimants eligible for acceptance into Canada through the DROC program are extremely afraid to approach the embassies of their homeland to request passports fearing that it could endanger their own lives or those of their loved ones in their homeland.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request that CIC waive the requirement of specifically providing passports as ID in cases where DROC applicants fear that their life or the lives of their loved ones in their homeland could be put at risk by requesting such a passport at their embassy. Instead, other types of ID should be permitted for processing purposes.

  • Res.: 21
    1. The Tassé Report on Canada Immigration removal practices revealed widespread serious concerns, not only on the part of NGOs and the legal profession, but also from front-line removals staff, concerning the removals process.
    2. The Tassé Report concludes that CIC's renewal initiative requires greater emphasis on people. The Report urges that a code of ethics be developed and that a process for greater accountability be instituted for the removals staff.
    3. Policies announced or implemented by CIC have in effect been counter-productive to the spirit of the Tassé Report's recommendations. There have been more deportations and harsher treatment (including incarceration) of many people who are eventually deported to countries (such as Algeria) where life and safety are at grave risk. This situation has forced removals officers to be complicit in breaches of international covenants to which Canada is a signatory regarding security of the person.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to implement the recommendation of the Tassé Report for greater accountability through:

    1. adoption of an effective code of ethics.
    2. training on ethical principles and standards for staff by persons qualified to deal effectively with these issues.
    3. setting up an independent complaints procedure.
    4. setting up a review mechanism to ensure continuing compliance with international standards.
  • Res.: 4
    1. The CCR has adopted and transmitted to the Government of Canada resolutions on Settlement Renewal (res. 4, May 1995, res. 2, November 1995, and res. 4, June 1996) which:
      a) Requested that national fora of all stakeholders be established to develop and monitor definitions of settlement, accountability mechanisms, and national principles and standards for settlement services.
      b) Developed for the government's review a set of national principles, including, inter alia, principles on client rights and eligibility for service, eligibility of service providers, priority setting processes, accountability mechanisms, and an enduring federal role.
    2. The consultation process on settlement renewal has indicated a growing reluctance on the part of the Government of Canada's preferred partners to take on increased responsibility for the administration of settlement services, and a growing apprehension among service providers that further devolution of the Government of Canada's responsibilities will undermine the integrity of settlement services.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Reaffirm its resolutions on Settlement Renewal.
    2. Call on the Government of Canada to:
    3. Establish a National Working Group on Issues related to Settlement Renewal.
    4. Halt the devolution of its responsibility for the administration of settlement services and maintain its primary responsibility for the settlement of immigrants and refugees.
    5. Work with existing provincial and regional authorities to ensure that service mechanisms and programs meet provincial and regional needs.
    6. In conjunction with all stakeholders, build on the experience and knowledge gained through the Settlement Renewal process to improve administrative and delivery systems, and develop nationally acceptable principles, definitions and standards for the funding, administration and delivery of settlement services.
    7. maintain and enhance the integrity of settlement services by ensuring that the current funding envelop which includes ISAP, HOST, LINC and AAP is not dismantled or reduced.
    8. Work towards achieving healthy partnerships which recognize and respect the autonomy and expertise of community agencies delivering settlement services.
    9. Make a commitment to see the above points as interdependent and to implement all of the above points.
  • Res.: 9
    1. The situation in southern Sudan is characterized by civil war, massive refugee flows, internal displacement, massive violations of human rights and chronic famine on an unprecedented scale.
    2. A peaceful solution is needed to end the civil war that has continued for 30 years.
    3. The international community should give urgent and concerted attention to the humanitarian tragedy of southern Sudan.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Use international fora to expose atrocities by the Sudanese government upon the people of southern Sudan.
    2. Call on the Government of Canada to bring the conditions of southern Sudanese to the attention of the appropriate UN bodies such as the Commission on Human Rights, the Security Council and the Department of Humanitarian Affairs.
    3. Call on the Government of Canada in cooperation with the UNHCR to address the security needs of Sudanese refugees and in particular Sudanese children.
  • Res.: 14
    1. Some refugees selected overseas are resettled in Canada without their immediate families (usually because they are in another country).
    2. Some refugees granted status by the IRB are advised not to include immediate family members on their permanent residence application, in the interests of speedier processing.
    3. Both of these groups of people may face financial barriers when they subsequently attempt to be reunited with their family, because they are no longer classified as refugees.
    4. There is inconsistency across Canada in the application of financial requirements for the sponsorship of spouses and dependent children.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIC to:

    1. Process the immediate family of refugees selected overseas simultaneously, even when they are in a different country.
    2. Stop advising refugees granted status by the IRB not to include their immediate family on their permanent residence application.
    3. Ensure that no financial requirements are demanded of refugees who have become permanent residents or Canadian citizens and who are seeking to sponsor their immediate family.
  • Res.: 19
    1. CIC's process for assessing country risk functions secretly and without public oversight or legal control.
    2. The CCR has condemned the functioning of the current post-determination review.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Demand full access to the records of the Advisory Committee on Country Conditions for Removal including the information sources of this committee.
    2. Write to the Minister asking for an open process, including an organized and systematic process for NGOs and human rights organizations to have input to this committee.
    3. Ask for an opportunity for NGO input into CIC's country profiles.
  • Res.: 23
    1. Canada is a member of the Organization of American States which has developed a human rights instrument, the American Convention on Human Rights;
    2. Canada has entered economic agreements with the U.S. and Mexico and plans to enter a joint asylum granting agreement with the U.S.;
    3. Mexico has ratified, and the U.S. has signed, the American Convention on Human Rights;
    4. The Convention offers enhanced protections for non-citizens with respect to certain rights, notably family rights and procedural rights;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Urge Canada to ratify the American Convention on Human Rights;
    2. Invite the Network on International Human Rights to hold discussions with a view to increasing awareness of the functioning of the OAS human rights system and thereby encouraging such ratification.
  • Res.: 13
    1. Resolution 15 of May 1992 established a task force to inquire into problems being experienced by refugees with respect to family reunification;
    2. The Task Force on Family Reunification's report was released in August 1995;
    3. The CCR remains deeply concerned over the barriers to speedy family reunification for refugees;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Endorse the report in principle;
    2. Call on the government to respond immediately to the concerns raised in the report;
    3. In particular endorse and call for swift action on the following recommendations:

    R1.Spouses and dependent children of refugees in Canada should be granted a “derivative status” immediately upon positive determination of the refugee claim, on the basis of which they could proceed to Canada.  All processing of their permanent residence applications, including medical examinations, would be conducted in Canada, in parallel with the refugee's application.

    R6.As a matter of principle, the benefit of the doubt with respect to family relationship should be given to refugees applying to sponsor their families.  Visa officers should be encouraged to use flexibility in assessing evidence of relationships and should take into account the delays and costs involved in requesting further proofs.

    R14.Where spouse and children of a refugee claimant in Canada are themselves clearly in need of protection, they should not have to wait until the refugee claim is determined and the applications for permanent residence can be processed.  In such cases, visa officers should be directed to issue visas allowing the family to travel to Canada on an urgent basis.

    R15.Where children of a refugee or refugee claimant in Canada are without adult care-giver, visa officers should be directed to take a proactive approach to ensure that the children have proper adult protection.  Where such protection is not available, arrangements should be made for them to join the parent in Canada without delay.

    R16.Where women in need of protection in third countries have a clear connection to Canada and are likely to benefit by being united with real or de facto family members in Canada, they should be granted asylum in Canada.

    R18.Additional visa post resources should be devoted to Africa.  This should be done by reallocating existing resources from regions with relatively light workloads.

    R19.Serious consideration should be given to sending “flying teams” of visa officers on a temporary basis to areas where there is a need for additional resources.

    R20.For refugees, eligibility of a child for landing based on the 19 year age limit should be determined as of the date of filing of the refugee claim by the parent in Canada, where the child is identified in the parent claimant's PIF.

    R23.The present 19 year age limit for dependent children should be treated as a rebuttable presumption rather than an absolute limit.  Where it can be demonstrated that an unmarried child over the age of 19 is dependent on a Convention refugee in Canada, such child should be eligible to be included on the refugee's landing application.

    R27.Children who are de facto members of a family unit that is applying for landing in Canada should be included in the family unit notwithstanding that such child may not have been legally adopted by the family.  A de facto adopted child should not be permitted subsequently to sponsor his or her natural parents for landing as members of the family class  (except where the natural parents who have been presumed dead are subsequently located and wish to be reunited with their child.)

    R29.The special programs should be revived and updated to allow refugees in Canada to sponsor members of their extended family who find themselves in desperate situations.

    R31.The government should take measures to ensure that family reunification for refugees is not obstructed or delayed by the existence of the various fees for landing.

    R32.The government should give priority to finding some resolution for the thousands of refugees unable to be landed for lack of satisfactory identity documents.

    1.  Urge its members to study and endorse the report and raise its recommendations in correspondence with the government.
  • Res.: 21

    Canada has a record of failure to honour United Nations human rights covenants and conventions in its treatment of the indigenous peoples of Canada by uprooting those peoples from their lands and denying them due process, even under Canadian law;

    Therefore be it resolved:


    1. The CCR seek a dialogue with the appropriate representatives of the indigenous peoples of this land in order to consider collaboration with them for the purpose of ensuring that indigenous peoples and uprooted peoples both benefit fully from the United Nations human rights covenants and conventions;
    2. The Working Group on Protection invite volunteers to establish a subcommittee to pursue this resolution.
  • Res.: 10
    1. Consultations on resettlement policy and practices have been launched by the UNHCR;
    2. EXCOM Conclusion 19(p) of October 1995 states "The Executive Committee reiterates the continued importance of resettlement as an instrument of protection and its use as a durable solution to refugee problems in specific circumstances; welcomes the initiative in commissioning an evaluation study and the UNHCR consultation on resettlement; and encourages UNHCR to continue the process of dialogue with interested Governments and non-governmental organizations to strengthen its activities in this connection, and to provide regular reports to the Executive Committee";
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Endorse EXCOM Conclusion 19(p);
    2. Invite American NGOs involved in resettlement and the UNHCR for a regional meeting to prepare for the upcoming international tripartite (NGO, government, UNHCR) resettlement consultation to be held in Geneva;
    3. Seek government support to enable Canadian NGO participation at this tripartite consultation.
  • Res.: 18
    1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada is currently reviewing its procedure on Port of Entry interviews with refugee claimants with a view to standardizing them;
    2. Notes of the Port of Entry interviews are now automatically sent to the CRDD;
    3. Refugee claimants' situation on arrival is one of great vulnerability;
    4. Claimants are questioned by immigration officers without the presence of legal counsel, sometimes over many hours, in situations of great stress and fatigue;
    5. Interpreters are not always provided or they are provided over the phone;
    6. There have been instances of rude and insensitive behaviour and attempts to discourage claimants from making claims or negative comments on the merits of the claim;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on Citizenship and Immigration Canada to:

    1. Establish a joint committee to review procedures on the taking of Port of Entry notes and their use by the IRB;
    2. Cease asking questions about the basis of the refugee claim;
    3. Give officers a code of conduct, guidelines and training to ensure that the claimant is treated with respect during the interview;
    4. Indicate in the guidelines that nothing is to be said or done that would cast aspersions on the merits of the claim or might discourage the claimant from making the claim;
    5. Allow the presence of lawyers or other support persons such as family, friends or NGOs where their presence would not unduly delay the interview;
    6. Provide copies of the interview notes to the claimant at the end of the interview and where possible record the interview;
    7. Institute an accessible, transparent and accountable complaints procedure.
  • Res.: 24

     the consequences of migration include serious abuses and injustices for migrant workers, especially migrant women and children;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on the Canadian government to ratify the Convention on the rights of all migrant workers and their families.

  • Res.: 14
    1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada is currently studying the process by which humanitarian and compassionate reviews are done;
    2. CIC is also studying the process for assessing the risks a rejected refugee claimant may face should she/he be removed from Canada;
    3. One proposal which is receiving serious consideration by CIC is to have CIC officials make decisions about claimants' refugee claims, humanitarian and compassionate applications and risk assessments prior to the matter being referred to the IRB;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Oppose refugee claims being determined at any stage by way of administrative process;
    2. Support the proposition that refugee claims should be determined by the IRB, an independent quasi-judicial body;
    3. Support the proposition that decisions about humanitarian and compassionate claims and risk assessment should be made after a determination of a person's refugee claim;
    4. Support the proposition that the IRB is the best available body to make the initial decision about the risks a person may face should that person be removed from Canada or to deal with a re-opening for changes of conditions.
  • Res.: 22
    1. Canada, through its government, its parliament and its courts, has habitually neglected United Nations Covenants and Conventions of justice in its treatment of non-citizens who came to Canada seeking protection;
    2. Specifically, it has neglected to enact legislation in Parliament to embody in Canadian law the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Covenant on Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Convention against Torture;
    3. As a consequence, habeas corpus and other elements of due process guaranteed to Canadians by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms are often denied by Canadian civil servants and Canadian courts to non-citizens who came to Canada seeking protection;
    4. Further, such non-citizens have no simple and effective legal means of enforcing such rights;
    5. As a further consequence, many such people have been deported from Canada in violation of one or more of the above UN Covenants and Conventions;
    6. The Immigration Act and court decisions based on it are inconsistent with Canada's obligations under UN human rights treaties;
    Therefore be it resolved:

     that the CCR:

    1. Call upon the Parliament and Government of Canada forthwith to incorporate all the above United Nations Covenants and Conventions into Canadian law, and in particular into the Immigration Act and Regulations, directing all Canadian civil servants and courts to enforce them;
    2. Write to the Ministers of Justice and of Citizenship and Immigration and the chair of the parliamentary committee on Human Rights and Disabled Persons advising them of the problem and urging them to establish a mechanism to monitor Canada's compliance with its international human rights treaty obligations and to make an annual report to parliament (such a report to include such matters as the status of international cases submitted from Canada and any legislative or other measures taken);
    3. Request all Chief Justices to organize training sessions for judges on the interpretation and application of Canada's international human rights treaties, with international participation.
  • Res.: 11
    1. Some refugee women in need of resettlement fit the special criteria of the Women at Risk Programme (in general women in urgent need of resettlement (Stream A) or women who require longer term settlement assistance (Stream B));
    2. The CCR has called for the expeditious processing of Stream A cases;
    3. The CCR has affirmed the use of the Joint Assistance Initiative (formerly Joint Assistance Programme) for Stream B cases;
    4. Citizenship and Immigration officials have indicated that refugee women fitting the Stream A of the Women at Risk Programme have been processed as government-assisted refugees (CR1) because CR1 refugees can be processed more quickly than Women at Risk cases;
    5. When Stream A Women at Risk cases are processed as CR1s they are not counted in Women at Risk Programme statistics;
    6. Citizenship and Immigration Canada has not followed up on its review of the Women at Risk Programme nor responded to the recommendations adopted by the CCR in November 1994;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Express to Citizenship and Immigration Canada its deep disappointment at the lack of attention to reform of the Women at Risk programme.
    2. Call on the Department to:

                a) Distinguish in its Women at Risk statistics between Stream A and Stream B cases;

                b) Continue to process expeditiously women with urgent protection needs through CR1 channels, but categorize them as Women at Risk Stream A for the purpose of statistics, where they meet the Women at Risk definition;

                c) Continue to process Women at Risk Stream B cases as a subset of the Joint Assistance Initiative, categorized for statistical purposes as Women at Risk Stream B;

    1. Reaffirm its former Women at Risk resolutions, with a particular emphasis on the call to negotiate the use of Reception Centres for the initial reception and (for CR5) matching of Women at Risk.
  • Res.: 20
    1. The B.C. government has passed two orders-in-council denying social assistance to newcomers and certain classes of refugees and immigrants;
    2. Effective November 1st 1995 immigrants who do not have a Minister's Permit or who are not in the refugee determination process or who are eligible for deportation will not be eligible for any form of social assistance;
    3. Effective December 1st, 1995, all newcomers to the province of B.C. including refugee claimants are not eligible for any form of social assistance for their first 90 days in the province;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR write immediately to the B.C. Minister of Social Services, Joy Macphail, to demand the immediate repeal of these regulations and to remind her of:

    1. Canada's international obligations to refugee claimants;
    2. The length of time rejected refugee claimants remain in Canada prior to deportation;
    3. The social and economic plight of newly arrived refugee claimants.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Settlement Renewal will have significant implications for settlement and integration services in Canada;
    2. A consultation on national principles was held at the CCR fall consultation with a broad participation including representatives from different provinces across Canada;
    3. A series of principles were generated.  A principle is defined as a commonly held, value-based guideline or framework that guides action;
    4. Consultation participants have expressed a need for further opportunities to provide a fuller input on the Settlement Renewal consultation;
    5. This consultation process on Settlement Renewal should be transparent, structured and inclusive with adequate federal funding;
    Therefore be it resolved:
    1. The settlement core group on behalf of the settlement working group:

    *  monitor the Settlement Renewal process;

    * further develop these principles and draft others which address gaps in the current set;

    * develop standards which relate to these principles;

    1. The CCR forward this document immediately, followed by any subsequent principles and standards, to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration for inclusion in the legal agreements between the Federal Government and partners as determined through the Settlement Renewal process;
    2. The CCR communicate these principles to all the participants of the Settlement Renewal workshop.


    National principles must be upheld by national standards.  These standards still need to be developed along with mechanisms which ensure compliance.

    1.   Client eligibility

    a) Settlement/integration services should be available to immigrants/refugees based on need rather than on immigration status or length of time in Canada;

    2.   Eligibility of Service Deliverers:

    b) Services which are mandated by provincial, regional, or local governments (health care, primary‑secondary education, administration of justice) should not be funded as settlement and integration services;

    c) Not‑for‑profit, community‑based organizations with proven track records, and a primary mandate in delivering settlement/integration services should be given funding priority;

    d) Service-providers should have expertise and skills in the field of settlement and integration;

    3.   Rights of clients:

    e) Providers of settlement and integration services must respect and protect fundamental rights of clients (eg. confidentiality, legal, etc.);

    f) Services should be delivered in a manner that is culturally and linguistically appropriate and free from racism and other forms of discrimination;

    g) Organizations collecting and using data must meet standards of appropriateness, confidentiality, validity, etc. and must be accountable to the clients whose information is being collected;

    4.   Comprehensiveness of services:

    h) Where appropriate and practical, clients should be able to choose from among service-providers the approach to service-delivery that best meets their needs;

    i) Settlement/integration services should:

    -  meet national standards,

    -  reflect changing needs of the local community,

    -  meet the self-defined needs of the individual immigrant/refugee;

    5.   Accessibility of services

    j) Services should be made accessible by identifying and removing systemic barriers;

    6.   Priority-setting and funding allocation process

    k)Where established, local or regional advisory bodies should identify local settlement and integration priorities.  These non-partisan bodies should be composed of community members with expertise in the provision of settlement services and reflect the ethno-racial composition of the client group;

    7.   Humanitarian Obligations

    l)Settlement Renewal should not reduce the federal government's national obligations to international responsibility-sharing and offering a safe haven to refugees.  The rights and needs of refugees must be integrated and guaranteed priority in the provision of settlement and integration services;

    8.   Accountability

    m) Allocation of settlement funds should be utilized solely for settlement/integration services;

    n) Methods for ensuring accountability should be appropriate, realistic and cost effective. They should:

    -reflect accountability methods already in place;

    -not constitute "undue scrutiny" in comparison with practices for other comparable service sectors;

    9.   Enduring Federal Role

    o) A strong federal role must include a commitment to continue to fund settlement services at a rate not less than the 1994/95 funding level.

  • Res.: 15
    1. The CCR has already on numerous occasions expressed its concerns relating to the manner in which removals are effected and has adopted various resolutions calling on the government to address those concerns;
    2. The public revelation that an immigration officer committed forgery with a view to speeding removal has prompted the Department to ask Roger Tassé to assess removals procedures;
    3. The subsequent arrest of two other immigration officers on charges of forgery only confirms the fundamental nature of the problem;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR, in addition to other previously adopted recommendations:

    1. Call on the Department to:
      • Establish accountability mechanisms, including civilian oversight or an ombudsman, for the Enforcement Branch of the Immigration Department;
      • Protect the deportee's identity vis-a-vis the country to which they are being deported;
      • Respect the principle of family unity by ordering that removals never be effected when the removal would lead to family separation;
    2. Endorse the following recommendations of the assessment of the CIC-RCMP task force, dated May 25, 1995:
      • that the Department develop a Code of Conduct and Discipline for investigators;
      • that the Department undertake a pro-active recruiting campaign to attract women and visible minorities to the enforcement function;
      • that the Department design and implement a community based approach to the issue of illegal immigration;
      • that all persons employed in the enforcement function receive cross cultural training.