Organizations that support the general goals of the CCR but cannot appropriately join as full members may seek observer status. Observers do not have the right to vote, but otherwise enjoy the same privileges as members (regular communications, free participation in webinars and lower registration rates at Consultations). The same fee scale as for members applies.
To apply to become an Observer, please complete the CCR Observer application form online and attach the required documents. This fee structure tells you what fee to pay according to your organization's budget.
Applications for Observer status, like membership, are subject to approval by the CCR Executive. For the Committee to evaluate a membership application from an organization, the following information is needed:
- A completed online application form, including attached copies of
- your organization's mission statement or constitution, or a description of the work it does relating to refugees and immigrants
- the last completed financial report
- The first year's membership fee
Once we receive your completed application we will present it for approval to the CCR Executive Committee, and you will be informed of the outcome.