CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 4
    1. CCR passed Resolution 24 in December 2001 and subsequently has held regional workshops and a national conference to explore the issues domestically.
    2. The Conference identified data collection, education and awareness-raising as key priorities.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge Canadian Heritage/Status of Women Canada to support the implementation and the recommendations from the National Conference on Trafficked Women and Children.
    2. Urge to the Federal Inter-Departmental Working Group to include CCR in the discussions on trafficked persons.
  • Res.: 9
    1. Canada issued over 87,000 temporary work permits last year;
    2. People living on temporary work permits are often in precarious and unstable situations;
    3. Many people living on work permits will eventually become landed in Canada;
    4. People living on temporary work permits are all contributing community members and paying taxes;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge CIC to expand eligibility to settlement services to those living on work permits.
    2. Undertake to examine the issues of, needs of and work being done with people living on temporary work permits.
  • Res.: 14
    1. CCR is celebrating 25 years of private sponsorship in Canada;
    2. Canada's resettlement targets, including for private sponsorship, have largely remained unchanged for the past 10 years, even though overall immigration targets have increased;
    3. An increase in overall resettlement targets reflects a commitment to refugee resettlement and may lead to an increase in resource allocation to resettlement processing.
    4. CCR has consistently maintained the three principles of private sponsorship; partnership, additionality and naming;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge the Canadian Government to set resettlement targets at a minimum of 8% of overall immigration targets, while respecting the private sponsorship principle of additionality;
    2. Work together with the SAH representatives to the NGO-Government Committee on the Private Sponsorship of Refugees to negotiate annual private sponsorship targets with CIC.
  • Res.: 19
    1. Canada is a party to the Palermo Protocol;
    2. CCR passed Resolution 24 in December 2001 and subsequently has held regional workshops and a national conference to explore the issues domestically.
    3. It was identified that a serious barrier exists for trafficked persons, in particular women and children, seeking assistance due to lack of access to legal status in Canada;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on the Government of Canada to expand the definition of protected persons to include trafficked persons.
    2. Call on the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to urgently develop a regulatory class.
    3. Call on CIC to give trafficked persons special consideration under H&C, and to accompany this with a regulatory stay.
    4. Insist that these measures not be tied to providing testimony and not be punitive.
    5. Call on CIC to give trafficked persons access to Interim Federal Health (IFH) benefits, work permits and legal aid.
    6. Call on the IRB to address the special circumstances of trafficked persons in the gender guidelines.
    7. Call on the federal and provincial governments to ensure that separated children have guardians assigned to them.
  • Res.: 24
    1. All protected persons, including children, applying as principal applicants for permanent residents must pay the $550 processing fee within180 days;
    2. This $550 fee is a significant and sometimes insurmountable barrier for many protected persons;
    3. In 1994 the CCR adopted a resolution condemning all cost-recovery fees for landing applications for refugees and their dependants;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask that the regulations be amended to waive the processing fee for all protected persons in Canada, consistent with the waiver of this fee for overseas protected persons.

  • Res.: 29
    1. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has noted with concern in its recent report on Canada that the "best interests" principle as a primary consideration in all decisions affecting children is not being observed by administrative and judicial authorities in many areas, including in decisions on deportation;
    2. The CCR adopted a resolution in November 2002 calling for guidelines on the best interests of the child;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call upon the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to develop guidelines for his officers to ensure that the best interests of children affected by a deportation decision are given "primary consideration" as required by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and that, for greater certainty, on public policy grounds, there is a presumption that deportation of the parent of a minor child in Canada would not be in the child's best interest.

  • Res.: 2
    1. Youth comprise a significant and often overlooked portion of the population.
    2. Youth are the leaders of tomorrow;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR encourage the involvement and participation of youth at every CCR consultation by designating a local youth organizing committee and furthermore that the CCR support youth participation.

  • Res.: 7
    1. The government of Canada made a commitment to Canadians for efficient program management in the document "Results for Canadians";
    2. The government of Canada made a commitment to the Voluntary Sector for rational reporting systems in the Voluntary Sector Accord and its Code of Good Practice on Funding;
    3. LINC providers in Ontario are being forced into a triple reporting structure because CIC's two computer systems, the regional ARS and the national iCAMS, are incompatible and unreliable;
    4. ISAP providers in Ontario are being forced into double reporting because NHQ and Ontario Region do not have the same reporting requirements;
    5. Both LINC and ISAP providers are forced to input large amounts of client data into systems with no capacity to assist program management;
    6. CIC provides no realistic support for this administrative burden;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That CCR write to Treasury Board and CIC urging them to:

    1. Stop the implementation of iCAMS until the issues between CIC national and CIC region have been resolved.
    2. Review the iCAMS system in light of the new Voluntary Sector agreement to ensure that it conforms with the Code of Good Practices on Funding.
    3. Take into consideration CCR's previous resolutions from May 2001(Res. 1), Dec. 2000 (Res. 16) and May 1999 (Res. 4).
  • Res.: 12
    1. Stateless people are in a vulnerable situation because they have no protection from a state;
    2. IRPA does not specify stateless persons as a group needing protection or eligible for landing on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Strongly urge the Minister to amend IRPA to include statelessness as a ground for protection (both in Canada and for resettlement).
    2. In the alternative, use the authority of subsection 25(1) to establish "protection of stateless persons" as a public policy category for permanent residence and amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations to include statelessness as a ground for resettlement to Canada.
    3. As an interim measure urge CIC to amend the Immigration Manual, Chapter IP5, to include statelessness as a factor for landing in H&C applications. ID requirements and establishment requirements should be waived in view of the special hardships faced by stateless persons.
  • Res.: 17
    1. The majority of refugee claimants in detention in Toronto and elsewhere are required to pay a bond to be released;
    2. Most refugee claimants do not have friends or relatives to pay the bond;
    3. The bail program in Toronto is very slow and does not accept all claimants.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask CIC and the IRB to release refugee claimants who satisfy their identity requirements, without a bond.

  • Res.: 22
    1. The Montreal Immigration and Refugee Board has been routinely refusing to grant any change of venue to refugee claimants despite proof of hardship;
    2. The refusals of requests for changes of venue have caused hardships for refugee claimants;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on the Immigration and Refugee Board to ensure that in all of its regions a request for change of venue not be rejected where a claimant can show that hardship would result from such a rejection.
    2. Call on the IRB and CIC to allow persons to choose their place of hearing where hardship would result from a refusal to grant this choice.
  • Res.: 2

    The provision of services of a certain quality is a social responsibility for agencies providing services to refugee and immigrant clients;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Support the development of a "Client Code of Rights" that will inform clients of their rights and outline a process of complaint when accessing services;
    2. Facilitate the endorsement of a client code of rights by CCR members.
  • Res.: 7
    1. The CCR is concerned globally with the plight of refugees and refugee welfare in their area or place of refuge;
    2. Financial assistance provided by CIDA multilaterally to UN agencies and other coordinating bodies does not always result in improving the actual provision of material assistance (food, water, shelter, non-food items, etc.) to refugees;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIDA to:

    1. In addition to providing funding to UN agencies, continue to provide humanitarian funding directly to non-governmental implementing organizations providing material assistance directly to refugees;
    2. Remain aware of the effectiveness and positive impact of aid provided to refugees and displaced persons;
    3. Increase the proportion of Official Development Assistance (ODA) directed to humanitarian relief and development assistance going to refugee situations and protracted camp situations.
  • Res.: 12
    1. The IRB is denying extensions of time for filing PIFs and where extensions are granted they are for 1-2 weeks maximum;
    2. This does not allow for difficulties claimants experience when they:
      a)are detained; b)require translation (language issues);
      c)require an experienced counsel (e.g. gender, sexual orientation);
      d)face delays in obtaining legal aid;
      e)reside in smaller centres with no easy access to counsel;
      f)are survivors of torture and trauma;
    3. The IRB is declaring abandonment even where a claimant has produced a PIF and has a reasonable explanation for the delay;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Ask the Chairperson of the IRB to issue a directive to allow for longer (1 month or more) extensions for filing of PIFs;
    2. Ask the IRB Chairperson to issue a directive that cases not be declared abandoned if the PIF is filed in advance of or at an abandonment hearing.
  • Res.: 5
    1. Young people are under-represented in the CCR;
    2. There are increasing numbers of separated children and youth coming to Canada;
    3. In order to remain relevant to immigrants and refugees, the CCR must find ways to increase youth participation;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR actively promote youth participation at all levels of the organization by:

    1. Having at least one youth workshop organized by youth for youth at CCR consultations;
    2. Finding ways to increase/encourage youth attendance at consultations;
    3. Exploring ways of linking and encouraging dialogue amongst youth that are interested in refugee and immigrant issues.
  • Res.: 10
    1. The Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have agreed on a cessation of hostilities and began peace negotiations to end almost two decades of civil war;
    2. Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in refugee camps in India met in February 2003 to discuss the peace process and agree on principles for their possible return home;
    3. The refugees have come out with a Memorandum of Concern stating that their return home should be "safe, orderly and as a consequence of a peace process that is transparent, democratic and inclusive with a visible commitment to protecting the rights of all Ceylon's citizens and the restoration of their social and material well-being";
    4. The refugees have asked for international support of their principles of return;
    5. The principles of return as outlined in the Nallayan Declaration Memorandum of Concern are in line with CCR concerns that refugees have a say in decisions impacting on their lives;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Endorse the Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees Memorandum of Concern outlining principles on return;
    2. Send a copy of the Memorandum of Concern to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, asking that Canada encourage the Sri Lankan Government to take steps to ensure that the refugees' concerns (as outlined in the memorandum of concern) are addressed in the peace process;
    3. Send a copy of the Memorandum of Concern to the Minister for International Cooperation, asking that her department (CIDA) provide financial support to demining and rehabilitation/reconstruction efforts in Sri Lanka;
    4. Ask the Government of Canada to encourage UNHCR to take steps to ensure that the refugees' concerns (as outlined in the memorandum of concern) are addressed in discussions, plans and programs on the possible voluntary return of the refugees home.
  • Res.: 3
    1. Permanent residents, protected persons and citizens have the right to establish a longstanding relationship by co-habiting with or marrying a partner of their choice and have children, regardless of status;
    2. Families are a key foundation of civil society and every effort should be taken to ensure that partners and their offspring are not separated;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR advocate to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to amend the regulations in order to create a class through which permanent residents, protected persons and citizens have the right to sponsor their partner and children in Canada, regardless of their status.

  • Res.: 8

    The on-going humanitarian and human insecurity problems continue to plague Iraqis displaced inside or outside the country;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge CIC to consider as a basis for a refugee claim the ongoing insecurity in the country when assessing applications for resettlement from Iraqis and process them fully;
    2. Raise with the Canadian government the need for:
      a)the immediate and ongoing clearing of unexploded ordinances including cluster bombs and landmines;
      b)a gendered understanding of the current humanitarian crisis in Iraq, that humanitarian and relief projects be particularly nuanced to address the needs of women and girls in war-torn Iraq, and that reconstruction projects in Iraq promote women in central and vital roles in the re-building of the institutions of civil and political life of the country.
  • Res.: 13
    1. People of Arab descent and Muslims of various ethnicities are experiencing being the target of increased discrimination, harassment and racialization following the events of September 11, 2001;
    2. Many such victims are reticent out of fear of making public such targeting;
    3. There is a need to broaden public awareness of what is happening in our communities concerning this targeting;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR identify and promote existing materials and work with other groups in facilitating the development of an educational component for public awareness, including the possibility of producing a video, focusing on post September 11 targeting and profiling of Arabs and Muslims in our communities.

  • Res.: 1
    1. Undocumented/non-status immigrants and refugees who have been living without status in Canada have made and continue to make vital contributions to our society;
    2. They have been denied access to basic social supports, health services and educational opportunities;
    3. They are exploited and marginalized because of lack of status;
    4. The rights of the children of undocumented/non-status immigrants and refugees, including those who are Canadian-born, are often violated and they and their parents have no recourse because they are fearful of being deported;
    5. An increasingly restrictive Canadian immigration policy serves as a prohibitive barrier to equitable access to immigration to Canada;
    6. In the past the Canadian Government has instituted special programs to regularize the status of such persons without status;
    7. A just and humane solution must be sought to address the problem of the large numbers of undocumented/non-status immigrants and refugees in the country;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR, together with other organizations and coalitions working for the rights of undocumented/non-status immigrants and refugees, advocate with CIC to develop a process that will allow those without status the opportunity to have their status regularized in Canada.

  • Res.: 6

    CCR Resolution 8, Nov. 1993 called for physical protection of refugee women in Africa and Resolution 17, June 1994 called for women at risk to have interviews waived;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge the Government of Canada to assign more officers to African visa posts, particularly Accra, Abidjan and Nairobi, with a mandate to process women at risk refugee files, and to ensure expedited processing by waiving interviews where UNHCR records are clear and complete to allow for in-Canada security and medicals where the woman and her dependant children's well-being is in doubt;
    2. Urge UNHCR to send additional resettlement officers to Africa for the identification and selection of women at risk;
    3. Urge CIDA to increase funding for the identification and protection of refugee women at risk and their children;
    4. Urge the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to direct visa officers to comply with their own overseas protection guidelines in processing vulnerable and at risk refugee cases (3 to 6 months).
  • Res.: 11
    1. The CCR passed a resolution in November 1994 on guidelines and education on sexual orientation for the IRB (Res. 16);
    2. There continues to be a lack of familiarity and sensitivity to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual (LGBT) issues and realities amongst some members of the IRB, RPOs and CIC employees as well as a continuing attitude of homophobia and heterosexism;
    3. Members are using the existence of LGBT organizations in the country of origin as evidence of acceptance in the country of origin;
    4. Members are using tourist promotional materials directed at LGBT North American communities as evidence of acceptance;
    5. Members incorrectly assume that there are no human rights abuses and therefore consider there is evidence of acceptance, in situations where both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are silent on specific countries;
    6. Some members state that claimants will experience no problems if they behave in a discreet manner in their country of origin;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Write to the Chairperson of the IRB requesting the development and implementation of guidelines for sexual orientation claims and that the guidelines be developed in consultation with the CCR and LGBT organizations;
    2. Request the IRB and CIC to provide ongoing sensitivity training on LGBT issues and realities for members, RPOs and CIC employees.
  • Res.: 4
    1. We are witnessing a significant increase in the number of immigrants recently, and trends indicate that this will likely continue for years to come;
    2. We see a significant increase in costs to deliver settlement services, due to increases in rents and other infrastructure costs, increased staff compensation levels, etc;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request CIC to:

    1. Provide a copy of the report prepared by the consultant on the national funding allocation formula;
    2. Share their vision/action plan for providing necessary sustainable funding to address service needs as well as organizations' operational needs.
  • Res.: 9
    1. CCR Resolution 39, June 1994 condemned cost recovery fees for Convention refugees and their dependants and requested that processing fees be eliminated for refugees and CCR Resolution 12, May 1995, called the Right of Landing Fee discriminatory, exclusionary and racist and called for the repeal of the Right of Landing Fee for all newcomers to Canada while recognizing the particular burden the head tax laid on refugees;
    2. CIC is likely to implement a "user pay" cost recovery fee to pay organizations abroad who are contracted to refer and/or process refugees for resettlement to Canada. The cost recovery mechanism will create additional debt burdens for refugees resettled to Canada;
    3. The cost recovery mechanism creates a two-tier system for refugees seeking resettlement because neither sponsors nor UNHCR charge fees to refugees for referral;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Reiterate its condemnation of the charging of application and/or processing fees and oppose the application of any new charges to refugees resettled to Canada, based on the resettlement referral;
    2. Call on CIC to ensure that sufficient funds are available through its own program budget funding to facilitate the applications, referrals and processing of all refugees abroad accepted for permanent residence.
  • Res.: 14
    1. The CCR passed a resolution to endorse the "Best Practice" Statement developed by the Focal Point on Separated Children (Res. 19, Nov. 2002);
    2. There has yet to be a national policy developed on separated children;
    3. There is no consistent definition of the term "separated children";
    4. Practices differ widely across the country;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration requesting the implementation of a national policy that is consistent with the Best Practices statement, and that the policy be developed in consultation with the CCR, NGOs and the UNHCR.