A Year in Review: Concerns in 2009 (PDF), 22 December 2009
- A Year in Review - htm
- Facilitator Guide for those involved in CCR twinning projects, developed for the CCR by Carolina Gajardo and Yaya de Andrade, 2009
- Message to Burundians, Rwandans and Liberians, 21 December 2009
- CCR blog, Opening a window for Benamar Benatta, 15 December 2009
- CCR blog, Parliament denies refugees appeal on the merits, 11 December 2009
- Report of Fall 2009 Consultation, December 2009, Windsor
- Report of National Forum on Trafficking, December 2009
- Resolutions adopted December 2009
- Media release, CCR elects new president at successful fall consultation, 9 December 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 4, Issue 8 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 December 2009
- Media release, Disturbing upsurge in rejections of Eritrean refugees in Cairo by Canada, 30 November 2009
- Comments on proposed changes to the Temporary Foreign Workers Program, 24 November 2009
- CCR blog #1, Children in detention, 16 November 2009
- Report, Detention and Best interests of the child, November 2009
- CCR annual report (2008-2009)
- Amina Malko Refugee Participation Fund, application form for 2010, deadline 17 December 2009
- Refugee Leadership Development Program, application form for 2010, deadline 17 December 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 4, Issue 7 (monthly e-bulletin), 3 November 2009
- Media release, Long delays at Nairobi visa office decried, 2 November 2009
- Report: Nairobi: Protection delayed, protection denied, October 2009
- Letter concerning confidentiality of claimant information (arrivals by boat), 22 October 2009
- From Permanent to Temporary Migration: Canada's Dramatic Policy Shift, pamphlet on temporary workers
- Web page on temporary foreign workers
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 4, Issue 6 (monthly e-bulletin), 5 October 2009
- Open letter to Prime Minister on Principles of Refugee Protection, 5 October 2009
- Pathways to Gender Justice Handbook: A practical tool for working with newcomers, 30 September 2009
- CCR fall consultation, 3-5 December 2009, Windsor, Building welcoming communities
- National Forum: Improving Services and Protection for Trafficked Persons, 2-3 December 2009, Windsor
- Media release, Refugees need protection, without discrimination, 17 September 2009
- Media release, Government must provide full disclosure on illegal transfer of Benamar Benatta, 9 September 2009
- Job vacancy, Conference organizer, deadline 14 September 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 4, Issue 5 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 September 2009
- Fact sheet for nationals of Burundi, Liberia and Rwanda without permanent status in Canada (following the lifting on 23 July 2009 of the moratoria for these three countries), August 2009.
The challenge of fair and effective refugee determination, 23 July 2009
- Media release, Visas on Mexico and Czech Republic close the door on refugees, 14 July 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 4, Issue 4 (monthly e-bulletin), 6 July 2009
Report of CCR Spring 2009 Consultation, May 2009, Quebec City
- Media release, World Refugee Day an opportunity to focus on refugees’ realities, 19 June 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 4, Issue 3 (monthly e-bulletin), 8 June 2009
- Resolutions adopted May 2009
- CCR Anti-Oppression Policy, adopted May 2009
- Lives in the balance: Understanding current challenges to the refugee claim process, May 2009, htm version
- Job vacancy, Executive Assistant, deadline 20 May 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 4, Issue 2 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 May 2009
- Amina Malko Refugee Participation Fund, application form for Spring 2009 Consultation, deadline 1 May 2009 (NB applicants must represent a CCR member organization)
- Fact sheet, Palestinian Refugees Forced Out of Iraq, April 2009
- Media release, CCR and AI Call for Suspension of Removal of Refugee Family, 8 April 2009
- Brief history of Canada’s responses to refugees, April 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 April 2009
- Statelessness and Canada: An introduction, March 2009
- Canada, the rights of the child and refugee and immigrant children, March 2009
- Media release, Canadian government should resettle Palestinian refugees forced out of Iraq, 25 March 2009
- Celebrate Refugee Rights Day: Refugee Rights Day page (April 4)
- 40th Anniversary of Canada signing the Refugee Convention, two-page fact sheet in PDF, March 2009 (to order copies: Publications order form)
- 2008 Refugee Claim Data & IRB Member Grant Rates, provided by Sean Rehaag, March 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 11 (monthly e-bulletin), 3 March 2009
- Media release, Canadian groups ready to welcome refugees resettled from Guantanamo, 10 February 2009
- Media release, Supreme Court denial of leave on safe third regretted, 5 February 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 10 (monthly e-bulletin), 4 February 2009
- Canadian Citizenship - Impacts of changes, February 2009
- Letter to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration concerning war resisters, 9 January 2009
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 9 (monthly e-bulletin), 6 January 2009
Report of CCR Fall Consultation, November 2008, Toronto
- Lives on Hold, Statement in light of La Presse article re. possibility of lifting of some moratoria, 18 December 2008
- Joint letter concerning Benamar Benatta, 11 December 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 8 (monthly e-bulletin), 8 December 2008
- Slide show prepared by Gloria Nafziger, International NGO Delegation to Palestinians on the Syria-Iraq border. Also availabe in Powerpoint version (with speaking notes) - a *big* file.
- From Fast Death to Slow Death: Palestinian Refugees from Iraq Trapped on the Syria-Iraq Border Summary Report of an International NGO Delegation, 24 November 2008
- Resolutions adopted November 2008
Annual status report 2008
November 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 7 (monthly e-bulletin), 4 November 2008
CCR annual report (2007-2008)
- Page on Djamel Ameziane, an Algerian refugee detained in Guantanamo
Amina Malko Refugee Participation Fund, application form for 2009, deadline 11 December 2008, (same document
Refugee Leadership Development Program, application form for 2009, deadline 11 December 2008 (same document
Release, Canada urged to offer refugee resettlement to detainee at Guantanamo, 22 October 2008 (release and backgrounder
- CCR fall consultation, 27-29 November, Toronto, Application for travel subsidy for youth (18-25 years) (word document)
- Response from NDP to elections questions (for questions, see Federal Elections 2008)
- Iraqi refugee crisis page
- End the burden of transportation loans page
- End the burden of transportation loans backgrounder
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 6 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 October 2008
- Release, Supreme Court asked to review Canada’s closing of the door on refugees, 29 September 2008
- State of Refugees in Canada, September 2008 (8-page booklet introducing the basics about refugee and other non-citizen issues)
- Transportation Loans Backgrounder, September 2008
- CCR Fall Consultation, 27 - 29 November 2008, Toronto: Pamphlet + Registration form
- Questions for federal elections, September 2008
- Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Laws in Violation of International Human Rights Standards, Submission of International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) in relation to the Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) (CCR is a member of ICLMG), September 2008
- The understanding and application of “Best Interests of the Child” in H & C decision-making by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, September 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 5 (monthly e-bulletin), 2 September 2008
- 2007 Refugee Claim Data & IRB Member Grant Rates, provided by Sean Rehaag, August 2008
- 30 years of the CCR: a brief historical review, August 2008
- Comments for C-50 Instructions Consultations, August 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 4 (monthly e-bulletin), 2 July 2008
- Media release, Rights Groups Express Dismay with Appeal Court Ruling on Safe Third Country, 2 July 2008
- Justice for refugees and immigrants: some key issues, pamphlet, June 2008 (printed copies are also available for order - see order form)
- Media release, Senate vote worth celebrating this World Refugee Day, 20 June 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 3 (monthly e-bulletin), 3 June 2008
- Comments in response to May 2008 Report of the Auditor General on Detention and Removal of Individuals, 2 June 2008
- Resolutions adopted May 2008
- Student job offer (Montreal), deadline 4 June 2008
- Advisory, Canadian Council for Refugees Spring Consultation, 22-24 May, 14 May 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 2 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 May 2008
- CCR spring consultation, Application for travel subsidy: Youth (ages 18-25) - deadline 9 May
- Letter to the Prime Minister concerning Bill C-50, 18 April 2008
- Bill C-50 - Proposed amendments to IRPA, Questions and Answers and 10 reasons to be concerned
- Media release, Children separated from their families by immigration rules (R. 117(9)(d)), 7 April 2008
Families Never to be United: Excluded Family Members (R. 117(9)(d)), backgrounder and case profiles, April 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 3, Issue 1 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 April 2008
- DVD, 'The Cost of Separation', 9 minutes. The film highlights the impacts of prolonged family separation on three parents who are recognized as refugees in Canada. Available for order, $5 (includes shipping).
- Release, Canada’s response to Iraqi refugee crisis inadequate, 19 March 2008
- Release, Legislative amendments will hurt family reunification for children, 17 March 2008
- Call for action to promote the rapid passage of Bill C-280 (Refugee Appeal Division)
- Celebrate Refugee Rights Day: Refugee Rights Day page (April 4)
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 11 (monthly e-bulletin), 4 March 2008
Resettlement of refugees with medical needs, Paper prepared for the Working Group on Resettlement, February 2008
CCR Regional Promoters Program: information about the program and application form. (Same documents in
). Deadline 15 March 2008.
Strategies for intervening in family reunification cases: Practical guide, February 2008
This guide addresses: A. Children overseas separated from refugee parents in Canada; B. Excluded family members (s. 117(9)(d)); C. Landing of refugees with family members whose files are not finalized; D. DNA testing; E. Beginning processing of dependants overseas of protected persons. - Comments to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration on Bill C-37 (An Act to amend the Citizenship Act), 11 February 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 10 (monthly e-bulletin), 4 February 2008
- Stay of Safe Third Country Decision puts refugees’ lives at risk, 1 February 2008
- Comments on the Canadian Experience Class proposal, 28 January 2008
- Report of CCR Fall 2007 consultation, Ottawa
- Job posting, Coordinator - Gendered Approach to Settlement, deadline 4 February 2008
- Release, New threats of prosecution for helping refugees, 17 January 2008
- Job posting, Contract position: 30th anniversary coordinator, deadline 25 January 2008
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 9 (monthly e-bulletin), 8 January 2008
- Printed copies of the popular Facing Facts pamphlet are now available: Order form
- Calling all artists! Design a logo for the CCR’s 30th birthday!
- Enhancing Settlement Sector Capacity: A Project of the National Task Force on Professionalization in the Settlement Sector, December 2007
- Protecting the rights of migrant workers in Canada, November 2007
- Resolutions adopted November 2007
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 8 (monthly e-bulletin), 11 December 2007
Iraqi refugee crisis: Call for increased Canadian response, December 2007
New documents on trafficking:
Proposal for legislative amendment
Frequently asked questions (to accompany the proposal)
Information pamphlet
Proposal for legislative amendment
Annual status report 2007
Submission on Bill C-3 (security certificates), 26 November 2007
Making Speedy Family Reunification a Priority, Backgrounder, November 2007
- Media release, Safe Third Country Decision Welcomed by Rights Organizations and John Doe, 30 November 2007
- Media release, Launch of “proud to aid and abet refugees” campaign, 29 November 2007
“Proud to aid and abet refugees” campaign, backgrounder, 29 November 2007
- "Proud to aid and abet refugees" campaign webpage
- Refugee Leadership Development Program, application form for 2008, deadline 13 December 2007
- Amina Malko Refugee Participation Fund, application form for 2008, deadline 13 December 2007
Manifesto on family reunification
Making speedy family reunification a priority, backgrounder, November 2007
- Advisory, Fall Consultation: ‘Breaking the Barriers to Refugee and Immigrant Rights’, 22 November 2007
- New Refugee Claim Data & IRB Member Grant Rates, provided by Sean Rehaag, 17 November 2007
- Media release, Former Cabinet ministers, faith leaders speak out against prosecutions for aiding and abetting refugees, 9 November 2007
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 7 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 November 2007
- Media release, Rights organizations oppose Bill C-3 on unfair security certificates, 23 October 2007
International Conference on refugee rights: CALL FOR PROPOSALS
Deadline for submitting applications: 11 January 2008 - Media release, CCR and Amnesty International condemn summary removal of refugee claimants, 10 October 2007
- Globe and Mail op ed, Are we all smugglers now?, 9 October 2007
- Refugee claimants in Canada: some facts, 5 October 2007
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 6 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 October 2007
Comments on Private Sponsorship of Refugees evaluation (document prepared jointly with the elected Sponsorship Agreement Holder representatives), September 2007
- Media release, Prosecution of refugee advocate denounced, 27 Sept. 2007
- Media release, Canadian refugee system made vulnerable by government inaction, 25 Sept. 2007
- CCR Fall Consultation, 29 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2007, Ottawa: Pamphlet + Registration form
- Notice to persons in the US who wish to claim refugee status at the Canadian border (version in Spanish; version in creole)
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 5 (monthly e-bulletin), 4 September 2007
Fact sheet for nationals of moratoria countries without permanent status in Canada
or in PDF - CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 4 (monthly e-bulletin), 3 July 2007
Spring 2007 Consultation report, 24-26 May 2007, Edmonton - or in PDF
- Resolutions adopted May 2007
- Letter to Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security re. "no-fly" list, 15 June 2007
- Facing Facts powerpoint presentation (accompanies Facing Fact pamphlet)
- Media release, CCR celebrates the strengths refugees bring to Canada, 20 June 2007
Submission on Excluded Family Members, R. 117(9)(d), June 2007
- Media release, CCR calls on parliament to abandon unfair security certificates, 7 June 2007
Security certificates: Next steps, June 2007
+ summary of key points or in version PDF
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 3 (monthly e-bulletin), 4 June 2007
- Implementation of the Refugee Appeal Division - take action
- CCR youth network video posted on YouTube - check it out!
- Media release, Government bill takes the wrong approach to the problem of trafficking, 22 May 2007
- Open letter regarding Benamar Benatta, illegally transferred to US authorities on 12 September 2001.
Supplementary submission to Cabinet with respect to the designation of the U.S. as a safe third country for refugees, April 2007
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 2 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 May 2007
Submission to International Commission of Jurists Eminent Jurists Panel on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights, 25 April 2007
Canadian involvement in Benamar Benatta’s ordeal cries out for review, 18 April 2007 (press kit)
- Media release, Canada urged to resettle more Iraqi refugees, 16 April 2007
Backgrounder, Canada urged to respond to Iraqi refugees, 16 April 2007 or in printable format
- Groups appalled at Canada’s disregard for UN Committee Against Torture decision, 12 April 2007
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (monthly e-bulletin), 5 April 2007
Revised version of popular pamphlet: Facing facts: myths and misconceptions about refugees and immigrants in Canada (in html) or in PDF: Facing facts: myths and misconceptions about refugees and immigrants in Canada
(print double-sided on 8.5x14 inch paper)
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 11 (monthly e-bulletin), 14 March 2007
- CCR spring consultation, 24-26 May, Edmonton
- Media release: Lives on hold: The faces behind humanitarian and compassionate applications, 7 March 2007
- Media advisory: Press conference (7 March): Lives on hold: The faces behind humanitarian and compassionate applications, 5 March 2007
- Media release: Groups dismayed over politicization of appointments to Immigration and Refugee Board, 27 February 2007
- Proposal for legislative amendment to protect trafficked persons, February 2007
- Refugee Rights Day page (April 4 is Refugee Rights Day)
- Media advisory: Supreme Court decision on security certificates, 20 February 2007
Summary of arguments in security certificate cases (Charkaoui, Harkat and Almrei) by the intervener composed of a coalition including the Canadian Council for Refugees (same document in PDF
- Safe Third Country, Brief to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, 16 February 2007
Opinion piece, America no "safe haven" for refugees, published in the Toronto Star, 7 February 2007(same document in PDF
- Media advisory: Court and Parliament to hear Safe Third Country Challenge, 1 February 2007 CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 10 (monthly e-bulletin), 1February 2007
- Letter to Minister of Public Safety concerning detention conditions for security certificate detainees, 30 January 2007
- Page on Safe Third Country
Call for implementation of the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD), one pager
Suggested notes for meeting your MP to call for implementation of the RAD
- Media release, Court ruling on credentials challenges discriminatory practices against refugees, 12 January 2007
CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 9 (monthly e-bulletin), 3 January 2007
Resolutions adopted November 2006
Resolutions Book, November 2006 (summary of CCR resolutions up to June 2006 and responses)
Page on the Refugee Appeal Division, December 2006 (same information in PDF): Refugee Appeal Division, Backgrounder, 13 December 2006
Media release and backgrounder, Government urged to recognize that U.S. is less safe than ever, 6 December 2006
Executive summary of Less safe than ever
CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 8 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 December 2006
Pathways to Gender Justice: A toolkit for people working in the refugee and immigrant serving sector in Canada
(large file)
For a printed copy of the toolkit in a folder, see the order form
Gender-based analysis of settlement, Research report, November 2006
Media release, Governmental safe third review asks wrong questions, 16 November 2006
CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 7 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 November 2006
Letter to the Prime Minister opposing the arming of CBSA, 26 October 2006
Media release, Government cuts will hurt refugees and immigrants, 11 October 2006
CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 6 (monthly e-bulletin), 2 October 2006
Calling refugee youth - Application form for the Amina Malko Refugee Participation Fund (partial funding for refugee youth, aged 18 to 25 years, to attend the CCR fall consultation). Deadline 20 October 2006
Media release, Lives on hold: The limits of humanitarian and compassionate applications, 26 September 2006
Report: Lives on hold: The limits of H&C, September 2006
Media advisory, Press conference - Lives on hold: The limits of humanitarian and compassionate applications, 25 September 2006
CCR fall consultation, Montreal, 23-25 November 2006:
Consultation pamphlet including program
Registration form
Consultation flyer
Consultation pamphlet including program
- Media release, Government Appointment Failures Hurt Refugees, 21 September 2006
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 5 (monthly e-bulletin), 6 September 2006
- Page providing information to rebut false allegations in a chain email re. financial assistance received by refugees
- Resolutions, adopted June 2006
- Proposal for the regularization of individuals and families without status, adopted June 2006
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 4 (monthly e-bulletin), 4 July 2006
- Media release, CCR calls for stay of removal while threat of torture examined, 29 June 2006
- Letter sent to Minister of Public Safety, Return to torture, 29 June 2006
- Media release, No refugee appeal means no government accountability, 28 June 2006
- Media release, International detention coalition launch marks World Refugee Day, 20 June 2006
- Media Advisory, International Refugee Rights Conference, 13 June 2006
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 3 (monthly e-bulletin), 2 June 2006
- Media release: CCR welcomes emergency protection measure for trafficked persons, 11 May 2006
- Media release: Call for a solution for nationals of moratoria countries living in limbo, 9 May 2006
- Media advisory: Call for Solution for Thousands Living in Legal Limbo in Canada, 4 May 2006
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 2 (monthly e-bulletin), 1 May 2006
- Media Release: Canadian Council for Refugees addresses UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1 May 2006
- Speaking notes, Presentation to UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1 May 2006
- Lives on Hold page (in preparation for the Day of Actions, 9 May 2006)
The Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program: Current Challenges and Opportunities, April 2006
- CCR Chronicle, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (monthly e-bulletin), 3 April 2006
Manifesto on Family Reunification. April 2006.
We invite organizations to endorse this manifesto.
- Issues for Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) roundtable, 27-28 March 2006
- Media Release: Safe Third Country Agreement Shown to Violate Refugee Rights, 29 March 2006
- Media Release: CCR Criticizes Canada’s Treatment of Non-citizens in Report to United Nations Committee, 21 March 2006
Non-Citizens in Canada: Equally Human, Equally Entitled to Rights
Report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on Canada’s compliance with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, March 2006 -
Backgound information (to accompany submission above)
June 2006 International Refugee Rights Conference Flyer
Gender-Based Approach to Settlement, Invitation to Conduct Informal Meetings
(As part of the CCR's Gender-Based Approach to Settlement project, we are inviting members and others to hold informal meetings to learn about applying a gender-based analysis and to give input into the project.) - Release: Court Finds Refugee Hearing Procedures Unlawful, 13 January 2006
- Gender-Based Approach To Settlement: Call for Proposals from Local Host Organizations, January 2006
- Release: Groups launch legal challenge of Safe Third Country Agreement, 29 December 2005
Report: Closing the Front Door on Refugees: Report on the First Year of the Safe Third Country Agreement, 29 December 2005
- Suggested questions for election campaign, 13 December 2005
Letter regarding non-implementation of the Refugee Appeal Division (joint CCR, AI, KAIROS letter to all Members of Parliament),
November 2005
- Resolutions adopted November 2005
Resolutions Book, summary of resolutions 1992 to June 2005, and follow up, November 2005
(74 pages)
- Release: CCR elects new president and releases annual status report, 22 November 2005
Annual Status Report 2005
(an overview of how the Canadian federal government addressed refugee and immigration issues over the past year)
Campaign for protection for trafficking persons: Postcard template
(for more information about trafficking)
CCR Refugee Leadership Development Program.
Consult this document for information about and an application form for a new program to promote strong representation of people with a refugee experience in positions of volunteer leadership within the CCR. Deadline for applications: 8 December 2005
Amina Malko Refugee Participation Fund.
Use this document to apply to a fund to support refugees who wish to participate in CCR meetings in 2006. Deadline for applications: 8 December 2005
- Release: CCR denounces unfair security inadmissibility provisions, 8 November 2005
Invitation to action: Lives on hold. Please print and gather signatures on this petition in favour of permanent residence for moratorium country nationals living in limbo:
to accompany the petition.
- Release: Rights groups remind government of broken promises on refugee appeal, 14 October 2005
- Launch of family reunification campaign page!
Refugees and non-citizens in Canada: Key concerns regarding Canada’s compliance with the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR), Submission to the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations, 16 September 2005
- Media profiling by immigration status - call for action
Anti-Terrorism Act Review, Brief to the House of Commons Subcommittee on Public Safety and National Security of the Standing Committee on Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, 8 September 2005
- Canada not meeting its obligation toward refugees, op-ed by Janet Dench and Rick Goldman, Montreal Gazette, 10 August 2005
- Release: Closing the Door on Refugees: First Six Months of Safe Third Country Agreement, 4 August 2005
- Release:CCR calls for permanent status for nationals of moratoria countries, 20 July 2005
Report: Lives on Hold: Nationals of Moratoria Countries Living in Limbo, July 2005
(see also the petition and pamphlet on this issue)
- Joint Statement on Refugee Appeal Division, 20 June 2005
- Release: World Refugee Day this year is bittersweet, 20 June 2005
- Resolutions adopted June 2005
- Submission on the occasion of the visit to Canada of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, 8 June 2005
- Comments on Canada's compliance with Convention Against Torture, article 3, 28 April 2005
- Open letter regarding settlement services in BC, 27 April 2005
- Serious flaws in reporting on the refugee system: Comment on Globe and Mail article, Canada’s welcome mat frayed and unraveling”, 16 April 2005
Families never to be united: Excluded Family Members, April 2005 (two-pager explaining the impact of the excluded family member rule) Same document in PDF
- Report on Refugee Rights Day 2005 activities
Brief of International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG) to the House of Commons'
committee reviewing the Anti-Terrorism Act (C-36), April 2005 (the CCR is a member of ICLMG)
- Release: CCR calls on government to honour the Singh anniversary by implementing the Refugee Appeal Division, 31 March 2005
The Refugee Appeal: Is no one listening?, 31 March 2005
- Media release: UN Committee Against Torture Decision Highlights Inadequacies, 14 March 2005
Booklet on Refugee Rights Day
Confronting myths about refugees(Pamphlet version in PDF
- Public education page
- Media advisory: Upcoming 20th anniversary of Singh decision - Refugee Rights Day, 17 February 2005
- Report on CCR Fall 2004 consultation
- Media Release: CCR decries shortfall in privately sponsored refugees admitted, 3 February 2005
- Safe third country: Frequently Asked Questions, January 2005
- Media Release: Refugee Camp In School Buses At Fort Erie Border, 24 December 2004
10 reasons why safe third country is a bad deal, Updated February 2005 ( Pamphlet version
(print on legal paper)
- Media Release: Safe third country agreement closes the doors on refugees, 1 December 2004
- Resolutions, November 2004
- Open letter to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration re. comments in Nov. 11 Globe and Mail article, 25 November 2004
- Media Release: Canada must offer protection to trafficked persons and Backgrounder, 25 November 2004
- Media release: Canada is failing refugee and immigrant children, 20 November 200
Report: Impacts on children of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, November 2004
Annual status report on refugees and immigrants, November 2004
- Powerpoint presentation of highlights of above document
- Media release: Refugee Families Endure Years of Separation, 11 November 2004
Report: More than a Nightmare: Delays in Refugee Family Reunification, November 2004
CCR annual report, 2003-04
- Canadian Council for Refugees Seeks Solutions to Key Problems Faced by Refugees in Canada, 21 October 2004
Feeling the chill: Discrimination against Muslims and Arabs in Canada, October 2004. Pamphlet, 8 1/2" x 14".
- CCR releases report on delays in refugee sponsorship, 14 October 2004
No Faster Way? Private sponsorship of refugees: Overseas processing delays, 14 October 2004
Three key issues: October 2004
An Inventory of Needs and Opportunities in the Integration of Resettled Refugees, September 2004
A Project of the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement
implemented by the Canadian Council for RefugeesLetter to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration regarding sanctuary, 28 July 2004 Same document in PDF - Resettlement, Durable Solutions and Signatory Countries: Policy Position, 30 June 2004
- Refugee Determination System: CCR Essential Principles, June 2004
- Release. World Refugee Day: The CCR deplores the separation of refugee families, 18 June 2004
- Resolutions adopted May 2004
- Federal elections 2004: Questions for political parties
- CCR decries security policy's impact on refugees, 28 April 2004
Talking About Refugees and Immigrants: A Glossary Of Terms, 22 April 2004 ( Same document in PDF
- Questions about Canada's Security Agenda and its Impact on Refugees & Immigrants, 22 April 2004
Same document in PDF (NB print on legal size paper)
- Release: National Organizations Meet with Deputy Prime Minister - Groups ask for a "full and thorough" review of existing security legislation, 21 April 2004
- Release: CCR denounces Québec budget cuts for immigrant services, 6 April 2004
- Release: Rights Groups Urge OAS to Declare Canadian Refugee Policy a Rights Abuse, 1 April 2004
The Petition
- Anti-terrorism and the Security Agenda: Consequences on citizenship, immigration and refugee policies in Canada, presentation made at the Forum of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), 17 February 2004
- Key Issues: Immigration and Refugee Protection, March 2004
Trafficking in Women and Girls: Report of meetings, fall 2003
, 26 February 2004
- What does it take to win protection? Lessons from the Song Dae Ri case, 25 February 2004
- Cuts to Legal Aid in BC Threaten Fundamental Refugee Rights, Release, 6 February 2004
Overview of Canada's immigration history, Powerpoint presentation
(NB presenter should refer to the document A hundred years of Immigration to Canada) - New Security Certificate Rules Further Reduce Rights, Release, 26 January 2004
Government restructuring: new border agency, January 2004
Also in PDF - Comments on proposed regulations re. immigration consultants, 12 January 2004
- New Border Agency Threatens Refugee Protection in Canada, 8 January 2004
- CCR announces new President, 12 December 2003
- Resolutions, November 2003
- 25 Years of Sponsoring, Remarks by Tom Denton at CCR fall consultation, November 2003
Comments on proposed amendments to Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations,
published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, 27 September 2003, Comments submitted 25 November 2003 - Canada's refugee and immigration programs fail to make the grade: release on report card, 20 November 2003
- First annual report card on Canada's refugee and immigration policies, 20 November 2003
- Comments to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration on the Proposed National Identity Card, 6 November 2003
- Report of CCR delegation to EXCOM 2003, November 2003
- CCR calls on RCMP to address anti-refugee prejudices, release and backgrounder, 21 October 2003
- Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition, News release, 9 October 2003
- Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition, Why do people turn to sanctuary, 9 October 2003
Protecting refugees: Where Canada's refugee system falls down In pamphlet format
Interdiction and Refugee Protection: Bridging the Gap, Proceedings of International Workshop, 29 May 2003
- CCR denounces detention based on suspicion, media release, 2 September 2003
- Is there access? Are there rights? Address to the Canadian Council for Refugees meeting, Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada (English branch), 29 May 2003
- CCR calls for moratorium on removals to Colombia, media release, 9 July 2003
- New page on trafficking in women and girls
- CBA, CCR criticize immigration minister for failing to keep his promise on refugee appeal, media release, 26 June 2003
- World Refugee Day: CCR calls attention to refugee youth in Canada, media release, 19 June 2003
- Resolutions May 2003
- New page on interdiction
- Ontario conservatives seek anti-immigrant vote, media release, 19 May 2003 Comments on settlement and integration to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, 16 April 2003
Statement in response to 2003 Report of the Auditor General of Canada, Chapter 5, Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Control and Enforcement, 15 April 2003 Canada turns its back on refugees, 3 April 2003, press release printer friendly pdf version
- Refugee Rights in Canada, "Two steps forward, six steps back," 3 April 2003,
- backgrounder Impacts of the current Canadian border policy, 14 March 2003
- All is not well at the border, 7 March 2003
- Forced returns of refugee claimants to the US by the Canadian government: Questions and Answers, March 2003
CCR celebrates 10th anniversary of Canadian Gender Guidelines, 4 March 2003 Some stories of women accepted under the Immigration and Refugee Board Gender Guidelines,
March 2003 - Comments on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Immigration and Refugee Board Gender Guidelines, March 2003
Refugees and Security, February 2003 (revised version of paper examining situation of refugees found inadmissible on the grounds of security)
- Refugee Protection Claim Process - An overview brochure now available on the Immigration and Refugee Board website, 18 February 2003
- Comments of the Canadian Council for Refugees on Bill C-17, "Public Safety Act", 11 February 2003
- Refugee claimants sent back to detention in US, 31 January 2003
- Statement on threat of war against Iraq, 15 January 2003
- Reduction in refugee numbers must trigger reversal of anti-refugee measures, 13 January 2003
- State of Refugees in Canada (overview of the issues)
- Release: CCR asks: "Who makes the laws in Canada: Parliament or the politicians?" 18 December 2002
- Resolutions November 2002
- Tom Denton's Keynote Address - CCR Consultation, Plenary Session, Fall 2002
- Comments on the Standing Committee on C-18, proposed citizenship bill, 21 November 2002
- CCR EXCOM report 2002
- Comments to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration on the Proposed Safe Third
- Country Regulations, 14 November 2002
- Do We Still Think the US is a Safe Country?, 6 November 2002
- CCR Asks: "How Safe Is the USA?", 18 October 2002
- Since September 11: A bad year for refugees in Canada, 11 September 2002
- Comments on Proposed agreement for cooperation in the examination of refugee status claims from nationals of third countries, 30 July 2002
- UNHCR comments on the US-Canada Safe Third Country agreement, 26 July 2002
- CCR Denounces Secret Side-Deal, 12 July 2002