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CCR Resolutions Database
- Res.: 2Whereas:
- CIC is considering implementing a new “Canadian Experience” Class;
- CIC has indicated that this proposed new class will be restricted to highly skilled workers;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Express to CIC that this class be open to all applicants regardless of skill level.
- Express to the Quebec government that it should to give temporary foreign workers access to permanent residence class without regard to skill levels.
- Formally adopt the position paper prepared for the consultation with CIC on the proposed class as its formal position on the class.
- Res.: 7Whereas:
- The Canadian government has proceeded with extradition requests against Protected Persons, putting them at risk of return to the country where they have a well-founded fear of persecution;
- In some cases the extradition request seems to be based on evidence that may be motivated by racism;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR ask the Government of Canada to give full respect to obligations under the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Convention Against Torture, and not to proceed with extradition requests against Protected Persons unless status has been vacated or extradition would be justified under the Conventions.
- Res.: 5Whereas:
- Resettled refugees and dependants abroad of protected persons are required to repay the costs of overseas medical exams, IOM processing charges, and travel costs;
- Under IRPA, Canada has made a commitment to resettle refugees who are most in need of protection, many of whom have multiple barriers to their integration;
- Repayment of these loans by single mothers, youth, and families further marginalizes and impoverishes these groups, diminishing their capacity to integrate;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR call upon the Governments of Canada and Quebec to absorb the costs of the transportation and overseas medical expenses for resettled refugees and dependants abroad of protected persons, without reducing the total number of resettled refugees.
- Res.: 3Whereas:
- Children’s entitlement to education, protective services, and other supports is determined by age;
- Dates of birth on CIC issued documentation are frequently erroneous;
- The process for changing such information is cumbersome, onerous, and lengthy, taking time that child do not have;
- There are few security implications for altering birth dates for minors;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR request CIC to review the process for changing data on ID documents, with a view to making the process much faster and less difficult for children.
- Res.: 1Whereas:
- The CCR is committed to providing in its workplace and meeting spaces an environment free of harassment and discrimination for all its employees, volunteers, executive members, members, conference/consultation/workshop/working group and core group participants, guest speakers, resource persons, observers and all other persons associated with the CCR and its activities;
- Any individual or individuals who believe that they have been subjected to harassment or discrimination may wish to initiate a complaint for resolution by the CCR;
Therefore be it resolved:That
- The CCR membership adopt the “Procedures for lodging a complaint of harassment or discrimination and Process for enquiry and Resolution” approved by the CCR Executive for immediate implementation;
- This document replace the Complaints Procedure in the Anti-Racism Policy.
- Res.: 6Whereas:
- Women who have been accepted as refugees or permanent residents in Canada and who are seeking family reunification with their children overseas are required to produce a signed consent form from the father, or a custody order if the parents have separated;
- This creates an unfair burden on women in some cases, especially in cases of domestic violence;
- Such demands are leading to delays which, in some cases, compromise the best interests of children affected;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR request that the Canadian Government find alternative solutions, which correct gender imbalance and respect the best interests of the child, in such cases.
- Res.: 2Whereas:
- Working group members need a secure environment in which to discuss issues;
- Historical and current practice is that government officials are excluded from working group meetings, but exceptions have been made in particular cases;
- A clear statement of the policy is needed;
Therefore be it resolved:That:
- The working group meetings are closed to anyone employed by government;
- Exceptions to this general rule can be made by Working Group chairs, in consultation with Working Group members.
- Res.: 7Whereas:
- The situation created by the massive numbers of persons who have fled Iraq to neighbouring countries is putting heavy strain on the infrastructures of these countries and is threatening to destabilize them to the extent that they will be unable to accommodate the refugees already there and those arriving;
- The international response from Canada and other members of the international community has not reflected the gravity of the need for intervention, especially through comprehensive approaches to supporting the host countries, with donations of bilateral aid and other assistance to sustain protection and local integration;
- There are Canadians, including Iraqi Canadians, who want to respond with offers of resettlement to Iraqi refugees;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR call on the Canadian government to:
- Provide increased bilateral and multilateral support to Syria, Jordan and other neighbouring countries in the region that are hosting over two million Iraqi refugees.
- Urge the governments in the region to keep their borders open to Iraqi refugees seeking asylum.
- Increase overall resettlement targets (for both government-assisted and privately sponsored refugees) so that there can be a significant increase in numbers of Iraqi refugees resettled to Canada, without reducing the number of refugees resettled from other regions.
- Expedite the processing of Iraqi refugees being resettled to Canada, including the security checks.
- Educate the Canadian public about the needs of Iraqi refugees and promote the involvement of Canadians in the private sponsorship of Iraqi refugees.
- Respond positively to UNHCR referrals for resettlement of Palestinian refugees in the border camps between Iraq and Syria.
- Press other countries not to forcibly return Iraqis to their country of origin.
- Allocate additional resources to the Damascus mission to ensure that the processing of refugees is not negatively affected by the expediting of family class applications.
- Res.: 5Whereas:
- The death of Mr. Dziekanski, a Polish immigrant in Canada on October 14, 2007 at Vancouver International Airport after being hit by an RCMP taser has shocked many Canadians and has damaged Canada’s reputation globally as a civil and human right pioneer;
- At least 17 people have so far died in Canada following the use of tasers by police;
- The use of taser guns and other electric-shock devices is subject to abuse and these weapons have the capacity to inflict multiple and prolonged shocks;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR write to the appropriate authorities, protesting against the death of Mr. Dziekanski and call for the following measures:
- Systemic and ongoing education and training for police and other enforcement officers on human rights, non-discrimination and against torture and other inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment;
- Improved services at all points of entry and immediate changes in the way officials deal with international travellers so that they feel welcomed and protected and feel safe.
- Res.: 10Whereas:
- There are serious problems with the understanding and application of the notion of “Best Interests of the Child” by CIC officials;
- The practice with regard to “ Best Interest of the Child” has strayed far from the “substantial weight” required by the Supreme Court in Baker and the “primary consideration” mandated by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR call upon the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to conduct a departmental review of the understanding and application, by CIC officials, of the notion of “Best Interests of the Child”; that the CCR, the UNHCR and other members of civil society be consulted as part of this review, and that the results of this review be made public.
- Res.: 3Whereas:
- CIC has developed and implemented a gender-based tool to identify differential impacts of policies, programs and services;
- IRB has developed and implemented guidelines on gender-related persecution;
- Gender is only one among many factors of oppression that have a differential impact on refugees and immigrants;
- CCR believes in and promotes a full, comprehensive and integrated anti-oppression framework of analysis that includes race, gender (including gender identity and expression), class, ability, sexuality (including sexual orientation), ethnicity, religion, age, nationality and immigration status;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
Urge CIC and the IRB to work with CCR to:
- expand their existing gender-based tools and guidelines to a full, comprehensive and integrated anti-oppression framework of analysis and apply it to policies, programs and services;
- Conduct training for their staff;
- Urge CIC and IRB to report periodically on the use of the tool, guidelines and training programs.
- Res.: 8Whereas:
- US Military personnel (War Resisters) have come to Canada seeking protected person status based on their deeply held political and moral convictions opposing the US-led War in Iraq;
- There is evidence that US military War Resisters who have spoken out publicly from within the United States about their opposition to the war in Iraq have experienced differential and more severe punishment by the US military than US military personnel who have gone AWOL but who have not publicly opposed the war;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Express support for all War Resisters from any country who refuse to engage in armed conflict that is contrary to international humanitarian law;
- Recommend to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration that they should be allowed to remain in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, if they are facing removal to a country where they would face punishment for their refusal to participate in such an armed conflict;
- Urge the IRB to provide War Resisters with fair, impartial and politically unmotivated hearings.
- Res.: 1Whereas:
Resolutions are to establish policy and should be framed as statements of policy position, not specific actions. As far as possible, they should state general policies, rather than fact-specific positions.
Therefore be it resolved:That the resolution on procedures for resolutions be amended at 1b) as follows:
- Resolutions must first be adopted by a CCR Working Group or by the Executive. Resolutions may be brought forward by representatives of member organizations, or by individual members. Before the resolution is adopted, designated members of the Working Group or the Executive should endeavour to ensure that the resolution conforms with the following required criteria:
a) facts are correct.
b)proposed actions are clear and practicablea policy position is stated.
c) purpose and effect are clear.
d) resolution is not repetitive of previously-adopted resolutions.
e) resolution does not unintentionally contradict previously established CCR policies.
f) wording is constructive and consistent with CCR goals.
g) names of the mover, seconder and source Working Group (or Exec) are listed.
- Resolutions must first be adopted by a CCR Working Group or by the Executive. Resolutions may be brought forward by representatives of member organizations, or by individual members. Before the resolution is adopted, designated members of the Working Group or the Executive should endeavour to ensure that the resolution conforms with the following required criteria:
- Res.: 6Whereas:
Canada is directing resources to its group processing initiatives at the expense of its global program for refugees seeking protection through resettlement;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR urge the Canadian government to commit to maintain global access to resettlement and increase the resources to make that access effective.
- Res.: 4Whereas:
- Emphasis on temporary rather than permanent migration creates a class of vulnerable and disposable workers;
- Canada’s immigration program should be revised to ensure that those who are able and willing to fill labour market needs can qualify as immigrants;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR demand that all those with temporary work permits, in all the different classes, have the right to apply for permanent resident status at the same time as they apply for the work permit, and should have the right to bring family members as is currently being done in Ontario for the Provincial Nominee Program.
- Res.: 9Whereas:
- Refugees and other uprooted people who have HIV/AIDS or terminal illnesses are struggling with multiple complex issues with a sense of urgency;
- Refugees and other uprooted people who live with HIV/AIDS or suffer from terminal illnesses lack family support in Canada, which is crucial to their wellbeing and support for children in the case of their death;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR advocate for:
- Fast-track processing of the refugee claims of people living with HIV/AIDS or a terminal illness;
- Fast-track attempts to reunite family members of those who live with HIV/AIDS or suffer from a terminal illness and Temporary Residence Permits to be provided to their relatives where sponsorship is not an option.
- Res.: 14Whereas:
Some countries do not allow for adoption and thus persons from those countries are excluded from emigrating with or sponsoring their “de facto” family members.
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR advocate for the promulgation of IRPA regulations on legal guardianship.
- Res.: 2Whereas:
- IRPA and the Québec immigration regulations currently prohibit siblings from combining their income in order to sponsor their parents or grandparents and other members of the Family Class;
- This arbitrarily keeps families apart;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR request a change in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, as well as the Québec Regulation respecting the Selection of Foreign Nationals to allow the combining of siblings’ income to meet the qualifying income level to sponsor parents or grandparents and other members of the Family Class.
- Res.: 7Whereas:
- There are evident disparities in processing of African refugees’ files in terms of waiting times, refusal rates and systematic DNA testing, in comparison to other regions;
- African refugee situations are among the most protracted in the world.
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Request the Government of Canada establish an NGO-Government Committee on African refugee and immigrant issues to further monitor and document the situation and propose viable solutions;
- Seek collaboration on these issues with Canadian Council on International Cooperation (CCIC), especially the CCIC Africa Group;
- Once again request to be involved meaningfully in the Annual Levels Consultation process.
- Res.: 12Whereas:
- NGO access to CBSA Immigration Detention Facilities is necessary;
- NGO access has become increasingly difficult given strict requirements for security clearance;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR demand that NGOs that visit or provide services within immigration detention facilities not be required to pass security clearance
- Res.: 5Whereas:
- Treasury Board of Canada released a Blue Ribbon Report in February 2007 recommending fundamental change and simplified administration of funding, contracts and contribution agreements;
- The settlement service sector has ongoing difficulties with CIC and other federal government departments on their funding practices and monitoring of contracts and contribution agreements;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR urge the Treasury Board of Canada to:
- Direct CIC to adhere to the Blue Ribbon Report recommendations and to be the first tier of government departments to implement recommended changes;
- Ensure that the recommended changes are implemented in all government departments.
- Res.: 10Whereas:
- The IRB offices are now located in only 3 cities (Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto);
- PIFs must be received within 28 days;
- Claimants living in cities far from IRB offices have seriously reduced time to complete their PIFs because mailing can take 7 to 12 days;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR urge the IRB to change the 28 days rule for PIFs to the date the PIF is posted, not the date it is received (even when it becomes possible electronically).
- Res.: 3Whereas:
- Racism and xenophobia, especially as directed towards immigrants and refugees, is alive and well in Canada;
- This is manifested through legislation, policy and practice and has a brutal and lasting impact on immigrants and refugees;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Ask the government to report periodically on how it is countering racism and xenophobia with specific attention to the impact on immigrants and refugees;
- Ask the government of Canada to establish an independent review body to review, with respect to racism and xenophobia, programs and policies that have a bearing on refugees and immigrants;
- Ask the federal and provincial governments to implement mandatory anti-racism training for all their employees.
- Res.: 8Whereas:
- The situation of many refugees is dire, particularly that of Iraqis in Syria, Jordan and Turkey;
- Canadians, particularly those involved with private sponsorship, wish to be as helpful as possible;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR request that the Canadian government increase the overall numbers of refugees to be resettled in Canada, and that, within this increase, special consideration be given to increasing the number of Iraqis to be resettled.
- Res.: 13Whereas:
CBSA has refused to grant NGO access to their Vancouver airport detention facility;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR demand that CBSA ensure NGO access to this facility.
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