Core group restructuring

Resolution number
  1. A review of the role, structure and function of the Core Groups began in November 2005 as part of a broader initiative to assess effectiveness and relevance of the CCR structure and consultations were held with the Executive, Working Group Chairs and Core Group Chairs and members as well as a workshop session at the November 2006 Consultation.
  2. There was consensus on the vision of what Core Groups mean for the CCR as an organization. They are an entry point into greater participation in the work of the CCR, especially for persons who are new to the CCR. Both expertise in the issues and experiential knowledge are important and enriches the perspectives of the Core Groups and of the whole CCR.
  3. It is important to recognize that the Core groups have been very successful with various projects; hence the review was undertaken with the goal of building on past successes and the ongoing commitment of members to the issues.
  4. While we have a common vision of possibilities, we also agreed that the Core Groups each function quite differently in style and in outcomes. In general the Core Groups are not always fulfilling the vision for very many reasons, including:
    • the composition of membership,
    • the nominations and election process,
    • poor linkage with Working Groups,
    • the lack of profile for the Core Groups within the organization and
    • the absence of any structured orientation, training and mentoring for new members
  5. During the consultation process various models were discussed and modified after further consultation.
Therefore be it resolved


  1. The CCR reduce the number of Core Groups to 2
    1. The Communications Core Group will be eliminated but the communications function will be retained as a staff role with assistance from members. (e.g. regional advocates)
    2. The Anti-Racism Core Group and the Gender Issues Core Group be sustained;
    3. Each core group will have six elected members and one member appointed by the Executive;
  2. The CCR will work towards a formal commitment to an anti-oppression policy. Both Core Groups and the Executive will take leadership to ensure this is achieved by May 2009.
  3. The CCR will implement a new nominations and election process as follows:
    1. A Nominating Committee for Core Group membership will be elected at the Spring General Meeting;
    2. 3 persons will be elected and should be representative of the interests of the Core Groups and Working Groups;
    3. The Chair of the Nominating Committee will be identified at the time of the election of the Committee;
    4. The Nominating Committee will recruit nominations from the membership and recommend a slate of nominees, including the position of Co-Chair, taking into account skill, expertise, leadership development, participation of new members and regional representation;
    5. Half of the Core Group members (three) including one co-chair will be elected at each Annual General Meeting;
    6. the term will be for two years with two terms consecutively allowed;
    7. one Executive member will be appointed by the Executive to each CG;
    8. Co-Chairs of Core Groups may wish to recruit resource persons who have a special interest or expertise on a particular aspect of work being undertaken by the CG.
  4. That the CG Co-Chairs fully implement the new job description and terms of reference as recommended by the Executive beginning in November 2007 taking into consideration existing guidelines and including the following;
    1. The Core Groups ensure that issues of inclusion and anti-oppression are integrated into the discussions and activities of the Working Groups. The CGs may see opportunities for education and awareness building on emerging issues. They may provide emphasis or perspective on current anti-oppression issues and support the Working Groups in developing policy and actions. For this reason the CGs and the WG Co-Chairs must work closely in developing and sustaining the agenda of the Working Groups and that of the Core Groups.
    2. Co-Chairs are expected to attend the Working Group Meetings or to appoint a Core Group member to attend on their behalf. The Executive Member appointed to the Core Group will also attend the WG meetings to ensure ongoing presence when Co-Chairs and members are unable to attend.
    3. The Core Group Co-Chairs and WG Co-Chairs will work together to develop a workplan for presentation to the Winter Working Group Meetings and provide to the Executive.
    4. Each Core Group will undertake to do at least two sessions at the Working Group meetings to build awareness on anti-oppression issues with a view to the development and implementation of an anti-oppression policy by May 2009.
    5. Core Groups may undertake specific projects or collaborate with one or more Working Group on projects, workshops, information sharing etc.
    6. Core groups are responsible for organizing one workshop per year at a CCR Consultation as part of their annual workplan and involving at least one Working Group in the theme and development.
    7. Core Groups will provide a short written update report (1 page) on their activities for distribution to every Working Group meeting and for posting on the website.
  5. That the Co-Chairs of the Working Groups and the Core Groups work collaboratively to ensure that anti-racism and gender issues are an integral part of the CCR’s activities, especially in the Working Groups;
  6. That the Core Groups have increased opportunities to communicate their role and activities to the CCR members.
Working Group