CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 5
    1. CCR brings together NGOs active and involved in the 4 Metropolis Centres of Excellence (Vancouver, Prairies, Toronto, Montreal and soon the Atlantic);
    2. Metropolis (Canada) is proposing a national research program aimed at developing immigration policies and programs for the coming 6 years;
    3. The proposed research priorities question the role of community organizations serving refugees and immigrants and will affect the areas of activity of NGOs;
    4. Metropolis relies on the support and participation of NGOs in the processes; of consultation, adoption and implementation of a national research program;
    5. The current Metropolis proposal deals mainly with immigration as an economic and competitive issue  and gives undue priority to public security and criminality aspects of immigration;
    6. The Metropolis proposal marginalizes the role and responsibility of the  host society in settling newcomers and fails to take into account the reception and settlement of refugees;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on Metropolis Canada to amend their proposal to take account of a broader concept of settlement and integration of refugees and immigrants and include priorities concerning protection issues;
    2. Establish an ad hoc task group to develop a common NGO position in response to the Metropolis proposal, notably on the terms of participation in Metropolis bodies and activities and reiterate our call to provide a mechanism and resources to facilitate the participation of community organizations serving immigrants and refugees.
  • Res.: 10

    The Canadian Red Cross is about to sign a Detention Monitoring Agreement to monitor CIC detention facilities;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIC to disclose the findings of the Red Cross reports as fully as possible consistent with the principles of the Red Cross including confidentiality.

  • Res.: 15
    1. By resolution passed in 1993 the formation of a joint committee of private sponsorship representatives and CIC personnel for the purpose of improving communications was mandated;
    2. This committee as originally mandated has successfully negotiated the current Sponsorship Agreement and is now engaged in the drafting of a new version of the agreement, as well as having been involved in working at a number of other on-going issues related to the private sponsorship of refugees;
    3. CIC personnel present at these meetings have been inconsistent in number and in the level of decision-making power, resulting in a lack of policy-making ability as well as results-oriented discussion;
    4. The SAH representatives have contributed far beyond a normal volunteer capacity in the hope of achieving results in the area of policy making;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIC to ensure that:

    1. They have full representation at all meetings of the NGO-Government Committee on the Private Sponsorship of Refugees;
    2. CIC’s representatives have decision-making power;
    3. International Region participate on a regular basis.
  • Res.: 3

    delays cause anxiety and instability for refugees and their families;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR contact the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and urge that CIC be resourced to supply sufficient support staff to provide for expeditious processing of family reunification, private sponsorships and other matters that require avoidance of delays and backlogs which cause pain and anxiety to refugees.

  • Res.: 8
    1. In the past when the immigration system has undergone a substantial change the government has allowed those caught up in the older system to receive landing under relaxed criteria;
    2. There are a substantial number of protection claimants caught up at various stages in the present immigration system;
    3. The Canadian Government is proposing a complete overhaul of the present system through Bill C-11;
    4. It is undesirable to burden the new immigration system with a substantial caseload from the old system;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask the Government of Canada, as part of the implementation of Bill C-11:

    1. To allow all those caught up in the present protection determination system at its various stages to apply for landing in Canada under relaxed criteria;
    2. That all decisions in response to these landing applications be made forthwith.
  • Res.: 13
    1. There have been a series of allegations of racial bias and institutional racism concerning members of the IRB and its personnel;
    2. There have been no serious studies of these allegations of racial bias;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the Executive appoint a task group to:

    1. Gather together and assess information relating to possible racial bias and institutional racism in the IRB;
    2. Decide whether or not to recommend to the Executive that the CCR request the IRB to conduct a public and independent inquiry into problems of racial bias and institutional racism at the IRB.
  • Res.: 1

    The CCR reaffirms Resolution 3 from November 1992 and Resolution16 from December 2000,

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Verify with the Privacy Commissioner and the Canadian Human Rights Commission and seek independent legal advice on the ethics of:  (i) agencies releasing client information without explicit, voluntary, informed client consent.  (ii) having newcomers sign blanket release of information forms upon arrival, raising significant issues of informed, voluntary consent and raising issues of how agencies will be able to know which clients may have refused release of information;
    2. Request that CIC do a cost-benefit analysis of moving from aggregate data collection to individual data collection;
    3. Urge CIC to heed the suggestions in the Kathleen Stevenson report;
    4. Urge CIC to enter into a discussion with the sector about the desired outcomes of settlement services and base the performance measurement and program evaluation framework on these outcomes.
  • Res.: 6
    1. Immigrant serving agencies require operational funds to deliver services to newcomers as per the terms of contribution agreements of CIC;
    2. There has been an ongoing problem with service provider organizations having insufficient cashflow to deliver continuous services to newcomers due to delays in the approval of new contribution agreements;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on CIC to be accountable to the service providers and newcomers by implementing timely application and approval target dates to ensure that new contribution agreements are signed and new year advances are released before existing contribution agreements end.

  • Res.: 11
    1. National Detention Standards remain at a draft stage but function as de facto guidelines;
    2. It is acknowledged that there are no management oversight boards for detention facilities within the CIC structure and no satisfactory complaint mechanisms;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIC to:

    1. Amend and adopt the draft National Detention Standards in line with NGO proposed amendments;
    2. Establish management oversight boards for CIC detention facilities and an effective complaint mechanism for detainees and NGOs;
    3. Adopt national detention standards for persons detained in non-CIC facilities.
  • Res.: 4
    1. The CCR in June 1994 called on CIC to fund agencies at levels to provide for adequate working conditions;
    2. Staff working in CIC funded programs, including in provinces that have signed agreements, are skilled professionals;
    3. There is wide variation in funding levels for salaries, none of which adequately compensate staff for the work which they are doing;
    4. Many workers have no benefits, no pension plans, no prep time for teachers and in general sub-standard working conditions;
    5. Some contracts do not even allow for sick days;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on CIC to do a survey of working conditions in the sector and act to improve funding levels to allow agencies to provide reasonable working conditions;
    2. Investigate disparities in salary contributions in agreements with, inter alia, HRDC and Health Canada, with the objective of making a human rights complaint on discrimination in contracting.
  • Res.: 9
    1. The CCR opposes interdiction and has affirmed in Resolution 13 of May 93 and in the report of a task force published in May 1998 and entitled Interdicting Refugees its commitment to the right to seek asylum in Canada, but notes that the practice of interdiction continues;
    2. The International Air Transport Association Control Authority Working Group Code of Conduct for Immigration Liaison Officers of October 1998 provides that Liaison Officers should direct requests for asylum to the office of the UNHCR or to the appropriate diplomatic mission (paragraph 2.3);
    3. Interception of refugee claimants en route to Canada is normally effected by airline staff or subcontracted security firms who are not subject to the code of conduct and not by governmental Liaison Officers;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask all airlines with offices in Canada transporting passengers to Canada to adopt a code of conduct for their airline staff, the staff of any allied airlines acting as their agents, and subcontracted security firms effecting interceptions which would provide that intercepting employees provide information to every person intercepted about:

    a) the refugee claim procedure in the country of interception.

    b) the local office of the UNHCR.

    c) the diplomatic mission of the country of destination in the country of interception.

    d) local non-governmental organizations that could assist the person in making a refugee claim.

  • Res.: 14
    1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has expressed; a desire for a coordinated continuum in the refugee sponsorship process;
    2. CIC has issued a tender for proposal for an In-Canada Service Provider (ISP), the latest with a closing date of May 29, 2001;
    3. The ISP tender should have been posted for the public after budget was secured;
    4. The RSTP was extended to June 30, 2001 to facilitate transition to the ISP;
    5. There is another indefinite delay in the July 1, 2001 starting date for the ISP;
    6. There is a significant increase in new Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAH) to whom RSTP/ISP would be indispensable in order for them to carry out their work effectively;
    7. The training and resources developed by the RSTP have enhanced SAHs effectiveness in refugee sponsorship;
    8. There will be a significant gap with the dissolution of the RSTP on June 30, 2001, which will result in the loss of infrastructure and knowledgeable staff;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request CIC to continue funding the RSTP until such time as an ISP, based on the model developed between CIC and SAHs on February 5-6, 2001, is established.

  • Res.: 2
    1. Minister’s Permits have been issued for compassionate and humanitarian reasons to allow for urgent admission of individuals and families in dire circumstances;
    2. Minister’s Permits have been issued to persons in Canada who are inadmissible on medical grounds;
    3. The recipients of Minister’s Permits are not eligible for benefits available to resettled refugees and persons with permanent resident status (such as travel loans and health care);
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR contact the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and request that families and individuals granted Minister ’s Permits for permanent admission to Canada be given equivalent benefits to resettled refugees and permanent residents.

  • Res.: 7
    1. The UNHCR exclusion clause guidelines of December 1996 provide that:
      a) in principle, the applicability of the exclusion clauses should be considered only after the adjudicator is satisfied that the individual fulfils the criteria for refugee status (guidelines 9).
      b) an assessment of a claim requires that the nature of the crime and the claimant’s role in it be weighed against the gravity of the persecution feared (guideline 9).
      c) the exclusion clauses need to be interpreted restrictively (guideline 8);
    2. The Federal Court has said that:
      a) it is not legally necessary to decide inclusion before exclusion, but it is desirable to do so.
      b) the refugee definition does not require that the gravity of the crime be balanced against the gravity of the persecution feared.
      c) the Board must be extremely cautious in its application of the exclusion clauses, but also that the standard of proof is less than the balance of probabilities;
    3. The Immigration Act gives the Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board power to issue guidelines to the Board;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask the Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board to issue guidelines to its Refugee Division on the exclusion clauses that would include the principles that:

    1. Inclusion should precede exclusion;
    2. The gravity of the offence should be balanced against the gravity of the persecution feared;
    3. The standard of proof should be higher than a balance of probabilities.
  • Res.: 12
    1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada maintains a list of countries to which Canada does not generally deport individuals from those countries;
    2. A significant number of people from those countries, who are subject to deportation, have now been in Canada for many years and have no avenue to resolve their situation;
    3. Living in this limbo situation causes great hardship and suffering, including long term separation from immediate family members;
    4. It is very difficult for persons in this situation to be accepted for permanent residence through the Humanitarian and Compassionate stream;
    5. This situation will continue to prevail after the implementation of the new Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11);
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration urging that a process be established which will facilitate the granting of permanent residence to all individuals who have been in Canada for more than three years and who are from countries on the list.

  • Res.: 17
    1. The CCR has expressed commitment to inclusive practices and in particular refugee participation;
    2. Refugee women face systemic and societal barriers in accessing opportunities for participation in leadership capacities;
    3. Participants of the Refugee Women's meeting expressed a desire and commitment to continued participation and identified the need for space to share experiences, network, address specific issues and develop affirmative actions for follow up;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Provide space at CCR conferences for refugee women, with a priority to outreach to informally organized refugee women;
    2. Ensure refugee women as a priority in the nominations for positions to the CCR Executive and Working Group Chairs, similar to the refugee participation policy;
    3. Identify better strategies in the promotion of the Refugee Participation Fund to include better methods of ensuring continuity, support and orientation for participants, e.g. mentoring;
    4. Strongly encourage member agencies to facilitate support of the participation of refugee women through the Refugee Participation Fund and to provide resources and support to develop and maintain networks at local levels.
  • Res.: 5
    1. There are massive human rights abuses against Sierra Leonean refugees in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia and the Gambia;
    2. The CCR appreciates the special Sierra Leone program introduced by the federal government in 2000-2001;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge the Government of Canada to:

    1. Continue to expedite reunification of Sierra Leonean refugees with family members in Canada;
    2. Continue to extend financial support to sponsors wanting to sponsor Sierra Leonean refugees.
  • Res.: 10
    1. Numerous members of CCR and other refugee advocates have criticized the lack of an effective procedure to deal with complaints about Convention Refugee Determination Division members' and Refugee Claims Officers' behaviour and competence;
    2. The complaint procedures and protocols implemented, to date, by the Immigration and Refugee Board have failed to adequately address the concerns of refugees and their advocates;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call upon the Immigration and Refugee Board to:

    1. Introduce a procedure whereby complaints related to the behaviour or competence of Convention Refugee Determination Division members and Refugee Claims Officers will be investigated by an independent person or panel;
    2. Develop and implement a policy which clearly sets out what consequences flow from a finding that a Convention Refugee Determination Division member or Refugee Claims Officer has engaged in inappropriate behaviour or has acted in an incompetent manner.
  • Res.: 15
    1. A National Settlement Service Standards (NSSS) Framework was developed by the CCR through a National Consultation process that involved a broad range of individuals and agencies providing settlement services to immigrants, refugees and refugee claimants;
    2. The CCR adopted in principle the NSSS framework as presented by the Working Group on Settlement in June 2000 (Res. 1, Jun. 00);
    3. The National Settlement Service Standards Steering Committee was asked to develop a plan to implement this framework across Canada;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR seek funding to enable the National Settlement Services Standards Steering Committee to complete the following tasks:

    1. Develop tools to assist workers and agencies in adopting and using the NSSS framework;
    2. Research and develop a peer review support model for agencies using the NSSS framework;
    3. Explore the concept of a national registry of settlement agencies having successfully completed a peer review process.
  • Res.: 3
    1. In resolution 9 of November 1996, the CCR committed itself to exposing atrocities by the Sudanese government upon the people of southern Sudan;
    2. Anglican members of their refugee network have worked with Sudanese in Canada to sponsor refugees from Sudan;
    3. The war in Sudan, which is in part responsible for the displacement of millions of people, has been fuelled by oil revenues from the expanding operation in which Talisman Energy is a major partner;
    4. The national pension fund of the Anglican Church of Canada has invested heavily in the Talisman shares;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR write to the Anglican Church of Canada expressing concern and requesting the Church to review its investment in Talisman with a view to divesting itself of Talisman shares in order to be consistent with its policy as expressed through the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund.

  • Res.: 8
    1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada does not consistently provide refugee claimants with interpreters at eligibility interviews;
    2. The notes which are produced by Citizenship and Immigration Canada at eligibility interviews are given great weight at hearings before the Convention Refugee Determination Division;
    3. The lack of interpretation at an eligibility interview can and does create confusion and misunderstanding between refugee claimants and Citizenship and Immigration Canada officials;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge that Citizenship and Immigration Canada provide an accredited interpreter at all eligibility interviews.

  • Res.: 13
    1. CIC has been using P&I, a private company, to remove African nationals from Canada to Africa;
    2. The deportees have been forcibly detained and unlawfully confined by a private company;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to:
      a) Condemn the use of P&I for removal of deportees;
      b) Demand to know the legal basis for using P&I;
    2. Demand that the Minister confirm in writing that the practice of using private agents for removals will cease;
    3. Continue to investigate P&I and Citizenship and Immigration Canada's contracting out of removals;
    4. Investigate all possible human rights violations, possible complaints and legal challenges to such practices.
  • Res.: 18
    1. HIV positive persons are not a threat to public health or safety;
    2. Instituting mandatory HIV testing for all prospective immigrants is discriminatory since this would be the only group for whom mandatory testing is imposed;
    3. Testing could significantly harm people identified as being HIV positive who live in countries with coercive laws or practice;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR oppose mandatory HIV testing for prospective immigrants and raise its opposition with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

  • Res.: 1

    on November 29, 2000, the Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH)representatives in attendance at the SAH Forum voted on and passed with an overwhelming majority three resolutions expressing their support for:

    1. formally situating the SAH network within CCR, 2. submitting an SAH application for the In-Canada Service-Provider contract,
    2. submitting this proposal under the umbrella of CCR;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Explore ways to support the SAH network within CCR;
    2. Submit an application with the SAHs for the ISP contract.
  • Res.: 6
    1. There are minor orphans of war or civil strife or in other refugee-like situations whose future is limited without resettlement;
    2. Current procedures for the sponsorship of orphaned minors are inadequate;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to expand Canada's ability to provide private and government sponsorships of refugee orphaned minors.