Implementation of the national settlement service standards framework

Resolution number
  1. A National Settlement Service Standards (NSSS) Framework was developed by the CCR through a National Consultation process that involved a broad range of individuals and agencies providing settlement services to immigrants, refugees and refugee claimants;
  2. The CCR adopted in principle the NSSS framework as presented by the Working Group on Settlement in June 2000 (Res. 1, Jun. 00);
  3. The National Settlement Service Standards Steering Committee was asked to develop a plan to implement this framework across Canada;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR seek funding to enable the National Settlement Services Standards Steering Committee to complete the following tasks:

  1. Develop tools to assist workers and agencies in adopting and using the NSSS framework;
  2. Research and develop a peer review support model for agencies using the NSSS framework;
  3. Explore the concept of a national registry of settlement agencies having successfully completed a peer review process.
Working Group
Immigration and Settlement