Permanent residence for persons from countries to which Canada does not deport

Resolution number
  1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada maintains a list of countries to which Canada does not generally deport individuals from those countries;
  2. A significant number of people from those countries, who are subject to deportation, have now been in Canada for many years and have no avenue to resolve their situation;
  3. Living in this limbo situation causes great hardship and suffering, including long term separation from immediate family members;
  4. It is very difficult for persons in this situation to be accepted for permanent residence through the Humanitarian and Compassionate stream;
  5. This situation will continue to prevail after the implementation of the new Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11);
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration urging that a process be established which will facilitate the granting of permanent residence to all individuals who have been in Canada for more than three years and who are from countries on the list.

Working Group
Inland Protection