Inland Protection

Automatic permanent residence for Convention Refugees

Resolution number
  1. Convention refugees have the right to apply for permanent residence;
  2. The processing of the application for permanent residence can take a considerable amount of time, during which Convention refugees are not accorded rights to which they are entitled under the 1951 Convention;
  3. The lack of these rights causes hardship to Convention refugees and their families;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call on Citizenship and Immigration Canada to automatically land Convention refugees and their family members and dependants, whether inside or outside of Canada, in order for them to benefit from the rights acquired as per Canada's obligation under the1951 Convention.

Working Group

Human rights training

Resolution number
  1. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in its report invited Canada to draw on the resources of the OAS human rights system;
  2. Training for IRB members in international human rights law is not given by a competent arms-length human rights body;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call on the IRB to:

  1. Pay the IACHR to provide training in international human rights law for the IRB members and RCOs;
  2. Open their training sessions to the CCR and members of the bar.
Working Group

IRB complaint mechanism

Resolution number
  1. Numerous members of CCR and other refugee advocates have criticized the lack of an effective procedure to deal with complaints about Convention Refugee Determination Division members' and Refugee Claims Officers' behaviour and competence;
  2. The complaint procedures and protocols implemented, to date, by the Immigration and Refugee Board have failed to adequately address the concerns of refugees and their advocates;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call upon the Immigration and Refugee Board to:

  1. Introduce a procedure whereby complaints related to the behaviour or competence of Convention Refugee Determination Division members and Refugee Claims Officers will be investigated by an independent person or panel;
  2. Develop and implement a policy which clearly sets out what consequences flow from a finding that a Convention Refugee Determination Division member or Refugee Claims Officer has engaged in inappropriate behaviour or has acted in an incompetent manner.
Working Group

Minister's representatives

Resolution number
  1. There have been reports of Minister's Representatives' interventions in refugee hearings leading to retraumatization of refugee claimants, especially survivors of torture;
  2. There is no Code of Conduct to be observed by the Minister's representative at refugee hearings;
  3. There is no adequate accountability mechanism in this respect;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and the Chairperson of the IRB raising its concerns and asking them to collaborate in establishing a fair and accountable mechanism, with feedback from the CCR, for conduct of the Minister's representatives at refugee hearings and their mode of interventions.


Working Group

Eligibility interview interpretation

Resolution number
  1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada does not consistently provide refugee claimants with interpreters at eligibility interviews;
  2. The notes which are produced by Citizenship and Immigration Canada at eligibility interviews are given great weight at hearings before the Convention Refugee Determination Division;
  3. The lack of interpretation at an eligibility interview can and does create confusion and misunderstanding between refugee claimants and Citizenship and Immigration Canada officials;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge that Citizenship and Immigration Canada provide an accredited interpreter at all eligibility interviews.

Working Group

Unaccompanied minors

Resolution number
  1. There are serious problems with unaccompanied migrant and refugee claimant children entering Canada (e.g. (1) difference between Provinces in assessment, treatment and support; (2) inconsistency with institutions concerned with protection and representation of unaccompanied migrant and refugee claimant children (IRB, detention));
  2. Considerable research has been done by UNHCR, Save the Children and other organizations concerned with the rights of children;
  3. Canada does not have clear and consistent guidelines and legislation to deal fairly with migrant and refugee claimant children;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR collaborate with the UNHCR to research and develop recommendations regarding legislation, policy and appropriate protocols to ensure fair treatment of unaccompanied migrant and refugee claimant children consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Working Group

Inquiry into racial bias

Resolution number
  1. There have been a series of allegations of racial bias and institutional racism concerning members of the IRB and its personnel;
  2. There have been no serious studies of these allegations of racial bias;
Therefore be it resolved

That the Executive appoint a task group to:

  1. Gather together and assess information relating to possible racial bias and institutional racism in the IRB;
  2. Decide whether or not to recommend to the Executive that the CCR request the IRB to conduct a public and independent inquiry into problems of racial bias and institutional racism at the IRB.
Working Group

Permanent residence for persons from countries to which Canada does not deport

Resolution number
  1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada maintains a list of countries to which Canada does not generally deport individuals from those countries;
  2. A significant number of people from those countries, who are subject to deportation, have now been in Canada for many years and have no avenue to resolve their situation;
  3. Living in this limbo situation causes great hardship and suffering, including long term separation from immediate family members;
  4. It is very difficult for persons in this situation to be accepted for permanent residence through the Humanitarian and Compassionate stream;
  5. This situation will continue to prevail after the implementation of the new Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11);
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration urging that a process be established which will facilitate the granting of permanent residence to all individuals who have been in Canada for more than three years and who are from countries on the list.

Working Group

National detention standards

Resolution number
  1. National Detention Standards remain at a draft stage but function as de facto guidelines;
  2. It is acknowledged that there are no management oversight boards for detention facilities within the CIC structure and no satisfactory complaint mechanisms;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge CIC to:

  1. Amend and adopt the draft National Detention Standards in line with NGO proposed amendments;
  2. Establish management oversight boards for CIC detention facilities and an effective complaint mechanism for detainees and NGOs;
  3. Adopt national detention standards for persons detained in non-CIC facilities.
Working Group

Detention monitoring

Resolution number

The Canadian Red Cross is about to sign a Detention Monitoring Agreement to monitor CIC detention facilities;

Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge CIC to disclose the findings of the Red Cross reports as fully as possible consistent with the principles of the Red Cross including confidentiality.

Working Group