CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 1
    1. Anyone who resides in Canada should be entitled to an acceptable level of healthcare;
    2. The Canada Health Act enshrines the principle of universality;
    3. Preventative healthcare is both more humane and more economical than curative healthcare; and
    4. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recognizes that everyone has the right to “the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health” and that States have a duty of non-discrimination in the realization of that right.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR oppose the reductions to the IFHP announced in April 2012 and advocate:

    1. For the cancellation of the announced reductions,
    2. Against any other reductions in IFHP coverage, and
    3. Against any differentiation in coverage based on category of refugee or claimant, or stage of processing (e.g. claimant, accepted refugee, refused refugee, government-assisted refugees, privately-sponsored refugees).
  • Res.: 5

    individuals with mental health issues, who have had no involvement with the criminal justice system, are detained in provincial criminal institutions,

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate that CBSA cease this practice, provide individuals with accommodations that respect their dignity, and provide access to appropriate services.

  • Res.: 5

    there are numerous gaps in services for immigrants and refugees with mental health issues and serious problems with the legal framework

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate in favour of:

    1. The right to State-funded counsel for persons with mental health issues.
    2. Access to mental health services for persons in detention, including assessment, counselling, and treatment.
    3. Training on mental health issues for all CBSA officers, IRB members, designated representatives and other stakeholders.
    4. Guidelines to provide for flexibility to enable PIF or BOC amendments without consequences for refugee claimants and
    5. Relaxed timelines for all vulnerable persons.
    6. Repeal IRPA sections 64 (2) (no appeal for a person with a sentence of 2 years or more) and 68 (a) (automatic termination of stays of removal in the event of subsequent conviction.
  • Res.: 2

    The federal government announced reductions to the Interim Federal Health Program in April 2012 and these changes are slated to come into effect on June 30th, 2012.

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR calls upon the provinces and territories:

    1. To urge the federal government to stop the changes to the Interim Federal Health Program.
    2. To consult and work with affected communities and those that work with those communities to ensure all persons affected by the announced IFHP reductions receive the health care they need.
  • Res.: 6

    individuals with on-going processes with CIC, CBSA, and/or the IRB are required to provide separate address notification to each,

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate in favour of a centralized notification of change of address to avoid incidents of unnecessary detention and/or abandonment or dismissal of claims.

  • Res.: 3
    1. The government is introducing multiple entry visas of up to 10 years to allow parents and grandparents to visit family here as a way to address long family separations caused by processing delays;
    2. The visitors are required to purchase medical insurance in order to qualify for the visa;
    3. Canada imposes visa requirements only on some countries, mostly in the global south and those with a majority racialized population;
    4. Racialized Canadians are over-represented among those who would be most affected;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR demand that the government of Canada remove proof of purchase of medical insurance on the multiple ten year visas for parents and grandparents.

  • Res.: 1
    1. Canadians, many private and public stakeholders and governments agree that Canada needs immigrants to sustain its current prosperity;
    2. Canada has received immigrants in excess of 1% of the population in several previous years and has become stronger as a result;
    3. Immigration has strengthened Canada's multicultural and multifaith fabric;
    4. Canada is attempting to fill its demographic needs through temporary rather than permanent immigration;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR demand that the government of Canada set immigration levels at a minimum of 1% of the population and invest the resources needed for successful settlement and integration.

  • Res.: 4
    1. The live-in caregiver program currently requires workers to live in the employer’s home;
    2. Living in the employer’s home creates a greater possibility for sexual and labour exploitation;
    3. The program does not allow family members to accompany the worker until they fulfill their required hours, thereby leading to family separation for a minimum period of 2 years;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR request that:

    1. The "live-in” requirement be removed from the conditions of the program;
    2. Caregivers’ families be allowed to accompany them or join them in Canada at any point during their participation in the program.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Family  reunification is a central objective of Canada's immigration programs
    2. The CCR has called on the government to eliminate barriers to family reunification;
    3. Extended families including parents and grandparents are important to social and economic wellbeing of families, including those of refugees and immigrants;
    4. The sponsorship of parents and grandparents have had a lower overall priority in family reunification applications for the last few years;
    5. The moratorium on these applications will close the door to some of these family members;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on the government of Canada, through CIC, to demonstrate its commitment to family reunification by:

    A) rebalancing immigration levels so that families make up at least 40% of the total;

    B) expanding the definition of families to reflect the realities of diverse cultural communities;

    C) removing barriers to reunification by allocating the resources needed to process applications in a timely manner.

  • Res.: 1
    1. The government of Canada is proposing to introduce a specified period of conditional permanent residence for some sponsored spouses and partners;
    2. Making permanent residence for the sponsored partner conditional puts all the power into the hands of sponsor, who may use the precarity of the partner’s status as a tool for manipulation;
    3. The proposed conditional permanent residency would represent a major step backwards in Canadian immigration policy, increase inequalities in relationships between spouses, and put women in particular at heightened risk of violence and exploitation;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR oppose conditional permanent residence for sponsored spouses and partners.

  • Res.: 4
    1. Permanent residents who are found to be inadmissible on grounds of serious criminality or organized crime are denied access to the Immigration Appeal Division;
    2. Convention refugees in Canada can be removed for reasons of serious criminality if there is a danger opinion against them;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call for refugees and permanent residents facing removal on the basis of serious criminality or organized crime to have access to the IAD for consideration of humanitarian and compassionate factors.

  • Res.: 2
    1. The international community issued a call for action following the World Conference Against Racism (WCAR) held in 2001 in Durban, South Africa and the Government of Canada presented Canada’s Action Plan Against Racism in 2005;
    2. Examples of concerns include significant delays in the processing of cases in Sub Saharan African countries. Applicants face some of the longest waiting times and one of the highest rate of refusals, and the total quota of refugees accepted from the region is far lower than the extent of need identified by the UNHCR and NGOs. The recent announcement of a quota system for Quebec will reduce only the number of arrivals from Africa;
    3. This is clear evidence of systemic racism experienced by individuals of African origin across all categories of refugee protection and immigration.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on the government of Canada to take specific steps to address systemic racism evident in policy and practice in refugee protection and processing of immigration files of Sub-Saharan Africans, and reiterate the request made to the Government of Canada in resolution 7 of May 2007 and Resolution 1 of June 2010 (page 21).

  • Res.: 3
    1. The Canadian people through their faith and ethnocultural organizations wish to welcome and protect refugees;
    2. The Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program allows Canadians to welcome and protect refugees;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Reaffirm our support of the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program to allow Canadians to protect and welcome refugees;
    2. Oppose any government limit or ceilings on the PSR program.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Changes to the Temporary Foreign Workers Program to be implemented in April 2011 will impose a four year limit on the stay of Temporary Foreign Workers and a four year delay before they are able to participate again in the program;
    2. This will increase the undocumented workforce and thus increase the vulnerability of workers;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR oppose the limit on duration of Temporary Foreign Workers’ stay and the imposed time period to re-apply for the program.

  • Res.: 5
    1. Bill C-11 will create very tight timelines;
    2. Claimants will need assistance in understanding and preparing for the process;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on CIC and CBSA to adopt as a standard operating procedure the referral of claimants to appropriate and willing community agencies, such as an immigrant serving agency or legal aid, in a city or area of choice of the claimant, immediately after eligibility has been determined.

  • Res.: 3
    1. The monitoring system implemented by CIC as part of recent changes to the Temporary Foreign Workers Program is voluntary and therefore ineffective;
    2. Abuses of Temporary Foreign Workers by employers are widespread and have been well documented;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR advocate that the federal government enforce a mandatory monitoring system for the employers of Temporary Foreign Workers.

  • Res.: 1
    1. Canada has given itself a “Strategic Framework to Foster Immigration to Francophone Minority Communities” for francophone immigration outside of Québec. The strategy was crafted by the federal and provincial governments, at the request and with the participation of francophone communities outside of Québec;
    2. Canada's current activities of recruitment of francophone immigrants abroad are mostly targeted at francophone countries in Europe, to the detriment of francophone countries in other regions of the world;
    3. Francophone immigrants, most of them belonging to racialized communities, face differential treatment and experience poor outcomes in the Canadian labour market and other areas of Canadian life;
    4. Yearly target levels for francophone immigration outside of Québec continue to be below the levels needed to ensure the demographic viability of francophone communities outside of Québec;
    5. Refugee and immigrant serving organizations outside of Québec have a key role to play in supporting francophone immigrants’ settlement and integration, even if they do not provide services in French;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Engage with the federal and provincial governments as appropriate to ensure:
      1. Fair, culturally adapted recruitment practices in francophone countries outside of Europe;
      2. An increase in yearly target levels for francophone immigration so the demographic goals of Canada’s strategy for francophone immigration are met;
      3. That the implementation of Canada’s strategic framework for francophone immigration outside of Québec seeks concrete results of fair and equitable integration of francophone newcomers.
    2. Offer its member organizations tools and opportunities to be sensitized to and understand the specific challenges facing francophone immigrants outside of Québec.
  • Res.: 6
    1. H&C applications are the only applications for permanent residence in Canada in which the best interests of the child and the right to family unity are taken into account;
    2. Canada has legal obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to provide effective remedies to ensure the respect of these rights;
    3. Delays in processing of H&C applications are leading to more and more people being removed from Canada prior to the examination of pending H&C applications;
    4. Under Bill C-11, it is the government’s intention to remove failed claimants very quickly following their refusal;
    5. Bill C-11 provides for fixed timelines for every stage of the refugee process;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR advocate for a commitment from CIC to rule on H&C applications within a fixed time frame of four months from the time of filing of the H&C application or, if a removal date is set before that, prior to the scheduled removal date.

  • Res.: 4
    1. Temporary Foreign Workers are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse with numerous documented cases;
    2. Their vulnerability is increased by contraventions of IRPA committed by employers and recruiters;
    3. There are limited or no resources for mandatory monitoring and enforcement;
    4. When there is no system of enforcement, Temporary Foreign Workers are the ones penalized, resulting in further victimization;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Advocate for provincial governments to protect Temporary Foreign Workers’ rights through workplace audits and enforcement of appropriate legislation, including criminal, against employers and recruiters.
    2. Advocate that the federal government:
    1. Prosecute recruiters and employers who contravene IRPA.
    2. Put in place a mechanism and systems to protect rather than penalize Temporary Foreign Workers who have contravened IRPA as a result of victimization by recruiters and employers;
    3. Enter into international agreements whereby Canada and the source countries of Temporary Foreign Workers agree to prohibit the charging to the workers of recruitment and placement fees.
  • Res.: 1
    1. Equitable access to resettlement and dignified treatment are fundamental to a just refugee resettlement system;
    2. Processing times for refugees to Canada from Africa are unacceptably long;
    3. The number of visa offices processing permanent residence applications in Africa is shockingly inadequate;
    4. CIC does not have the physical office space and resources to process applications;
    5. Refugees and their families suffer disproportionately from this situation in spite of the reality that African countries host huge numbers of refugees in need of resettlement;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on the government of Canada to provide:

    1. Sufficient visa offices in Africa to ensure adequate access.
    2. Sufficient resources to ensure timely processing times for refugee and family class applications in Africa.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Law enforcement agencies have been widely known to engage in the practice of asking for the immigration status of detained and non-detained individuals;
    2. There has been a CBSA presence during and after police raids;
    3. It is widely known that racial profiling is an established practice of law enforcement agencies;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call for all relevant law enforcement agencies to adopt a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy;
    2. Denounce racial profiling during raids in geographic areas that house immigrant and refugee communities.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Provincial Ministries of Education have existing commitments to address stereotypes through anti-bullying and anti-racism principles of awareness, empathy, engagement, cultural sensitivity and empowerment;
    2. Extensive efforts have been made to develop curriculum modifications to address the needs of newcomer students;
    3. Schools are central to inculcating citizenship values among all Canadian youth;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR promote the expansion of core curriculum strategies and resources for the entire student population to address the lived experiences and continuing realities of immigrants and refugees in our modern multicultural Canadian society through collaborative engagement between provincial ministries of education, settlement agencies and other relevant partners and stakeholders.

  • Res.: 3
    1. The federal Temporary Foreign Workers Program frustrates the attempts of communities to attract and retain population permanently, and contradicts the goals of CIC’s Welcoming Communities Initiative and similar initiatives of other jurisdictions;
    2. The goals of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act promote immigration to build the future of Canada;
    3. The CCR supports access to permanent residency for temporary workers;
    4. Many concerns have been raised about lack of equitable access for temporary workers to permanent residency through the underutilized Canadian Experience Class;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That CCR advocate for the federal Temporary Foreign Workers Program to be brought into alignment with the Welcoming Communities Initiative’s and similar initiatives of other jurisdictions goals of cohesiveness, social inclusiveness and retention of population permanently.

  • Res.: 1
    1. The Gender and Anti-Racism Core Groups have contributed significantly to the development of CCR policy and practices since their creation;
    2. The structure of the core groups no longer meets the needs of the CCR membership;
    3. The CCR adopted in May 2009 an Anti-Oppression Policy which addresses oppression based on gender and racism as well as many other forms of oppression;
    Therefore be it resolved:


    1. The Gender and Anti-Racism Core Groups cease to exist.
    2. The Executive, in consultation with current core group members, core group candidates, Working Group chairs and other members interested, develop a proposal for new structures to address anti-oppression issues, and that this proposal be submitted to the membership at the Spring General Meeting. In the meantime the Executive will have responsibility for ensuring gender and anti-racism issues are addressed.
  • Res.: 3
    1. A humanitarian catastrophe has been unfolding in Sri Lanka since early this year;
    2. More than 300,000 Tamils displaced in the North and East of Sri Lanka are trapped in a deteriorating humanitarian situation and Tamils in other parts of Sri Lanka are vulnerable to harassment, humiliation and threat of violence;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on the Government of Canada to:

    1. Facilitate an expedited process to reunify families with relatives at risk in Sri Lanka;
    2. Place a temporary moratorium on removals to Sri Lanka;
    3. Fast-track current and future sponsorship applications from Sri Lanka.