
Canada Child Benefit Eligibility

Resolution number
  1. The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is an important federal program that provides essential income supports to families, and a critical tool for addressing child poverty in Canada;           
  2. The specific eligibility criteria for the CCB regarding the immigration status of parents renders many refugee and migrant families ineligible to receive the benefit, including:
  • Refugee claimants awaiting a determination of their claim;
  • Children who cannot leave Canada for reasons beyond their control, such as those whose parents are from countries where Canada has issued a moratorium of removal because of dangerous conditions;
  • Children who are Canadian citizens, but whose parents do not fall within the limited immigration eligibility categories;
  1. Excluding children and families from accessing the CCB based on the immigration status of the parents stands in contravention to numerous articles within the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Canada has ratified.
  2. Denying refugee and migrant families access to the CCB based on the immigration status of the parents carries many detrimental consequences for the children who are impacted, including challenges associated with health, child development, income security and housing stability, among others.  
Therefore be it resolved

the CCR Call on the Government of Canada to reform the Income Tax Act to eliminate the current exclusions based on immigration status so that every parent in Canada who is considered a resident for income tax purposes is eligible to receive the Canada Child Benefit.


Poverty Reduction

Resolution number
  1. People with precarious immigration status disproportionately experience poverty, homelessness and underhousing, food insecurity and income insecurity;
  2. Federal, provincial and territorial poverty reduction legislation, policies and strategies implicitly  exclude migrant workers and people with precarious immigration status by not naming them;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR call on federal, provincial and territorial governments to explicitly include all residents of Canada in poverty reduction measures, including migrant workers, refugee claimants and other residents with precarious immigration status.


Disaggregated Data

Resolution number
  1. The CCR has two resolutions on poverty Racialization of poverty (Res.: 1 , Nov 2016) and Poverty circumstances of Government-Assisted Refugees (Res.: 2 , Nov 2005)
  2. Federal, provincial and territorial government legislation and policies should be based on sound evidence (including, but not limited to demographic and user data) that is representative of the experiences of all residents of Canada;
  3. Publicly available census and other administrative data is not representative of all residents of Canada;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR call on federal, provincial and territorial governments to:

  1. Collect and make publicly available full access to disaggregated data;
  2. Ensure that legislation and policies that impact on poverty are informed by disaggregated data.

Racialization of poverty

Resolution number
  1. The gap between rich and poor in Canada is widening generally, and disproportionately impacts racialized group members;
  2. Inequalities with respect to economic status, health, learning outcomes and more are deep and persistent among members of racialized groups;
  3. These are products of structural and systemic racism and exclusion;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR call on all levels of government in Canada to:

  1. Work to expand fair access to institutions and opportunities;
  2. Promote economic equity and justice;
  3. Seek investments in opportunity and advancement;
  4. Work to ensure that racial equity and racial justice efforts are adequately funded and effectively resourced.

Living wages

Resolution number

Refugees and immigrants on minimum wage are forced to live in poverty;

Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call on the federal government in all of its contracts to ensure a living wage that at least meets the low income cut-off (LICO) or 60% of the average industrial wage, whichever is higher.

Poverty circumstances of Government-Assisted Refugees

Resolution number

Transportation loans and welfare levels of refugee support of government-assisted refugees under the Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) force them into poverty;

Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge the federal and Québec governments to raise the RAP rates to at least the low income cut-off (LICO) rate to bring the government-assisted refugees out of poverty.

Canadian support for durable solutions in protracted refugee situations

Resolution number
  1. The length of protracted refugee situations is increasing, leading to impoverishment and deprivation of the refugees in these camps and urban settings;
  2. Canada is committed to working towards finding durable solutions for persons in protracted refugee situations including repatriation, local integration and resettlement;
  3. All refugees will benefit from education and skills training made available before persons leave the camps, especially but not exclusively those being resettled;
  4. The CCR and more recently the UNHCR have expressed to the government of Canada their interest in engaging Canadian NGOs in resettlement activities abroad, including those with an integration focus, recognizing the benefits to the refugees and to the receiving communities;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Request to the Government of Canada, especially CIDA and CIC, to work with NGOs to develop a Canadian strategy to address protracted refugee situations that uses all tools at Canada’s disposal including funding for preventative health treatment, job skills training, health treatment, education etc. in refugee camps and urban settings;
  2. Urge the Government of Canada to amend the Terms and Conditions of various instruments to allow for more flexibility and responsiveness in programming, including the flexibility to fund integration programming overseas;
  3. Request the Government of Canada that Canada’s contributions to the World Bank include instructions that poverty reduction strategy papers should include strategies to help reduce poverty within refugee populations.