2024 National Migrant Workers Forum

Empowering Voices: Advocating for Migrant Justice and Reforming the systems
The National Migrant Worker
CCR meetings (but not the main ones)
The National Migrant Worker
The CCR Youth Network is thrilled to announce the return of the Youth Action Gathering (YAG)! Taking place in person from September 29 to October 1st in Montréal, QC, this year’s YAG will focus on the theme of: Embracing Youth Inclusion and Diversity!
The Canadian Council for Refugees and the Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP) invite you to attend a virtual meeting with representatives from IRCC.
This virtual meeting is for those involved in a Group of Five or Community Sponsor private refugee sponsorship, Group 2 to 5 in Quebec, and those who work with or support these sponsors.
Date: Tuesday January 19, 2020
The meeting will last 90 minutes and will start at:
7pm Eastern time
8pm Atlantic time
6pm Central time
5pm Mountain time
4pm Pacific time
Hosted by Legal Assistance of Windsor, the regional meeting will include:
Networking activities
Discussion on human trafficking cases, challenges and best practices for service provision, and experience and interest in systemic advocacy campaigning
The 7th Annual National Youth Action Gathering (YAG) will bring together immigrant and refugee youth from across Canada to share, learn and together strategize about how to address common challenges.
Held in Moncton/Dieppe, New Brunswick on 4 and 5 October 2019, the YAG is a space where newcomer youth across Canada build a community of support that persists even when they go back home.
This workshop is designed to promote dialogue between Indigenous communities and the refugee and newcomer serving sector. The workshop is part of the CCR’s Spring 2019 Consultation.
The Building Bridges workshop is open, free of charge, to anyone interested in participating in the discussion. Those not registered at the CCR consultation must register by Friday 24 May at ccrweb.ca/en/building-bridges-registration.
The workshop is in two parts:
SAVE THE DATE: TUESDAY 28 May 2019, Vancouver
This in-person networking and training meeting will explore legal strategies for responding to trafficked persons cases. Using case examples, participants will brainstorm on appropriate recourses and best practices for responding to trafficked persons situations, and how to improve collaboration in these responses.
THURSDAY 28 February 2019: THE 519, 519 Church St., Toronto, 3:00 - 7:00 p.m.
This in-person networking and training meeting will explore legal strategies for responding to trafficked persons cases. Using case examples, participants will brainstorm on appropriate recourses and best practices for responding to trafficked persons situations, and how to improve collaboration in these responses.