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Membres du CCR

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Newfoundland and Labrador
Association for New Canadians (ANC) St. John's
Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services Toronto
Adam House Toronto
Afghan Women's Organization Refugee and Immigrant Services North York
Afro Canadian Development Inc. (ACD) North York
Alliance des Burundais du Canada Ottawa
Amnesty International Ottawa
Angela Rose House Windsor
Anglican United Refugee Alliance (AURA) Toronto
Arab Community Centre of Toronto Etobicoke
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic Toronto
Black Africanness Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (BA-RCIC) London
Camille Kamanzi Foundation Ottawa
Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration (CERC) Toronto
Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) Toronto
Canadian Baptists of Ontario & Quebec Etobicoke
Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture Toronto
Canadian Centre on Statelessness Ottawa
Canadian Council of Churches Toronto
Canadian Friends Service Committee - Quaker Committee for Refugees Toronto
Canadian Labour Congress Ottawa
Canadian Refugee Sponsorship Agreement Holders Association (SAH Association) North York
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ottawa
Capital Rainbow Refuge Ottawa
Carty House Ottawa
Catholic Centre for Immigrants, Ottawa Ottawa
Catholic Crosscultural Services Scarborough
Centre de santé communautaire Hamilton/Niagara Welland
Centre for Refugee Studies York University Toronto
Centre francophone de Toronto Toronto
Chez Marie Refugee Assistance Centre St Catharines
Christie Refugee Welcome Centre Toronto
Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) Ottawa
CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario) Toronto
Community Legal Services of Ottawa Ottawa
COMPASS Refugee Centre Kitchener
Conseil Economique et Social d'Ottawa-Carleton (CESOC) Ottawa
COSTI Immigrant Services Toronto
CultureLink Toronto
Diocese of Hamilton Hamilton
Diocese of London - Refugee Ministries Windsor
Emergency Support Committee for Refugees Hamilton
FCJ Refugee Centre Toronto
Focus Humanitarian Assistance Canada Toronto
Fort Erie Multicultural Centre Fort Erie
FrancoQueer Toronto
Huron Refugee Committee, Anglican Diocese of Huron London
Inter Clinic Immigration Working Group (ICIWG) Toronto
International Association for Refugees (IAFR) Toronto
International Social Service Canada Ottawa
Iraqi Federation of Refugees Guelph
Jesuit Refugee and Migrant Service Toronto
Jumpstart Refugee Talent Toronto
K-W Multicultural Centre (Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre) Kitchener
KAIROS Canada Toronto
KEYS Job Centre Kingston
Kingston Community Health Centres- Immigrant Services Kingston & Area Kingston
Legal Assistance of Windsor (LAW) Windsor
London Cross Cultural Learner Centre (CCLC) London
MakeWay Charitable Society - Together Project Toronto
Mary Ward Centre (Ministry of the Loretto Sisters - IBVM Canada) Toronto
Matthew House - Toronto Toronto
Matthew House Ottawa: Refugee Services and Furniture Bank Ottawa
Matthew House Refugee Centre of Windsor Windsor
Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto - MCC Toronto Toronto
Micah House Refugee Reception Services Hamilton
New Canadians Centre Peterborough Peterborough
Newcomer Legal Clinic Thunder Bay
OMRA Shelter Corporation Ottawa
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) Toronto
Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization (OCISO) Ottawa
Oxfam Canada Ottawa
Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) Toronto
Quinte Immigration Services Belleville
Rainbow Railroad Toronto
RC Diocese of Thunder Bay (D.O.O.R.S. To New Life - Refugee Centre) Thunder Bay
Reception House-Waterloo Region Kitchener
Refugee 613 Ottawa
Rexdale Community Legal Clinic Toronto
Rexdale Women's Centre Etobicoke
Romero House Toronto
Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada - Office for Systemic Justice London
Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto - Ministry for Social Justice, Peace & Care of Earth Toronto
Sojourn House Toronto
Southern Ontario Sanctuary Coalition Toronto
St. Mary's International Charitable Organization Scarborough
The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking (CCEHT) Toronto
The Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) Toronto
The Refugee Hub Ottawa
The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara Hamilton
TNO - The Neighbourhood Organization Toronto
Toronto South Local Immigration Partnership (TSLIP) Toronto
Unifor / Human Rights Department Toronto
United Church of Canada Toronto
Women's Hostels Inc. (Nellie's Women's Shelter) Toronto
World Education Services (WES) Toronto
World Renew Burlington
World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Ottawa
YMCA of Western Ontario, Windsor Essex Branch London
Prince Edward Island
Cooper Institute Charlottetown
Immigrant & Refugee Services Association PEI - IRSA PEI Charlottetown
Accueil Liaison Pour Arrivants (ALPA) Montréal
Accueil pour immigrants et réfugiés du Sud-ouest de Montréal / Centre prisme Lasalle
Accueil-Parrainage Outaouais Gatineau
Action des chretiens-nes pour l'abolition de la torture ACAT - Canada Montréal
Action Réfugiés Montréal Montréal
AGIR: Action Lesbienne, Gai, Bisexuelle, Trans et Queer (LGBTQ) avec les immigrants et réfugiés Montréal
Alternatives Montréal
Amnistie internationale Canada - Section francophone Montréal
Archevêché de Montréal Office des Communautés Culturelles Montréal
Association des lesbiennes et des gais sur Internet (ALGI) Montréal
Association pour les Droits de de Maison et de Ferme (DTMF) Montréal
Association québécoise des avocats et avocates en droit de l'immigration (AQAADI) Montréal
Carrefour d'action interculturelle Québec
Carrefour d'aide aux nouveaux arrivants (CANA) Montréal
Carrefour de ressources en interculturel (CRIC) Montréal
Centre communautaire des femmes Sud-asiatique Montréal
Centre communautaire LGBTQ+ de Montréal Montréal
Centre d'hébergement La Traverse Montréal
Centre d'orientation paralégale et sociale pour immigrants (COPSI) Montreal
Centre Justice et Foi, secteur "Vivre Ensemble" Montréal
Centre multiethnique de Québec Québec
Centre social d'aide aux immigrants (CSAI) Montréal
Clinique pour la justice migrante Montréal
Coalition québécoise contre la traite des personnes Montréal
Comité d'accueil international des Bois-Francs Victoriaville
Comité d'action contre la traite humaine interne et internationale (CATHII) Montréal
Comité d'aide aux réfugiés Montréal
Foyer du Monde Montréal
Immigrant Workers Centre Montréal
Jesuit Refugee Service Montréal
La Société John Howard du Québec Ville Saint-Laurent
Le COFFRET Saint-Jérôme
Le Phare des AffranchiEs St-Jérôme
Le Pont – APPI (Accueillir, Protéger, Promouvoir, Intégrer)  Montréal
Montreal City Mission Montréal
Motivaction Jeunesse Québec
Mouvement contre le viol et l'inceste (MCVI) Montréal
PINAY Lasalle
Project Genesis Montréal
Regroupement des organismes en hébergement pour personnes migrantes (ROHMI) Montréal
Réseau d'aide aux travailleuses et travailleurs migrants agricoles du Québec (RATTMAQ) Saint-Rémi
Réseau d'intervention auprès des pers. ayant subi la violence organisée (RIVO) Montréal
Say Ça! Circle of support for refugee and newcomer students Montréal
Service d'aide aux néo-canadiens Sherbrooke (SANC) Sherbrooke
Service d'éducation et d'intégration interculturelles de Montréal (SEIIM) Montréal
Services Communautaires pour Réfugiés et Immigrants (SCRI) Montréal
SINGA Québec : innovation social et enrichissement culturel avec les réfugiés Montréal
Table de Concertation des organismes au service des personnes Réfugiées et Immigrantes (TCRI) Montréal
The Good Samaritan Relief Fund Ste-Julienne
The Refugee Centre Montréal
The Welcome Collective Montréal
Yukon Cares Whitehorse