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Ukraine crisis: Displaced persons must be protected
Supreme Court decision to hear Safe Third Country Agreement appeal is a promising step for refugee rights
Aleks Dughman-Manzur elected President of Canadian Council for Refugees
Time to end the pandemic ban on refugee claims at the border
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
In Loving Memory
Processing times for family reunification have reached absurd new lengths
Separated children must be reunited with a parent in Canada in 6 months or less
Federal Court of Appeal decision disappointing but acknowledges ineffectiveness of review process
One year on: Refugees must be exempted from the pandemic travel and border bans!
Federal Court of Appeal must uphold decision to strike down Safe Third Country Agreement
Federal Court of Appeal must uphold decision to strike down Safe Third Country Agreement
Court must reject government's application to stay the Safe Third Country Agreement ruling
Trafficking Bulletin Issue No. 30 - October 2020
The government must stop sending refugee claimants back to the United States
Organizations welcome Court ruling on Safe Third Country
Time for change!
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."
Event - Forced Labour Happens in Canada: precarious migrants call for justice and protection
Call to ensure adequate support: Precarious status migrants should not be left behind
Call for Border to be Reopened to Refugees
These moments define our humanity: we must remain open to refugees and vulnerable migrants
CCR calls on the government to step up protection for trafficked persons and migrant workers at risk
CCR elects new President following successful Fall Consultation
Court to hear why sending refugee claimants back to the U.S. breaks Canadian law