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Identifying and assessing human trafficking: a national assessment tool


A two-part webinar series

Trafficked persons are often under the radar of service providers. Some of the reasons include lack of information on human trafficking, and reluctance of survivors in coming forward. Also, some survivors don’t actually recognize they are being trafficked. Lack of identification creates barriers to prevention and the protection of trafficked persons. 

Launched in 2015, the CCR National Human Trafficking Assessment Tool was created to guide first-contact service providers across Canada in identifying and responding to situations of human trafficking. Ultimately, the tool is intended to strengthen the protection of trafficked persons in Canada.

The two-part webinar series will make the case for the need to work collaboratively across the country to build evidence on human trafficking, and introduce this practical tool to guide conversations with potentially trafficked persons in order to better serve them. 

This webinar will use an interactive, scenario-based approach to walk you through the tool, address challenges and precautions of using such a tool, and provide practical tips on interviewing potentially trafficked persons.

We are grateful to have presenters from Legal Assistance of Windsor/WEFIGHT (Windsor-Essex Fights the International Growth of Human Trafficking), one of the organizations that worked closely with CCR on the development of this tool. 


Part One: Wednesday 31 August 2016, 2 p.m. Eastern

Part One will focus on why a human trafficking assessment tool is necessary. This webinar will provide an overview of the human trafficking context in Canada, and look at how the National Human Trafficking Assessment Tool can help build a coordinated national response to trafficking, provide evidence for best practice, and create advocacy opportunities to support the protection of trafficked persons in Canada.

Part Two: Wednesday 14 September 2016 2 p.m. Eastern

Part Two will focus on how to use the CCR National Human Trafficking Assessment Tool. This webinar will use an interactive, scenario-based approach to walk you through the tool, address challenges and precautions of using such a tool, and provide practical tips on interviewing potentially trafficked persons.


We are grateful to have presenters from Legal Assistance of Windsor/WEFIGHT (Windsor-Essex Fights the International Growth of Human Trafficking), one of the organizations that worked closely with CCR on the development of this tool. 

The presenters:


Shelley Gilbert, Coordinator of Social Work Services, Legal Assistance of Windsor

Shelley Gilbert has worked at Legal Assistance of Windsor since 1993 and is currently the Coordinator of Social Work Services. Ms. Gilbert is the Chair of the Windsor Essex Anti-Human Trafficking Action Group (WEFIGHT) providing support and advocacy to survivors of domestic and international human trafficking of forced labour/debt bondage, forced marriage and women trafficked into the sex industry.  She has conducted training and workshops for both NGOs and law enforcement agencies to strengthen services provided to survivors across the country.  She has presented models of collaboration, policy gaps and best practice approaches at national and provincial conferences.  She was awarded the Inspirational Leader Award by the Ontario Association of Social Workers in 2014 and the Attorney General Victim Services Award of Distinction in 2016. 


Maureen Thrasher, Anti-Human Trafficking Project Coordinator, Legal Assistance of Windsor

Maureen Thrasher, Anti-Human Trafficking Project Coordinator at Legal Assistance of Windsor. Working together with community members on WEFiGHT (Windsor Essex Anti-Human Trafficking Action Group) to provide education and outreach in our community and address the needs of individuals in trafficking situations through crisis response and case management.




* La présentation sera en anglais. Malheureusement nous n'avons pas la possibilité d'offrir ce webinaire en français, mais les francophones sont bienvenus à poser leurs questions en français*

To register:

This webinar is free-of-charge for anyone who would like to attend.


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