CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 7
    1. The government of Canada has historically had a commitment to the resettlement of refugees from abroad and indeed this commitment is incorporated in the Immigration Act;
    2. The government of Canada has a humanitarian obligation to refugees;
    3. Government assistance has always been the primary program for resettlement;
    4. Private sponsorship is a complementary program to government assistance and has always been understood by the voluntary sector to be an opportunity to respond to refugees above and beyond the government's commitment;
    5. Refugee concerns have been separated from immigration concerns in the ten-year framework;
    6. The formation of the "NGO-government Committee on Private Sponsorship" could result in a shift in government practice away from Canada's commitment to the admission of refugees;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call upon the Canadian government to honour and respect their commitment to the humanitarian resettlement of refugees from abroad, independent of the voluntary sector response.

  • Res.: 24
    1. The government of Iran has struck two separate extradition treaties with the governments of Turkey and Pakistan;
    2. Pakistan and Turkey are so-called "first countries of asylum" for refugees fleeing from Iran;
    3. It was reported widely and confirmed by Amnesty International that in return for 14 alleged Kurdish political activists extradited to Turkey, the government of Turkey has extradited at least on one occasion 6 UNHCR refugees to Iran;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR demand that the Canadian government:

    1. Pressure the Turkish and Pakistani governments to adhere to the principle of non-refoulement (article 33 of the Geneva Convention);
    2. Condemn the violation of human rights by the governments of Iran, Turkey and Pakistan and pursue the prevention of the improper use of the extradition treaties by the signatories.
  • Res.: 29
    1. There is broad national concern regarding the quality of appointments to the IRB;
    2. There is a need for independent evaluations of new nominees to the IRB;
    3. In the next few months a high percentage of IRB positions are scheduled to be filled or reappointed;
    Therefore be it resolved:
    That the CCR request that the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration declare a moratorium on new IRB appointments until such time as independent review committees can be established.
  • Res.: 4
    1. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) affects over 114 million women and girls in the world;
    2. An estimated 6 - 8 million girls under the age of 10 undergo the process of female genital mutilation each year;
    3. Female genital mutilation is the removal of, or injury to, any part of the female genital organ. The three main types are:

      Type 1) Clitoridectomy ("sunna") which may involve:

      1. Pricking the clitoris to induce bleeding,
      2. partial removal of the clitoris,
      3. complete removal of the clitoris


      Type 2)  Excision - removal of the clitoris and partial or complete removal of the labia minora

      Type 3) Infibulation ("Pharaonic mutilation") removal of the clitoris, labia minora, parts of the labia majora and the stitching together of the vulva (infibulation) to obliterate the urethra and the vaginal orifice except for a small opening (Women's Health in Women's Hands);

    4. Female Genital Mutilation is valued as a significant ritual within the cultures and communities in which it is practised but it has no valid religious or spiritual basis;
    5. Female Genital Mutilation can cause death in extreme cases or will leave the young woman with ongoing, lifelong health problems such as urinary and menstrual flow retention, dysmenorrhoea, infections of the reproductive and urinary tract, chronic pelvic infection, problems with childbirth, with sexual activity and chronic pain;
    6. Female Genital Mutilation is specifically identified as illegal in many countries and in Canada it is considered as child abuse in the section of physical abuse and aggravated assault;
    7. Female Genital Mutilation is child abuse but is also a violation of women's human rights, is violence against women, is violence against women's sexuality, is torture;
    8. Most importantly, Female Genital Mutilation is being practised in refugee camps, and it is well known what the sanitary conditions of refugees camps are like to undertake a radical surgery such as FGM;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Recommend to the UNCHR to recognise that Female Genital Mutilation is a human rights issue, and that it should be treated as such;
    2. Request that the Criminal Code of Canada be amended to specifically identify Female Genital Mutilation as a criminal act, and explore the possibility of appropriate new legislation;
    3. Urge the Federal and Provincial Ministries to appropriate funds and resources to provide counselling and support groups for the victims of FGM, for educational programmes to take place within the communities in which Female Genital Mutilation is practised and in order for the affected communities to educate the mainstream Canadian society, in particular, health service providers and educational institutions;
    4. Continue to pursue the issue of Female Genital Mutilation through information sharing, education and in advocacy;
    5. Explore the inclusion of FGM on the platform for action in the upcoming fourth world conference on Women, in Beijing 1995;
    6. Urge Canada to provide protection to women and to women and their daughters who are fleeing the FGM practice.
  • Res.: 34
    1. The CCR has learned of a forcible drugging incident involving a pregnant woman deported to Zaire;
    2. Immigration officials have said that drugging has occurred in at least twelve cases of deportation last year;
    Therefore be it resolved:
    That the CCR demand an independent inquiry into this incident and into the practice of medicating people for the purposes of deportation.
  • Res.: 9
    1. Health service is a right in Canada;
    2. Eligibility to the new Interim Federal Health Programme will be based on response of refugee claimants at points of entry and inland immigration offices to the question: "will you be able to cover any medical costs you may incur while your claim is being processed?";
    3. The claimant will be intimidated and scared to answer "no" for fear that this would jeopardize their claim;
    4. The claimant will be required to sign a declaration of eligibility (IMM-1442) at the point of entry or inland office;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR: 

    1. Urge the Federal Immigration Department to consider the removal of any eligibility criteria to be asked at the point of entry or inland offices at a time when claimants are seeking asylum;
    2. Request that the question of ability to pay for medical costs be removed and that health services be made available unconditionally to all claimants regardless of ability to pay;
    3. Urge the Department of Citizenship and Immigration to remove the mandatory condition that claimants sign the declaration of eligibility.
  • Res.: 39
    1. Persons recognized as Convention Refugees are recent arrivals in Canada;
    2. Their economic resources may be limited;
    3. Family reunification is a priority;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Condemn the imposition of cost recovery fees for landing application from all Convention refugees and their dependants;
    2. Request that the government amend the regulations to eliminate these processing fees; or in the alternative, that the government accept and process landing applications from all Convention refugees and their dependants when they are received and defer the payment of processing fees until the point of landing.
  • Res.: 14
    1. Many organizations receive inadequate funding for the administrative costs of delivering the LINC Programme;
    2. The contribution of volunteers greatly enhances LINC service delivery, but funding is not provided for volunteer recognition;
    Therefore be it resolved:
    That the CCR Settlement Working Group meet with Danielle Racette, LINC Implementation Team Director, Citizenship and Immigration, to discuss these issues and develop a fair and equitable manner to recover administrative and volunteer costs associated with the Programme.
  • Res.: 19
    1. The Women at Risk Programme has been under review as an integrated part of the general gender consultation, with involvement from the CCR ad hoc committee examining the Women at Risk Programme, women resettled pursuant to the Women at Risk Programme, sponsors, UNHCR, immigration officers, visa officers, and settlement counsellors;
    2. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has repeatedly acknowledged that the Women at Risk programme, the pride of Canada, was specifically established to respond to the immediate protection needs of refugee women and that the Programme has not adequately met its goals and needs improvement;
    3. The UNHCR and the CCR ad hoc committee examining the Women at Risk Programme in their research findings confirm the necessity of changing the eligibility criteria to respond to vulnerable refugee women in need of urgent protection, including women experiencing gender-related persecution;
    4. The high proportion of stream B cases being processed under the Women at Risk Programme has made the Programme a misnomer by processing cases that fit the general Joint Assistance Programme profile thereby negatively impacting on those women in need of immediate protection who are at risk;
    5. In the Proposals for Action from the Consultations on Gender Issues and Refugees, the implementation of the IRB guidelines for overseas selection and the development of regulations for the Resettlement from Abroad category are listed as actions to be taken immediately. Their immediate implementation will address some of the concerns around the eligibility criteria for selecting women for refugee resettlement, including the Women at Risk Programme;
    6. The current successful establishment component of the admissibility criteria of the refugee resettlement programme, which includes the Women at Risk Programme, is gender-biased, penalizing women refugees for systemic disadvantages which women have encountered world-wide, is an inappropriate measurement and is contradictory with the overall goal of the humanitarian refugee programme, including the Women at Risk Programme;
    7. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration on behalf of the Department released a Declaration of Refugee Protection for Women on June 1, 1994 at the CCR recognizing the "need to overcome traditional male-oriented views of the potential of refugees for `successful establishment'" and the summary of findings of the Women at Risk Programme review presented to the CCR on June 2, 1994 notes that programme partners have called for the relaxing or elimination of the successful establishment component of the admissibility criteria;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR communicate to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration strongly urging:

    1. The revision of eligibility criteria for refugee resettlement programmes with special changes to the Women at Risk Programme criteria, enabling it to be a programme responsive to the urgent protection needs of refugee women;
    2. The elimination of the successful establishment component of the admissibility criteria for refugees in urgent need of protection, especially refugee women.
  • Res.: 22
    1. The United States continues to return Haitians picked up in international waters directly to Haiti;
    2. Previous CCR resolutions of May '92 and Nov. '92 have called upon the Canadian government to
      1. Support the UNHCR statement of May '92 criticizing US actions against Haitian asylum seekers;
      2. Make representations to the US not to return Haitians to Haiti; and
      3. Select a certain number of Haitians for resettlement in Canada;
    3. The Canadian government has not publicly responded to these demands;
    4. The United States is now putting forward a plan involving other governments for processing Haitian refugees in the Caribbean region;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call upon the Canadian government to:
      1. Publicly clarify the positions it has taken in its discussions with the United States and in multilateral discussions;
      2. Take all available measures, in consultation with the NGO sector, to ensure that
        1. Any screening process set up in the region includes all necessary safeguards for meaningful protection;
        2. No appropriate solutions, such as third country resettlement, be excluded before individual cases are examined;
      3. Select a certain number of Haitian refugees for resettlement in Canada; potential candidates should include Haitians now in vulnerable situations in various locations in the Americas;
    2. Call upon the UNHCR to designate adequate resources to ensure that international protection standards are upheld during this process;
    3. Approach other organizations in the development and human rights fields to support and participate in our advocacy initiatives on this issue.
  • Res.: 40
    Settlement is an issue not adequately addressed by social work programmes in colleges and universities;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work to include a section on refugees in the social work curriculum as a mandatory component.

  • Res.: 27
    1. The report entitled Quality of Mercy by Susan Davis and Lorne Waldman recommends sweeping changes to the process of handling refugee claims;
    2. The report entitled Rebuilding Trust by James Hathaway recommends reforms to the selection, role and training of the people involved with the handling of refugee claims;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Request the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and the Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board to study the interaction of the above two reports and to prepare an implementation plan to co-ordinate the changes to be made as a result of these reports;
    2. Request that the CCR be made a full participant in the preparation of the above implementation plan;
    3. Undertake to develop by the end of September 1994 a common position on the essential principles from both of the above reports that it will advocate in discussions with the government and the IRB.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Immigrant serving agencies play a key role not only in the initial settlement but also the integration of newcomers so that they may become participating members of the larger society;
    2. The settlement and integration process varies from one individual to another and can take anywhere from a few months to over a decade;
    3. Immigrant serving agencies are in a unique position to outreach to their community, assess needs and provide early detection of problems and intervention;
    4. Immigrant serving agencies are equipped with skills and professional expertise to provide specialized services, such as family counselling, employment and job training, etc. based on a variety of service models;
    5. Immigrant serving agencies may provide a wide range of holistic and culturally appropriate services which are not available in "mainstream" service agencies;
    6. Immigrants are entitled to choices for services which they consider most appropriate and acceptable (including specialized services at immigrant serving agencies);
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR undertake to communicate to the government that:

    1.   Immigrant settlement services should not be limited to new arrivals within a restricted time period (wherever limitation exists);
    2. Immigrant serving agencies are qualified not only to provide initial settlement services but also a wide range of specialized services such as family counselling, employment and job training, etc.;
    3. Immigrant serving agencies should have equal access to funding to meet unmet needs of the community they serve, including those needs which extend beyond the initial stage of settlement.
  • Res.: 32
    1. A just refugee system requires that all players in the process, including interpreters, are held accountable;
    2. Interpreters are at present not held in any way accountable;
    3. There is no standard testing model for the purpose of accreditation and competence of interpreters and in many of languages there is not test at all. Different centres are allowed to recruit their interpreters using their own criteria;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call upon the IRB to ensure that:

    1. There is coherence in the overall accreditation of the interpreters in all the languages;
    2. Interpreters are made accountable through licensing and be required to observe codes of conduct;
    3. Those previously recruited are made to take an updated test before certification.
  • Res.: 7
    The media portrayal of refugees and immigrants has tended to focus on the negative rather than the positive;
    Therefore be it resolved:
    That the CCR encourage its member organizations to monitor and respond to the media portrayal of refugees and immigrants and to advocate for more balanced coverage, and that the CCR member organizations having experience in media monitoring and media relations make their expertise known to the CCR for sharing among its members.
  • Res.: 37
    1. Government officials repeatedly refer to the figure of $50,000.00 as the cost per refugee claimant;
    2. This figure is without basis in fact;
    3. The repeated use of this incorrect figure is prejudicial to refugees;
    Therefore be it resolved:


    1. The CCR request that the Government of Canada investigate the true costs of each refugee claim and produce its findings
    2. The Legal Affairs Committee of the CCR be directed to investigate the possibility of initiating legal proceedings against the Department of Immigration for "spreading false news" and for knowingly distributing incorrect information that is prejudicial to refugee claimants.
  • Res.: 12
    1. Settlement service agencies are encouraged to participate in special funding projects of their respective funders;
    2. Funders continue to expect settlement service agencies to provide administrative support costs and other internal resources such as staff time out of their core budgets
    3. This potentiality inhibits settlement agencies from accessing various funding programmes due to decreasing internal resources;
    Therefore be it resolved:
    That the CCR bring to the attention of funders the need to recognize and provide administrative support costs to their funding programmes.
  • Res.: 17
    1. The UNHCR and other NGOs who identify and refer Women at Risk cases to Canadian visa posts abroad have gathered adequate information on the referred cases;
    2. Numerous sources confirm that interviewing a woman for the details of her story of persecution can be an act of traumatization, and that further interviews are unnecessary and re-traumatizing;
    3. The November 1993 CCR Gender Consultations noted the importance of visa officers accepting referrals of Women at Risk cases using their discretion not to interview for the details of their persecution;
    4. In the restructuring of the Canadian visa posts visa officers have been advised to use their discretionary authority to decrease the number of interviews;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to direct visa officers to accept and process expeditiously the referrals of Women at Risk cases from the UNHCR and NGOs without an interview for the details of the persecution experience.

  • Res.: 25
    1. The Canadian government is a signatory of and contributor to the 1989 Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA) regarding the situation of Indochinese refugees;
    2. The application of the CPA in Southeast Asian refugee camps, as it now stands, leads to:
      1. human rights abuses which affect the safety and dignity of asylum-seekers in the camps and result in many genuine refugees being wrongly denied refugee status;
      2. deaths of many innocent lives;
      3. forced repatriation;
      4. deprivation measures imposed upon the camp populations;
      5. the birth of a dangerously convenient international precedent which aims to eliminate a refugee situation rather than to resolve it;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Request the Canadian government to make representations to the UNHCR, the CPA steering committee and the CPA fellow signatories to:
      1. establish a mechanism to identify, review and correct cases which have been egregiously denied refugee status, with the use of the UNHCR's mandate authority;
      2. respect the safety and dignity of asylum seekers, by immediately recanting the policy of deprivation measures which has led to reductions in food rations and cuts in educational and medical services;
      3. abstain from the use of force and violence in the repatriation programme;
      4. quickly resettle recognized refugees, many of whom have languished for years in transit camps.
    2. Make direct representations to the UNHCR to this effect.
  • Res.: 30
    1. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has, by News Release dated May 20, 1994, announced that his Department is establishing an "interim review process" to review negative decisions on refugee claims;
    2. The Minister has invited the CCR to assist in this "interim review process";
    Therefore be it resolved:


    1. The CCR is interested in participating in the "interim review" of rejected refugee claimants announced by the Minister;
    2. CCR involvement must include full participation in designing the review process and establishing its criteria and would include representation at all working sessions of the Departmental planning body;
    3. All rejected claims, irrespective of date of rejection, be included in the review;
    4. If the CCR is adequately represented on a management committee to oversee administration of the review, the CCR recommend to its members that they circulate information on the review and that the CCR also encourage its members to assist eligible claimants in making appropriate submissions to the review process, on a non-exclusive basis.
  • Res.: 5
    1. Racism is a reality in Canadian society;
    2. In particular, racism is reflected in refugee and immigrant selection policies;
    3. The deepening economic recession has stimulated even more backlash against refugees and immigrants;
    4. Another important reflection of racism is the manner in which refugees and immigrants are treated after arrival. There are numerous racial discriminations which appear in the public and the political domain. As a result Canadian refugees and immigrant people of colour and their children are being systematically prevented from participating in the Canadian mosaic;
    Therefore be it resolved:


    1. The CCR as a priority undertake a programme of public education to dispel refugee myths. One major undertaking should be the incorporation into press releases of the contribution of newcomers to this society;
    2. The CCR incorporate a statement into all its external and internal documents, such as its mission statement and its By-Laws, that part of the role of the Council is to actively promote an anti-racist perspective/initiative in all its work;
    3. The CCR set up an internal core group that includes representation from the diverse refugee and immigrant communities to devise strategies to combat racism;
    4. As part of its mandate, the core group encourage linkages between immigrant and refugee groups.
  • Res.: 35
    1. The CCR has produced a document entitled Refugee Detention in Canada, dated May 24, 1994, describing the current state of detention practices in Canada;
    2. The CCR and its member organizations have a collective experience of serious abuses and arbitrariness in arrest and detention practices since the adoption of law C-86;
    3. The practice of administrative detention under the Immigration Act violates article 9 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and several international human rights treaties that Canada has signed;
    4. The detention of people for removal in jails with common criminals or people being held for trial violates Canada's international obligations;
    5. There is an urgent need to reform the current rules and practices concerning grounds and powers of detention, including the necessity of legislative amendment, to prevent abuse of individuals' rights. Alternatives should be sought so that detention is used only when consistent with Charter of Rights and Freedom;
    6. Immigration officials at Canadian airports and entry points to Canada have greatly declined in civility and humanity in the treatment of visitors and foreign nationals seeking to come into this country since the adoption of Bill C-86;
    7. An exaggerated level of suspicion and scepticism is being shown to visitors to this country and this is harming the international image of this country;
    8. Minimal international standards for arrest and detention as well as conditions of detention have been adopted by the United Nations;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Endorse the May 1994 report on detention as its official paper on detention;
    2. Condemn the systematic violation of article 9 of the Canadian Charter and our international obligations;
    3. Urge the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to establish clear rules consistent with the Charter to delineate grounds for detention;
    4. Urgently demand the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to establish a mechanism for sanctions and accountability for immigration officials who abuse the rights of non-citizens and to study the possibility of an independent ombudsman for complaints about immigration practices;
    5. Demand that a code of ethics be established for immigration officials which stresses the need for normal courtesy and respect for physical conditions for visitors, as well as emphasizing a non-discriminatory attitude towards those coming to this country;
    6. Contact provincial tourism ministers to make them aware of the treatment that visitors to this country are subjected to at the current time;
    7. Invite the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention of the United Nations Human Rights Commission to visit Canada on a fact-finding visit to investigate the conformity of Canadian practices with international standards of behaviour;
    8. Advocate to the Minister that, while awaiting legislative amendments:
      1. Interpreters must be more quickly available at points of entry. No one should be detained simply because an interpreter cannot be found in time;
      2. A citizens advocates mechanism should be established in order to guard against abuse by self-contained administrative tribunals;
      3. The Department should facilitate access to review sessions to advocates willing to accompany detainees;
      4. A mechanism should be established for publishing and making available to counsel noteworthy decisions rendered by adjudicators;
      5. Maximum periods of detention should be established (no more than 4 months), except in cases where there is serious reason to believe the person poses a security risk or risk to the public. At the very least, the 4 month mark should trigger a special review with counsel, if necessary, funded by the federal government to actively seek solutions other than detention. A community advocate should also be present, if desired by the detainee;
      6. Detainees awaiting removal should be released, if the removal cannot be effected in the immediate future, as long as the person is not a security risk;
      7. Regulations establishing standards for detention centre conditions, rights and treatment of detainees and conditions for transfers to jail should be adopted. These regulations should be drawn up in consultation with the NGO sector;
      8. Detainees exhibiting signs of psychological stress should be given access to appropriate medical personnel immediately. Known or suspected survivors of torture should be referred to specialists. Reports of medical personnel should be taken into consideration in all decisions concerning the person's continued detention;
      9. Suicide attempts must be treated with the seriousness such an act merits. Relevant legislation should be reviewed and medical experts consulted to ensure that appropriate procedures are established and followed;
      10. Adequate medical care should be made available to all detainees in a timely manner. Special attention should be given to the medical needs of pregnant women;
      11. NGO's should be invited to participate in the training of personnel at detention centres, so as to increase sensitivity to the rights and needs of detainees;
      12. An independent review mechanism should be set up to oversee conditions of detention;
      13. In cases of detention in jails, detainees who have not been accused of a criminal offence should be separated from the general prison community. Special efforts should be made to expedite the case and to ensure that the detainee has access to counselling and community advocates;
      14. Minimum standards for outdoor exercise facilities should be established. There should be more than a small concrete courtyard;
      15. Airport detention facilities should be improved. Comfortable chairs should be provided. The specific needs of children should also be considered with special reference to the UN Convention on the Rights of Child. Food and drink should be made easily available;
      16. All detainees should be provided with an information sheet that clearly outlines their rights and obligations. The information sheet should be translated into as many languages as possible;
      17. All detainees should be provided with a list of organizations that might provide assistance;
      18. There should be opportunity for NGO representatives to meet with regional immigration officials at regular intervals;
      19. Staff cuts should not be made at the expense of the client. Staff needs should be regularly evaluated and reassignments immediately made if necessary;
      20. In seeking to increase the capacity of NGOs to anticipate and respond to the needs of incoming refugee claimants, the department should keep records of gender, age, and country of origin. These statistics would also permit the department to more effectively anticipate changes that might be required at detention facilities;
      21. Access to chaplaincy on a faith-appropriate basis should be provided.
  • Res.: 10
    1. Community-based organizations across the country engage in research activities around the issues of immigrant and refugee services;
    2. There is a severe lack in funding these research activities at the grass roots level;
    3. Funders usually contract out research on immigrant and refugee services delivery to private consultants and academics;
    4. Research results are in consequence inadequate and not pertinent to the real needs of immigrant/refugee and ethnocultural communities across Canada;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call upon all funders and particularly the federal government to recognize the value of research activities carried out by community-based immigrant and refugee organizations;
    2. Call upon all funders and particularly the federal government to provide financial resources for community-based organizations to continue to improve and expand research activities on immigrant/refugee service delivery;
    3. Continue to provide at the semiannual consultation a forum for community-based organizations to present the results of and exchange information on the various research activities across the different regions.
  • Res.: 15
    1. At the refugees and development sessions there was considerable interest in continued activity around these issues;
    2. A significant barrier to coordinated assistance to refugees and the internally displaced in countries of asylum/origin is the separation of responsibilities and different funding criteria within departments and between government ministries;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Continue to organize sessions on international refugee and development issues;
    2. Investigate initiating dialogue with CIDA, Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Finance to discuss the overlapping responsibilities/ funding criteria relating to refugee relief and development assistance.
  • Res.: 20
    1. The crisis in Rwanda persists and a special workshop on the subject was requested at the CCR conference;
    2. The genocide and massacres which began on April 6 have to date caused 500,000 victims and displaced more than 2,000,000 people and the numbers are continuing to grow;
    3. Inordinate numbers of refugees are pouring into the countries neighbouring Rwanda;
    4. The people of Rwanda are suffering a humanitarian tragedy and a social and economic crisis without historical precedent;
    5. The UN forces left Rwanda just as the genocide was launched, leaving the civilian population at risk, thus encouraging the army and the militia to massacre and calling into question their credibility
    6. There is considerable media misinformation suggesting that the war in Rwanda is ethnic, while in fact it is political;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge the government of Canada to:
      1. support our request for an impartial international or regional inquiry into the events which led to the genocide of the Rwandan people;
      2. support appropriate measures to ensure that following such an inquiry those responsible for the massacres are judged and punished, whether in Rwanda, here or in another country;
      3. support appropriate measures to establish a democratic government of national unity and to ensure respect for human rights, in the spirit of the Arusha Accord;
      4. continue its generous humanitarian aid to the Rwandan people;
      5. study and discuss the problem of how the local personnel employed by Canadian organizations or government were abandonned when Canadian expatriates were evacuated, in order to ensure that such a situation does not happen again;
      6. reject the imposition of conditions on the participation of Canadian forces in the UN troops, according to which 5,500 troops are to be brought together in Rwanda;
      7. implement special measures with simple and clear criteria to offer protection in Canada for those with family or other links with Canadians of Rwandan origin and to refuse visas and landing to previously identified criminals;
      8. cease all non-justified removals of Rwandans in Canada;
    2. Request its members to educate the Canadian public on the origins as well as the solutions to the current crisis in Rwanda;
    3. Request the Canadian government to finalize an urgent special procedure to collect unaccompanied orphaned minors whose sole remaining relatives are in Canada; i.e. Canadians of Rwandan origin whatever their eligibility for existing sponsorship programmes (humanitarian cases).