CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 1
    1. CIC has developed and begun the implementation of a new National Funding Formula for the allocation of settlement funding to each province;
    2. The consequences of the implementation has brought to light marked reductions in settlement funds for some provinces most notably Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan;
    3. The numbers of newcomers fluctuates each year, and the provision of service lasts for many years;
    4. These reductions will seriously damage the structural integrity and delivery capability of agencies in affected provinces, putting many below threshold operating levels;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That CIC be requested to re-evaluate the reductions targeted for various provinces, specifically Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan, taking into consideration the consequences of such reductions.

  • Res.: 6
    1. The CCR supports openness, transparency, democracy and accountability in refugee affairs;
    2. The public process relating to the setting of resettlement levels has virtually disappeared;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR encourage the Minister to undertake a more thorough consultation process in preparation for the refugee resettlement levels for 2001.

  • Res.: 11
    1. Evidence indicates that some survivors of torture are being re-traumatized by the experience of the refugee hearing process;
    2. The determination of refugee status for survivors of torture presents evidentiary complexities for the IRB;
    3. The CCR has endorsed a detailed written proposal for guidelines for the determination of torture survivors before the IRB;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request that the IRB make it apriority to establish a joint committee with the CCR to develop guidelines for refugee claim determination involving survivors of torture. The joint committee will work in consultation with other organizations with expertise in dealing with survivors of torture.


  • Res.: 4
    1. There is a national crisis of homelessness and lack of affordable housing;
    2. Immigrants, refugees and visible minorities face significant racism in the private housing market;
    3. In some large cities in Canada, newcomers make up a large portion of the shelter population;
    4. We deplore the "passing of the buck" by which different levels of government deny that newcomers' housing issues are their responsibility;
    5. Across the country income assistance rates are unrealistic in light of housing costs;
    6. There are many problems in accessing income support services across the country;
    7. We applaud the new southern Ontario project of issuing ID to assist claimants at port of entries in accessing services;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Write to the Federal Coordinator on Homelessness urging her to pay particular attention to the challenges facing homeless newcomers and especially newcomer families;
    2. Communicate with the Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada and join with them in calling on the federal and provincial governments to immediately start increasing the supply of social housing;
    3. Write to CIC urging that as part of the national strategy on homelessness:
      a) They implement information referral services at ports of entry to ensure that refugee claimants are not entering the homeless shelter system without appropriate resources to access the system and to ensure that a claimant's early months in Canada are the least traumatic possible and to ensure that they have an appropriate place to go when they leave the port of entry;
      b) They extend eligibility for ISAP services to refugee claimants;
    4. Write to provincial governments urging them to raise social assistance rates.
  • Res.: 9

    there are inconsistencies from province to province about the timing and method, by CIC, of processing refugee claimants which frequently leave claimants unable to access social services, medical care, housing and schooling for children;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request that all refugee claimants entering Canada, at all Ports of Entry, and at inland CIC offices, in all provinces immediately be issued acknowledgement of claim documents or some other form of photo identification, complete with access to the Interim Federal Health Plan.

  • Res.: 14
    1. Bill S-8, recently introduced as a private member's bill in the Senate, would amend the Immigration Act to give powers to interdict ships and their passengers;
    2. The measures proposed in the bill would seriously undermine refugee protection and put Canada at risk of violating its international human rights obligations;
    3. The bill promotes prejudicial treatment of refugees;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR oppose Bill S-8 through letters to appropriate officials and publicly presenting its position.

  • Res.: 10
    1. The war in Sierra Leone has been going on for the past nine years, creating a massive humanitarian crisis and massive outflow of refugees;
    2. There is no durable solution in the immediate and medium terms;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge:

    1. The government of Canada to recognize the urgent resettlement need of refugees from Sierra Leone including torture victims, women and children at risk, and refugees with family links in Canada;
    2. The UNHCR to provide immediate protection for refugees from Sierra Leone as per its operational mandate, which includes:

      (a) Protection from physical harm,

      (b) Working with appropriate organizations to meet the total needs of the refugees;

      (c) Ensuring that the basic human rights of the refugees are upheld.

    3. The government of Canada to donate generously to the relief operations for refugees from Sierra Leone.
  • Res.: 15
    1. Various panels of the Refugee Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board have produced personal information forms and filed them in evidence in the hearings of other claims;
    2. The new personal information form asks claimants to provide reasons why their claims should not be disclosed in the hearings of other claims;
    3. The Refugee Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board has proposed new rules for the Division which would allow disclosure of personal information forms in the hearings of other claims;
    4. Disclosure of personal information forms in the hearings of other claims turns the forms from confidential documents to public documents;
    5. Requiring refugee claims to be made in public is antithetical to refugee protection;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on the Refugee Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board not to disclose any personal information form in the hearing of another claim unless:

    1. The information in the personal information form is sanitized so that neither the claimant nor any other person the claimant names in the form can be identified;
    2. The claimant expressly consents to the disclosure of the form for the purpose of the hearing of that claim; or
    3. The Refugee Division is satisfied, at a hearing where the claimant whose personal information form is to be disclosed is notified and given an opportunity to be present and make representations, that there is no serious possibility that the life, liberty or security of any person would be endangered by reason of the filing of the personal information form in the hearing of the other claim.
  • Res.: 3
    1. The CCR notes with concern the deteriorating relationship between settlement agencies and CIC in some regions, brought about by micro-management;
    2. Settlement agencies are professional social services agencies dedicated to helping clients settle in Canada;
    3. Settlement agencies are committed to being accountable for funds;
    Therefore be it resolved:


    1. The CCR urge CIC to review, in consultation with settlement agencies, the manner in which CIC contracts with agencies. The objective of this review is to establish accountability measures which promote the best possible services for clients and efficient, effective agency management;
    2. The review address, inter alia, the following specific issues occurring in some regions:

      (a) the independence of agencies and the fact that they are already subject to annual external audits;

      (b) the importance of client confidentiality;

      (c) the fact that rigid enforcement of ISAP eligibility rules undermines the ability of agencies to offer services in a welcoming and client centered manner (noting that CCR has resolved in November 1995 that services should be available on the basis of need);

      (d) the necessity of agencies to respect employment standards and human rights legislation as employers (particularly with regards to cuts which lead to layoffs and the practice of forcing agencies to lay off, on the basis of national origin, settlement workers, many of whom serve diverse clienteles);

      (e) the provision of reasonable and consistent administrative and overhead costs and the practice of insisting that agencies subsidize ISAP services through private fund-raising and funds from other institutional funders (an unrealistic maximum of 15% administrative costs is set in some regions);

      (f) the need for a reasonable balance between CIC's obligation to monitor funds, the administrative burden of reporting and the usefulness of information to be collected;

      (g) the use of three month contracts with long established partners, making it impossible to plan services, rent facilities and manage staff and causing agencies to devote a disproportionate amount of time to contract negotiation.

  • Res.: 8
    1. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has introduced an Emergency Evacuation Program for refugees from Kosovo which aims to ensure the borders of Kosovo remain open for further refugees;
    2. This evacuation program has been identified outside of global resettlement needs;
    3. The Government of Sweden which is evacuating Kosovars is reducing its resettlement program in response to this evacuation program;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Write to UNHCR to welcome the protection initiative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and to encourage UNHCR to apply a similar program in comparable situations in other world regions;
    2. Write to CIC to:

      a) Welcome the Canadian response to this program for refugees from war and urge Canada to respond in a comparable way to future similar appeals from UNHCR;

      b) Express our appreciation of the possibility of permanent residence in the Canadian program and caution that the wishes of the refugee must be paramount;

      c) Urge Canada to bring other refugees nominated by UNHCR as in urgent need of protection in an equally swift manner;

      d) Urge Canada to extend to other refugees in Canada equally fast family reunification and the extended Interim Federal Health Program.

      e) Ask Canada to urge other countries, including Sweden, not to use the Kosovo appeal as a rationale for reducing existing resettlement programs.

  • Res.: 13
    1. Stateless people have been and are currently detained and/or deported by Canada to go into orbit, or detention or limbo elsewhere;
    2. There is a 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons to protect such persons, which the UN High Commission for Refugees is promoting but which Canada has not ratified;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge the government of Canada to:

    1. Develop an internal mechanism to protect stateless persons;
    2. In the meantime, release stateless persons from detention and process them through humanitarian and compassionate review;
    3. Ratify the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons;
    4. Promote the ratification of the Convention by other states.
  • Res.: 1
    1. The CCR has supported, in principle, the development of national settlement service standards as stated in the National Principles for settlement services (see Res. 2, Nov. 95, Res. 4, Jun. 96, and Res. 4, Nov. 96);
    2. The creation of a national settlement service standards steering committee during the November 1998 CCR conference has provided a mechanism to develop these standards and a draft framework and development strategy were presented during the May 1999 CCR conference;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR support the draft national settlement service standards framework and adopt the proposed development strategy.

  • Res.: 6
    1. The implementation of the Women at Risk urgent protection pilot project has been repeatedly delayed;
    2. Women and children who are in immediate danger of persecution or physical violence can be identified;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR demand that implementation of the Urgent Protection Pilot Project proceed without further delay.

  • Res.: 11
    1. Canada has recognized the situation which prevails in DRC and has put DRC on the list of source countries;
    2. The situation of persecution and the need for protection of the Tutsis in DRC are known;
    3. A number of Tutsis (men, women and children) have been in detention or in hiding since October 1998 as a result of ethnic persecution;
    4. Many of them have family in Canada;
    5. A number of sponsorship groups confronted with this issue are ready to cooperate to find a solution to this
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to commit the resources and methods necessary to select and interview and immediately process for resettlement the persons concerned who are in very urgent need of protection.

  • Res.: 4
    1. CIC hired a consulting firm to hold a small consultation on outcome measures for the LINC program and to produce a summary report;
    2. The consultation appears to have focused on managers and not included teachers and students;
    3. Outcome measures will likely have a significant effect on LINC contracts in the future;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That CCR urge CIC to:

    1. Distribute the report to all LINC providers to encourage wider input;
    2. Allow for consultation on recommended outcome measures before finalizing the measures;
    3. Be cognizant of the cost implications of outcome measurements for service providers;
    4. Commit themselves to a wide consultation on outcome measures for the ISAP and HOST programs.
  • Res.: 9

    The CCR has been traditionally been concerned with the root causes of mass exoduses;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on:

    1. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to investigate, and, where justified, prosecute any and all substantial allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the former Yugoslavia, whether the allegations are made against the Yugoslav government forces or paramilitary groups, the Kosovo Liberation Army or the NATO forces and whether the allegations are made against the leadership of those forces or the rank and file;
    2. The Government of Canada:
      a) to withdraw from and cease its participation in the NATO military action against Yugoslavia;
      b) to seek a peaceful negotiated solution to the crisis in Yugoslavia through the United Nations;
    3. The Government of Yugoslavia:
      a) to stop any repressive action against the civilian population of Kosovo;
      b) to stop attacks by its security forces on the civilian population;
      c) to withdraw all security units used for civilian repression;
      d) to cooperate fully with international efforts to improve the humanitarian situation in Kosovo;
      e) to allow all refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes in safety;
      f) to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
  • Res.: 14
    1. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has proposed in a white paper that the mandate of the Immigration and Refugee Board be expanded to include adjudication on whether persons face risks in returning to their countries of nationality other than those risks covered by the Refugee Convention;
    2. It has been announced that Citizenship and Immigration Canada will soon be drafting legislation to embody the above mentioned proposal;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Support the expansion of the mandate of the IRB as proposed by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, provided that the legislation and regulations enabling this proposal contain the following provisions:

      (a) that the IRB shall, when dealing with a person's claim, first determine if the person is a Convention Refugee before going on to decide whether that person faces other risks in returning to her/his country of nationality;

      (b) that the risks which the IRB may determine are grounds for not returning a person to his/her country of nationality shall include but not be limited to:

      (i) risks identified in international instruments to which Canada is party, such as the Convention Against Torture, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness;

      (ii) Generalized and personal risks resulting from country conditions, such as a state of war, generalized violence, widespread abuse of human rights, unchecked criminal activity, state-sanctioned torture or persecution against women;

      (iii) risks to family life and unity.

      (c) that the IRB be designated a "court of first instance" to determine whether a person's rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms would be violated should he/she be required to leave Canada and return to her/his country of nationality;

      (d) that the selection and training of members of the IRB be done in a fair, unbiased, and open manner, as more specifically stated in previous CCR resolutions;

      (e) that a person have the right to an appeal on the merits from the decision of the IRB in accord with CCR Resolution 24, May 92;

      (f) that there be a pre-removal review conducted by the IRB to determine if there has been any change in circumstances which would alter the IRB's initial decision on the person's claim for Convention Refugee status and on whether that person would face other risks;

      (g) that a person has the right to paid counsel at the initial hearing before the IRB, at the appeal on the merits, and at the pre-removal review.

    2. Request meaningful consultation on the issues addressed prior to the drafting of legislation on these matters.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Manitoba and British Columbia have recognized refugee claimants as legitimate recipients of settlement services;
    2. The CCR believes it is necessary to provide services to all newcomers to Canada, including refugee claimants;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge that:

    1. Refugee claimants be included in any and all funding formulas as legitimate recipients of settlement services throughout Canada;
    2. Additional funds be made available for settlement agencies to provide appropriate levels of services to this client group;
    3. The provinces that receive fewer numbers of refugee claimants not be financially penalized by this reality.
  • Res.: 7
    1. The CCR has developed a position paper entitled Settlement in Canada of Refugees from Kosovo;
    2. The CCR is convinced of the need for communication, partnership, consultation, and co-ordinated response among all levels of government, sponsoring organizations and service providing organizations in a spirit of goodwill and common objectives;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR adopt the above-mentioned position paper and communicate it to Citizenship & Immigration Canada with the request that it be considered and its implications discussed with members of the CCR.

    Canadian Council for Refugees POSITION PAPER

    Subject: Settlement in Canada of Refugees from Kosovo

    Goal: To resettle in destinations across Canada those refugees from Kosovo now located in government "sustainment sites".

    Principles: For refugees from Kosovo, as for all refugees needing resettlement in Canada, the CCR believes in a focus upon what is best for each, including:

    1. Appropriate destining
    2. Orientation to Canada
    3. Orientation to community
    4. Opportunities for refugees to make choices
    5. Application of best settlement practices
    6. Varied and creative approaches to successful settlement
    7. Equity of services
    8. Interdependence of the service-providing infrastructure

      While recognizing that the following principles can have general application to the resettlement of all refugees, with particular relevance to the refugees from Kosovo now arriving under "Operation Parasol", the CCR believes in:

    9. The benefit of community involvement, and the opportunity to engender goodwill for these and other refugees
    10. The need for appropriate training and support of volunteers
    11. Access to the service-providing community's long experience
    12. The mutually supportive roles of Sponsorship Agreement Holders and Service Providing Organizations
    13. The commitment of both sponsoring and service providing organizations to "welcome the stranger", transcending and extending any contractual arrangements with government to provide sponsorship or services
    14. The responsibility of the Federal government to provide adequate resources so that the commitment and obligation of the responding community can be fulfilled to the best standards developed over the past twenty years
    15. The need for communication, partnership, consultation, and co-ordinated response among all levels of government, sponsoring organizations and service providing organizations in a spirit of goodwill and common objectives;
  • Res.: 12
    1. The UNHCR has a program providing firewood to refugees in Dadaab camp;
    2. This program has been instrumental in reducing the incidences of rape of refugee women when they go out to collect firewood;
    3. Funding for this program ends in June 1999;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge Canada to provide funding for the continuation of the firewood program for Dadaab, Kenya.

  • Res.: 5
    1. The fundamental value of the Metropolis project is to provide research results, which are rooted in reality, to assist governments in making policies;
    2. Community organizations serving immigrants and refugees have a role as legitimate and necessary partners along with academic researchers and government policy-makers;
    3. Community organizations serving immigrants and refugees can play an important role in connecting with immigrants and refugees, in identifying policy relevance and in articulating the concrete relevance of research to current and potential funders;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR write to the Metropolis Secretariat and all Canadian national Metropolis centres urging Metropolis to:

    1. Partner with the settlement sector in organizing a seminar highlighting research done by NGOs;
    2. Provide mechanisms to facilitate the development of a network of NGOs, including community organizations serving immigrants and refugees, from the participating Metropolis countries;
    3. Commit to helping community organizations serving immigrants and refugees participate by encouraging government and universities to provide funding for their meaningful participation, including national and international conferences;
    4. Develop an effective process for the three partners, that is, government, academics and community organizations serving immigrants and refugees, to translate research results to policy change, and from policy change to policy implementation;
    5. Enable newcomers themselves to be meaningful partners with government, academics and community organizations serving immigrants and refugees, and not just research subjects.
  • Res.: 5
    1. Acquisition of language is key to the educational process;
    2. Adequate language funding in the school system is important to the future success of immigrant and refugee children;
    3. Current Ontario government policy only allow for three years of language support from the time of arrival in Canada;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR write to the Ontario Ministry of Education urging that eligibility for funding for language support:

    1. be extended to at least five years;
    2. be measured relative to the students' arrival in the Ontario school system to allow for adequate support for Canadian born children who start school without English skills and to allow for secondary migration from Quebec.
  • Res.: 10
    1. The Canadian Council for Refugees has promoted the involvement of NGOs in the identification of refugees overseas;
    2. Citizenship and Immigration Canada`s refugee resettlement model proposes the involvement of NGOs as overseas service partners;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR adopt as its position its paper Conditions for the Involvement of NGOs as Overseas Service Partners.

  • Res.: 15
    1. The Immigration and Refugee Board has begun to conduct refugee hearings using video-conferencing whereby IRB members in one city conduct hearings on claimants in another city;
    2. The IRB has done no analysis of the impact of such video-conference hearings on the ability of claimants to have a fair hearing;
    3. The use of video-conference hearings is contrary to the IRB's own stated policy of making the setting of refugee claims less intimidating and less formal;
    4. The use of video-conferencing for refugee hearings is a denial of due process to refugee claimants;
    5. Videoconferencing is also being used in detention reviews, similarly compromising the rights of detainees to a fair hearing;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call upon the IRB to immediately stop the use of video-conferencing for the conducting of refugee claim hearings and detention reviews.

  • Res.: 20

    There have been numerous formal and informal complaints about the IRB procedures and members have not been treated seriously;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask that the mandate of Mr Ratushny be expanded to include the complaints process and violations of fundamental rights in all of the CRDD's regions, the details of which are to be provided by the Working Group on Refugee Protection.