Transportation loans

Travel loans

Resolution number

Groups applying for Joint Assistance Sponsorships for Women at Risk can face unexpected requests for travel costs in addition to the resettlement support they promised;

Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to:

  1. Ensure that Canada's response to its international obligations with respect to refugees such as women at risk is unambiguous and independent of voluntary cash contributions from the Canadians who are willing to make possible resettlement by the government in other ways;
  2. Introduce clarity into refugee resettlement programs so that Canadians who come forward to assist the government can predict the costs before they begin and do not suddenly face requests for cash contributions for travel costs.

Refugee loans and interest

Resolution number
  1. The CCR has passed an earlier resolution that the Right of Landing Fee is discriminatory, exclusionary and racist because of the vast variance in country and individual income around the world, and is particularly burdensome for refugees;
  2. Previous to 1995 refugees were not charged interest on transportation loans, admissibility loans and assistance loans;
  3. The interest rate charged is above prime rate;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Continue to call for a repeal of the Right of Landing Fee for all newcomers accepted for landing in Canada;
  2. Insist that no interest be charged on any immigration loans;
  3. Urge the government, pending legislation to repeal interest charges, to charge no more than the prime rate.

Immigration Loans Program

Resolution number
  1. Resettled refugees and dependants abroad of protected persons are required to repay the costs of overseas medical exams, IOM processing charges, and travel costs;
  2. Under IRPA, Canada has made a commitment to resettle refugees who are most in need of protection, many of whom have multiple barriers to their integration;
  3. Repayment of these loans by single mothers, youth, and families further marginalizes and impoverishes these groups, diminishing their capacity to integrate;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call upon the Governments of Canada and Quebec to absorb the costs of the transportation and overseas medical expenses for resettled refugees and dependants abroad of protected persons, without reducing the total number of resettled refugees.