Delays in applying for permanent residence

Resolution number
  1. There are many protected persons who delay in applying for landing beyond the 180 days because of their inability to raise the $550 cost recovery fee, or other valid reasons;
  2. The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has not yet satisfactorily responded to the CCR request to eliminate the $550 processing fee for protected persons;
  3. The IP5 Guidelines state incorrectly that protected persons who apply late for landing and are being processed as humanitarian and compassionate cases, must meet all the normal admissibility criteria for immigrants, including medical, financial and identity document criteria.
  4. Protected persons who are being processed as H&C cases and who don’t have “satisfactory identity documents” are being refused landing.
Therefore be it resolved

That CCR request CIC to amend the IP5 Guidelines to correct this misunderstanding and to clarify that protected persons continue to be exempt from medical and financial criteria for landing and to benefit from other provisions to facilitate the landing of protected persons including special provisions for identity documents when the protected person is unable to obtain a passport to confirm identity.

Working Group
Inland Protection