Join the CCR and other allies in speaking out and raising awareness of the need for fair treatment for refugees in Africa, especially refugees whose applications are processed through the Nairobi visa office.
As an organization:

- Sign on and promote this statement on responding to African refugees.
Organizations wishing to sign this statement should send an email to and are encouraged to follow up by:
- Writing letters to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and to local MPs
- Publicizing the statement (for example, posting it on their website, publishing it in their newsletter, making a press release)
If they prefer, organizations can make their own statement on similar lines (and follow up as above).
All organizations are encouraged to do anything else they can to draw broad public attention to the unjust delays at visa offices abroad, particularly Nairobi.
As an individual:
- Collect signatures for the petition on responding to African refugees. For details about collecting petition signatures, click here.
- Meet with or write to your Member of Parliament. Present him or her with your collected petition signatures for tabling in the House of Commons. Urge him/her to work for fair treatment for African refugees and their families.
- Invite others in your community to take action. See a letter written by adoptive parents of Ethiopian twins:
For background information to encourage organizations to sign the statement and to encourage others to take action, see: