
Pathways to Gender Justice Handbook: A practical tool for working with newcomers

The Pathways to Gender Justice Handbook aims to enhance the capacity of organizations to use a gender-based approach in their work with newcomers. It is a practical guide that can be used in different areas of an organization, such as governance, management and direct services, 49 pages. 2009.

Lives in the Balance: Understanding current challenges to the refugee claim process

Canada’s refugee determination system has been the subject of recent public commentary, much of it focusing on “abuse” and alleged problems in the system. The realities of refugees in the system have received less attention. Refugee determination is complex and challenging. It is not easy to decide who needs protection and who does not. 'Lives in the Balance' provides some answers to current questions and concerns about the system, as well as information about a few of the individuals in the system.

Factsheet for nationals of moratoria countries without permanent status in Canada


A set of answers to frequently asked questions regarding the rights of people from moratorium countries without permanent status in Canada, applying for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds and available resources. 2007. Only available electronically.


End the burden of transportation loans


The burden of repaying refugee transportation loans is about more than money; it is about people who are facing tough realities. For a glimpse into some of their lives, read the profiles of individuals and families affected by the repayment of transportation loans and share them with others.