Welcome Place
521 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg MB
Refreshments will be provided
DATE: Thursday, April 4, 2013
TIME: 12 noon - 1:00 p.m.
The Honourable Christine Melnick, Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism
Tom Denton, Hospitality House Refugee Ministries
Mohamed (Damsho) Ali, Group for Oromo Community Development
Jim Mair, North End Sponsorship Team and Canadian Council for Refugees
PRESENTATION: Refugee Rights Day – “Proud to Protect Refugees”
April 4th, 2013 marks the 28th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1985 Singh decision. In this decision the Supreme Court found that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects the fundamental rights of refugees.
The panelists will share four unique perspectives on their efforts to support refugees.
HOST: Welcome Place
LOCATION: Multi-purpose Room, 521 Bannatyne Avenue
This session forms part of a regular opportunity to learn more about the complexities, rewards and challenges of providing services to newcomers to Canada in Winnipeg – with a particular focus on war-affected peoples. It’s a problem-solving opportunity as well, so your contribution to the discussion will be appreciated.
These sessions are coordinated by the Network of Organizations for War Affected Newcomers.