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CCR Anti-Trafficking Resources

Resource Description Audience
Images and messages to raise awareness about human trafficking in Canada.


Infographic on what legal practitioners said they need to improve access to legal services and avoid creating collateral harm for trafficked persons in Canada.
Infographic on the case of Mexican migrant workers who were caught in a network of labour exploitation in Wasaga/Barrie Ontario. Service providers, Allies
A guide for legal practitioners and others who work to protect trafficked persons in Canada, or want to know more about barriers for trafficked persons. Legal practitioners, Service providers, Allies
A tool for service providers to use when assessing people with lived experience. Legal practitioners, Service providers, Allies
A primer on forced labour in Canada Legal practitioners, Service providers, Allies
The CCR submission to the 2018 House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights for their study on human trafficking in Canada.
Policymakers, Advocates,
CCR’s vision for policy reform, and a road map to creating systems change.