Give your Walk media swagger: Tips and tools


*‘Give your Walk media swagger: Tips and tools’ is the third in a 3-part webinar series on ‘How to plan a Walk with refugees’.*

By now, your plans are in motion for your Walk with refugees this June and you’re asking questions of who, when, where and how. Does ‘who’ include media and journalists? Are you looking for tools to make the most of getting media coverage for your Walk? Or does the thought of inviting the media to an event with refugees make you uneasy?

Join us to talk about some tips and tricks to reaching out to media, including tools for an effective media campaign, how to match media with refugee stories, preparing to speak to journalists and more.

Join us for all 3 webinars is this series on ‘How to plan a Walk with refugees’:

Wednesday 8 April, 2-3 pm Eastern time – Prepare to Walk and Talk Together with Refugees

Thursday 16 April, 2-3 pm Eastern time – Trace your Walk with refugees: Planning from start to finish

Originally scheduled Thursday 30 April - this webinar is being rescheduled - please check back later – Give your Walk with refugees media swagger: Tips and tools

*Cette session aura lieu en anglais, mais les participants peuvent poser leurs questions en français*



For participants who are not with a CCR member organization, the cost is $25 per connection per webinar.

Click here to register and complete your payment.