Prepare to Walk and Talk Together with Refugees


*"Prepare to Walk and Talk Together with Refugees' is the first in a 3-part webinar series on ‘How to plan a Walk with refugees’.*

What is it like to be a ‘refugee’ now living in Canada? What does your community look like through their eyes?

In this webinar, we heard from storytellers with experience as refugees and community workers, who shared tips to create and share compelling public presentations. Join us to find out how to make others in your community laugh, cry and see a different side to the community they thought they knew – where people with experience as refugees play central roles.

Use these ideas to plan a successful Walk with refugees 15-21 June 2015, a guided walking tour that connects the voices and stories refugees and others seeking protection to common landmarks and shared community experiences. 

*Cette session a eu lieu en anglais uniquement*

Wednesday 8 April 2015, 2-3 pm (Eastern time)

Winnie at a Romero House Walk in 2014

Resource persons:

Winnie and Salvator, Romero House, Toronto


Samia and Krystle, Matthew House, Toronto

Click here for resources from this webinar

'Prepare to Walk and Talk Together with Refugees' is the first in a 3-part webinar series on ‘How to plan a Walk with refugees’. Join us for others in the series:

Thursday 16 April, 2-3 pm Eastern time – Trace your Walk with Refugees: Planning from start to finish

Thursday 30 April, 2-3 pm Eastern time – Give your Walk with refugees media swagger: Tips and tools