Trafficking Bulletin Issue No. 14 - June 2014

In this issue: Bill C-36 passes second reading, RCMP report on domestic trafficking for sexual exploitation in Canada, awareness-raising PSA videos on trafficking of Aboriginal peoples in Canada, 2014 TIP Report released and more…


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Issue No. 14 - June 2014



Important policy developments on trafficking

Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (Bill C-36) Passes Second Reading
On 16 June, Bill C-36, the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act, passed Second Reading in the House of Commons. The bill will be reviewed by the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights before being reported back to the House of Commons for Third Reading.

Bill C-36 was introduced by the Minister of Justice on 4 June in response to the Supreme Court of Canada's December 2013 Bedford decision, which struck down the Criminal Code’s main provisions on prostitution. The bill proposes to add new offences and to modify existing offences related to prostitution in Canada.
The new offences proposed include penalties for:
  • Purchasing sexual services and communicating in any place for that purpose;
  • Receiving a financial or material benefit from the prostitution of others;
  • Advertising the sale of sexual services, in print media or on the Internet;
  • Communicating in public places for the purpose of selling sexual services, where a person under the age of 18 could be expected to be present.
 Modifications to existing offences include:
  • An increase in the current maximum penalty for procuring, including recruiting or harbouring another person for the purposes of prostitution;
  • An increase in the maximum penalty for purchasing sexual services from a person under the age of 18 and an increase in the mandatory minimum penalty for subsequent offences;
  • An increase in minimum and maximum penalties for two child trafficking offences.
To follow the status of Bill C-36, please visit:
Backgrounder to Bill C-36:
Department of Justice Canada, News Release, 4 June 2014:
Some responses to the bill:
Asian Women Coalition Ending Prostitution:
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA):
Committee of Action against Trafficking of Humans Internally and Internationally (CATHII) (French only):
Quebec Council for the Status of Women (French only):
Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes (French only):
Women's Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution:
Bill C-36, Tories' Prostitution Act, Isn't Pleasing Base or Sex Workers, Huffington Post, 11 June 2014:
Prostitution bill would make it illegal to buy, sell sex in public, CBC News, 4 June 2014:

Reports and media

Research on Human Trafficking for Domestic Servitude: Patterns of Deception and Coercion and their Impact on Victims
This research, conducted by Yvon Dandurand, Criminologist of the University of the Fraser Valley, and the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, examines the patterns and main methods of deception, coercion and control employed in situations of trafficking in persons for the purpose of labour exploitation and domestic servitude, as well as the impacts of such methods on trafficked persons.
The research note is available online at:

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Report on Domestic Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation in Canada - SAFEKEEPING Project
RCMP Domestic Trafficking ReportThe Human Trafficking National Coordination Centre (HTNCC) of the RCMP has published a national report evaluating domestic trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Canada. This report is a result of the project SAFEKEEPING, launched by the HTNCC in April 2014 as a result of information gathered on trafficking-specific or related cases from the RCMP and other law enforcement agencies.

The findings of the report identify the different characteristics of traffickers and trafficked persons in the cases examined, as well as the vulnerabilities of trafficked persons and the modi operandi of traffickers. The report also includes overviews of human trafficking activities domestically for the purpose of sexual exploitation across different provinces, as well as gaps and challenges involved in investigating human trafficking.

The Executive Summary of the report is available at:
For the full report, in English or in French, please contact

Media Reports

Human trafficking charges laid against 3 Calgarians, CBC News, 3 June 2014:

British Columbia
Foreign worker reports death threats, coercion, CBC News, 05 May 2014:  

Nova Scotia
Human trafficking charges laid against Halifax woman, CBC News, 29 May 2014:

Ottawa human trafficking case for labour exploitation of nanny by diplomat couple:
Nanny behind diplomatic human-trafficking allegations tells story, Ottawa Citizen, 30 May 2014:

Philippine diplomats in Ottawa face human-trafficking charges, The Globe and Mail, 09 May 2014:

Other human trafficking cases in Ontario:
Ottawa man charged with human trafficking, Ottawa Citizen, 19 June 2014:

Report on human trafficking ‘just tip of the iceberg’, Maclean’s, 14 June 2014:

Toronto a 'hub' for human trafficking, report says, CBC News, 14 June 2014:

Human trafficking probe leads to 8 arrests, 44 charges, CBC News, 6 June 2014:

Police seek man facing human trafficking charges, Ottawa Citizen, 3 June 2014:

Human trafficking conviction a first for Toronto, Toronto Star, 27 May 2014:

Victims of human trafficking might get housing in Toronto, Toronto Star, 15 May 2014:

Durham Region three-part series on human trafficking, 30 April 2014:


British Columbia Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons (OCTIP) Launches Second Edition of Online Training
OCTIP Online TrainingOn 14 April, the BC OCTIP launched the second edition of the online training course Human Trafficking: Canada is Not Immune. The online training is available at:

Key features of the updated training include:
  • Updated information on human trafficking including laws in Canada, global and national trends, research and reports, and current best practices;
  • Stories from survivors across Canada illustrating different human trafficking situations;
  • Quotes from subject matter experts across Canada illustrating key concepts and ideas;
  • A final quiz and option to print a personalized certificate of completion;
  • A national list of organizations working on human trafficking issues in Canada.
This training course continues to be free and is available in both English and French.
ACT Alberta Offers Youth Engagement Project on Human Trafficking in Calgary
ACT Alberta has initiated the Youth Engagement Project (YEP!) seeking to educate and engage youth on human trafficking in Canada. Guided by a human rights framework, this project draws on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Alberta Human Rights Act in order to equip youth with the tools and skills necessary to understand and respond to human trafficking.

ACT Alberta is currently offering this free youth presentation to students in Calgary. This interactive and age-appropriate presentation is one hour long and is presented by fellow youth. Through this presentation, students learn about human trafficking in Canada and how to use human rights-based strategies to present these issues to their own communities. It equips students with the skills needed to become active and responsible citizens who are aware of their capacity to affect change in their communities, society, and the wider world.

For more information or to request a presentation, please contact
PSA Videos on Human Trafficking of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada Launched by National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC)
The NAFC has launched four short Public Service Announcement (PSA) videos aimed at raising awareness about human trafficking of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. These videos were created by Aboriginal youth from different regions in Canada, and were funded by Public Safety Canada.

The videos are available on the NAFC YouTube site:

NAFC Press Release, 1 May 2014:


Trafficking-related events

Train the Trainer Workshops in British Columbia Communities: June - September 2014
Train the Trainer workshops will be carried out across BC communities throughout June and September 2014. The Train-the-Trainer model was developed by BC’s Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons (OCTIP) and informed by community stakeholders across BC. It involves a 2-day event designed to build local capacity to address human trafficking at the community level. As part of this training, participants learn about what human trafficking is, they map the resources available in their community, develop a local service model, identify gaps in their networks of support, and design next steps to educate their community on human trafficking and to establish prevention measures.

Upcoming dates are:
  • June 23/24, 2014 – Nisga’a Nation (New Aiyainsh)
  • September 15/16, 2014 – Saulteau First Nation and Treaty 8 (Chetwynd)
  • September 25/26, 2014 – Prince Rupert
  • October 6/7 - Quesnel, BC.
If you are interested in holding a two day train-the-trainer workshop on human trafficking in your community, please contact OCTIP at, or call 1-604-660-5199.
Freedom Relay 2014 Events across Canada
Freedom Relay CanadaThe Freedom Relay is back this year in an effort to raise awareness and mobilize local support to end human trafficking in communities across Canada. Funds raised are shared between international, pan-Canadian and local programs for trafficked persons.

The Freedom Relay is returning to a city near you throughout September 2014. Get started forming a team and register with your local organizer!

For more information about the event and participating cities, please visit:
Ride for Refuge 2014 Events across Canada, 4 October
Ride for RefugeOrganizations across Canada will take part in Ride for Refuge events on 4 October. Ride for Refuge is a family-friendly cycling fundraiser partnering with 175+ charities to raise operating funding for their work with the displaced, vulnerable and exploited.

For a list of organizations to support, please visit:

For more information about how to join or organize an event, please visit:


International developments

U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report 2014 Released
TIP Report 2014On 20 June the U.S. Department of State released its 2014 global report on trafficking in persons. The TIP Report is published every year and provides a summary of almost every country’s response to trafficking as well as their compliance with the U.S. Department of State’s standards.

Even though the report considers Canada to be a country that complies with these standards, it urges it to act in the areas of:
  • Increasing specialized care and reintegration services available to trafficked persons, in partnership with civil society and through dedicated funding;
  • Intensifying efforts to investigate and prosecute trafficking offences;
  • Increasing the use of proactive law enforcement techniques to investigate trafficking, including forced labour;
  • Strengthening training for officials working in law enforcement, immigration, the justice sector, health care, and social work on identifying and providing assistance to trafficked persons, and on the complex and subtle forms of coercion employed by traffickers;
  • Improving collaboration and coordination between service providers and law enforcement to ensure the needs of trafficked persons are met, through specialized case managers or attorneys;
  • Strengthening communication between federal, provincial, and territorial actors;
  • Investigating and prosecuting Canadian child sex tourists; and
  • Improving trafficking data collection.
For more information and to download the full report, please visit:
International Labour Office (ILO) Adopts New Protocol on Forced Labour
On 11 June the ILO adopted a new legally binding Protocol on forced labour aimed at advancing prevention, protection and compensation measures by adding related obligations to the international legal framework. The Protocol also seeks to intensify efforts to eliminate newer forms of forced labour, including human trafficking, and requires governments to adopt measures that improve the protection of workers, in particular migrant workers, from fraudulent and abusive recruitment practices. It also underlines the important role of employers and workers in addressing forced labour.

The Protocol is a response to gaps identified in the implementation of existing conventions, such as the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), and the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105). An accompanying Recommendation is meant to provide technical guidance on the Protocol’s implementation.

The text of the Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 is available at: