L'école Pour Tous

"We live here, we grow up here, we go to school here."

Created by Collectif Éducation Sans Frontières/ Education Across Borders Collective and supporters in Montréal.

The Story of L'école Pour Tous:

This video is based on testimonials and realities of undocumented children living in Quebec. It aims to denounce the violation of these children’s right to free education. Testimonials were shared anonymously by families the Collectif has worked with. The video tries to portray how a child living with precarious status feels when they cannot go to school anymore or are scared of going because of their immigration status.  As the video is about sensitization and education, these stories were narrated by children with status, who could talk in name of the undocumented children that cannot be on camera.

The group consulted a professional film maker who trained them in translating their ideas and message into a short and powerful video. They plan to share the film with community organizations and government to push for change in policies that stop undocumented children in Quebec from going to school.

The original French version and translated English version of this video are both available on the Collectif Éducation Sans Frontières website (below) and the CCR you tube channel: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8654912443830BED

Contact: Karen Lorena Reyes Tolosa: karentolosa.kt@gmail.com

Collectif Éducation Sans Frontières:

Website: http://collectifeducation.org

Active since fall 2011, the Education Across Boarders Collective brings together migrants and allies- parents, students, teachers, researchers, militants- who are concerned about the lack of access to public education because of immigration status. The Collective is part of Solidarity Across Boarders (SAB), a migrant justice network that is active since 2003. SAB organizes for the regularization of undocumented migrants, the end to detentions, deportations and double punishment.