
Gender and Anti-Racism Core Groups

Resolution number
  1. The Gender and Anti-Racism Core Groups have contributed significantly to the development of CCR policy and practices since their creation;
  2. The structure of the core groups no longer meets the needs of the CCR membership;
  3. The CCR adopted in May 2009 an Anti-Oppression Policy which addresses oppression based on gender and racism as well as many other forms of oppression;
Therefore be it resolved


  1. The Gender and Anti-Racism Core Groups cease to exist.
  2. The Executive, in consultation with current core group members, core group candidates, Working Group chairs and other members interested, develop a proposal for new structures to address anti-oppression issues, and that this proposal be submitted to the membership at the Spring General Meeting. In the meantime the Executive will have responsibility for ensuring gender and anti-racism issues are addressed.
Working Group