Protracted refugee situations

Resolution number
  1. Nearly 7 million out of the 11 million worldwide refugee population have been “warehoused”  – confined to camps or segregated settlements or otherwise deprived of basic rights – in situations lasting indefinitely;
  2. Refugee protection is an international responsibility;
  3. There are proposals for a future EXCOM resolution on self-reliance;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Advocate that the future conclusion of UNHCR Executive Committee on “self-reliance” be broadly stated to include such activities as the right to work, practice professions, run businesses, own property, move freely and choose their place for residence and have travel documents.
  2. Advocate that the future conclusion on self-reliance affirm that such rights are integral to UNHCR’s protection mandate.
  3. Advocate that CIDA integrate refugee rights to self-reliance activities into its aid and development programs.
Working Group
Overseas Protection and Resettlement