Resolution number
- Citizenship and Immigration Canada through its foreign missions, is requesting a large number of families to submit to DNA testing as proof of relationships prior to approval for sponsorship;
- The DNA tests are being requested mainly for families from Third World countries;
- The DNA tests are very expensive, costing over $1200 for a family of two and more for large families, thus adding a further unbearable financial and emotional burden to families already struggling to raise money to pay processing fees, the Head Tax and transportation costs, and causing unacceptable delays in family re-unification;
- Current statistics show that over 90% of tests done to date have proved the families' relationships;
- The small number of negative test results cannot justify the financial burden imposed on others by widespread testing;
- Too much power is being wielded by the Canadian visa posts abroad in frequently requesting these tests when no reasonable grounds for doing so have been clearly established;
Therefore be it resolved
that the CCR:
- Call on CIC to stop the present discriminatory practice of requesting DNA testing from people from mainly Third World countries.
- Strongly urge the Minister to establish and publish clear guidelines as to what constitutes reasonable grounds of doubt which would justify a request for DNA testing.
Working Group
Inland Protection