Interim Federal Health Program - Practical information

On 29 June 2012, there were significant cuts to the Interim Federal Health Program. The new entitlements were very complicated. On 1 April 2016, the changes were reversed.

Changes 1 April 2016

Full IFH coverage was reinstated 1 April 2016. See the IRCC notice, 11 April 2016.

Coverage prior to 1 April 2016 after 5 November 2014

On 5 November 2014, coverage was extended in several important ways. A summary of the revised benefits is available at For information on eligible and coverage, see also Note that people who had coverage under IFHP prior to November 5, 2014 are automatically issued coverage under the new eligible group and/or coverage type to which they were entitled. They do NOT need to apply for a new certificate.

Information on coverage prior to 5 November 2014 changes

Basic overview of IFH coverage (PDF)

The following resources provide detailed information.

Resources from the Canadian Clinicians for Refugee Health

(Note: the following documents have been developed by Canadian Clinicians for Refugee Care, a coalition of clinicians, researchers and community health workers, for the information of health care providers.  Although all information has been carefully checked by experts in refugee law and health policy, they cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness.) 

Other resources

St Michael's Hospital provides some Resources for health providers


CIC procedures: urgent IFHP request (word document)

The Medavie Blue Cross IFHP Public Website contains information on:

  • who is eligible for each type of coverage
  • what is included in each type of coverage with links to the relevant benefit grids
  • a list of registered providers by province.

The Medavie Blue Cross IFHP provider site contains information about the reformed program, including:

  • Guides including the IFHP Information Handbook for Health Care Professionals
  • Bulletins sent to health providers
  • The benefit grids and drug lists.

CIC has an IFHP webpage outlining the policy.

The Order respecting the Interim Federal Health program, 2012, provides the full legal details.

The Canada Gazette, April 25, gives the order as well as explanatory text.


RAMQ: Infolettre - assurance médicaments (June 2012) + Infolettre - other services (August 2012)