Focus Group discussions – CCR Anti-racism project

Our 2-year Anti-Racism (AR) project relies on our members to implement consultations within their communities about the ways in which systemic racism affects newcomers and refugees. As we hope to hear from participants across the country, the CCR is inviting member organizations throughout Canada to lead focus groups with refugees and newcomers within communities to learn about their experiences with systemic racism in line with our AR project.

This qualitative approach into understanding how people are affected by systemic racism will help us develop a list of up to 5 priority issues and process the information into shareable resources with policy recommendations and advocacy strategies for year two of the CCR Anti-Racism project.

Key Outcomes of Year One – AR Focus Groups

As the CCR aims to develop up to 5 priority issues in regards to systemic racism faced by newcomers and refugees, we will organize a series of consultations within:

  • The refugee and immigrant-serving sector through dedicated virtual meetings and at regular CCR meetings (like the Consultation and Working Group meetings).
  • The refugees, migrants, and newcomer communities through consultations (focus group discussions) with affected groups to share their experience and select priority issues.

Following a common framework, these focus group discussions will allow us to collect diverse input, by representing different regions in Canada, and population groups with specific realities (e.g., LGBTQI communities) and present the results as shareable resources summarizing the information gathered on systemic racial barriers faced by racialized newcomers and highlighting the priority issues.

Resources available to support you

We have resources available to help you organize and conduct focus group discussions:

Next steps and timeline

Next steps

  • Read the Toolkit and watch the recording – both available from the Resources available above.
  • Fill out the AR Focus Group form to express your interest in holding a Focus Group within your organization for the project (see link in the black box below).
  • After you sign up, the CCR will reach out to you with a guideline on next steps, and how to submit questions to the CCR for approval of your focus groups.
  • Members will receive an AR Focus Group report template to submit after conducting their focus groups.


  • The question approval process will have a turnaround time of a maximum of 5 business days for the CCR to approve the questions.
  • Organize your focus groups to conclude by the end of October 2023.
  • Submit AR Focus Group report template by first week of November 2023.
Members interested in organizing Focus Groups are required to fill out a very short form, so we can liaise with you to follow-up: Tell us more about your Focus Group

Have questions or concerns?

Don't hesitate to reach out to Shilik Hamad (Project Coordinator) at