Act for Express Entry Family Reunification


Join the call for Express Entry Family reunification:


Send a holiday greeting to your Member of Parliament

To find your Member of Parliament’s mailing and/or email address:

  1. send a greeting card (by mail or hand delivered):
  2. send an email greeting:

Insert image (with text) in an email message 

OR  insert this image (no text) and add some text like:


Wishing you a happy holiday season!

At this time of family togetherness, I ask you to act for

refugees and immigrants who have been separated

from theirs for years, due to slow immigration processing.

Please support Express Entry Family Reunification. For more information:

  1. tweet your MP

For example: [insert your MP's Twitter name here] Wish they were here for the holidays. Support Express Entry Family Reunification: #cdnimm


Promote the campaign

Post information about the campaign on your website, through social media and through regular media. Use the resources from the webpage

Support Express Entry family reunificationSome suggested messages to share on Twitter:

Wish they were here for the holidays. Support Express Entry Family Reunification: #cdnimm 

Shouldn’t processing be as fast for families as for economic immigrants? #cdnimm

(or alternatively attach the image  at 

Profile individual cases

Support individuals seeking family reunification locally to use the campaign to advocate for express entry for their family members, by helping them approach an MP or talk to the media.

Make a donation to the CCR

Support the CCR's efforts to reunite refugee and immigrant families by making a donation to the CCR.