With a renewed commitment towards equity, the work of the CCR is guided by principles on anti-racism (see our Anti-racism Policy) and solidarity with racialized communities. We have long been aware of the destructive effects of racism on newcomers and communities and the lack of comprehensive initiatives at the national level. Between 2022 and 2024, CCR implemented the Anti-Racism project with funding from the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF):
Key Outcomes of the Project:
1. Work with our community of members, refugees, and newcomers to participate in dedicated virtual meetings, regular CCR events, and other project initiatives to gather input about the priority issues of racism that newcomers and refugees experience, particularly those of African descent, including in seeking justice and in accessing public services.
2. Develop up to 5 priority issues in the first year of the project, which will turn into shareable resources with policy recommendations, in line with the advocacy strategies chosen for year two.
3. Increased awareness within communities, within the refugee and immigrant-serving sector and within government about racism experienced by newcomers.
- Year One (Sept. 2022 - Aug. 2023)
We did this by:
1. National consultations organized by the CCR, through dedicated meetings organized specifically for this project as well as project consultations from regular CCR meetings.
2. Working with member organizations to organize consultations with affected communities, following a common framework. These consultations will collect diverse input, by representing different regions in Canada.
1. Identify up to 5 priority issues from among the barriers identified in the consultations, with a focus on strategically prioritizing issues where action through the project is most likely to contribute in important ways to dismantling systemic racial barriers.
2. Develop shareable resources summarizing the information gathered on systemic racial barriers faced by racialized newcomers and highlighting the priority issues.
- Year Two (Sept. 2023 - Dec. 2024)
We do this by:
1. Organize another series of consultations, using the same model as in year one. At these consultations, we will share information on the priority issues, gather further information on these issues and consult on recommendations for policy changes and advocacy strategies to address them.
2. Racialized newcomers who participated actively in the year one activities will be invited to play a leadership role in these consultations.
1. Develop shareable resources with policy recommendations, in line with the advocacy strategies chosen in year one.
2. Share the resources with government, institutions, and organizations (as relevant to the priority's issues) and engage in constructive dialogue with them, through meetings, with the active participation of reps of the affected communities. We will encourage and support CCR members to undertake their own advocacy on priority issues, in their regions and networks and within their own organizations.
Key Resources
- Focus Group resources:
- Issue papers on 5 priority areas, with recommendations
- Turning the tide on stigmatization of Black and other racialized newcomers in public opinion
- Ending inequity in responses to global refugee crises
- Challenging systemic racism and particularly anti-Black racism at the border
- Ending inequity in processing of resettled refugees, particularly from Africa
- Realizing the right to adequate housing for racialized refugees and newcomers