Supporting Refugee Claimants: Practical steps (part of Improving Access to Justice series)


In recent months, Canada has seen an increase in refugee claimants, while resources and know-how to support these newcomers remains in short supply. Front-line workers across the country can benefit from the expertise of those who have been working with claimants for many years.

Participants at this webinar will learn about:

  • The refugee determination process, including timelines and delays
  • Applying for a work permit
  • Applying for Permanent Residence
  • Provincial entitlements and services for refugee claimants

This webinar will last 90 minutes, and is part of the Law Foundation of Ontario-sponsored “Improving access to Justice” series, designed to reinforce the capacity of front-line workers to support refugees and vulnerable migrants in accessing legal information.

Presenters Claire Roque, Jenn McIntyre and Anthony Navaneelan will provide practical information, guiding front-line workers through the procedures that are part of working with refugee claimants on a daily basis. The presentation will be followed by a thirty minute question-and-answer session during which participants can have their questions answered by the presenters.

Cette session aura lieu en anglais. La version française aura lieu le 12 octobre à 14h. Cliquez ici pour plus de renseignements.

11 October 2017, 2 pm – 3:30 pm (Eastern time)

Resource persons:


 Claire Roque, Ministry Specialist for Inland Protection of Refugees, Diocese of London




 Jenn McIntyre, Director, Romero House




Anthony Navaneelan, Staff Lawyer, Refugee Law Office 




Click here for webinar resources