Legal Training on Temporary Resident Permits for Trafficked Persons


In this webinar, Cathy Kolar and Loly Rico provided a legal training on Temporary Resident Permits (TRPs) for trafficked non-citizens. It included an overview of the permit, the interview process, strengths and shortcomings of the permit and other avenues to regularization for internationally trafficked persons. This webinar was intended for lawyers, services providers and other working on or interested in trafficking issues.

Wednesday, June 26th, 1-2 pm (Eastern time)

Cathy KolarWith

Cathy Kolar, Legal Assistance of Windsor

Cathy supervises immigration files for Legal Assistance of Windsor. Over the past 20 years, she has advocated for displaced persons or those living with less than full immigration status in Canada and Central America. Her current work involves supporting survivors of labour trafficking throughout their immigration process. She has successfully represented more than thirty victims of human trafficking during their temporary resident permit interviews with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.


LRicoLoly Rico, Co-Director, FCJ Refugee Centre (Toronto) and CCR President

Loly is founder and co-director of the FCJ Refugee Centre, where she heads the Settlement Programme. Recently her efforts received recognition through the Trevor Bartram Award of the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT) for her dedication and compassion in working with trafficked persons. In addition to being the CCR’s current President, Loly is Past President of the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), member and founder of the Coalition of Services Providers for Refugee Claimants (CSPRC) and past chair of the CCR’s Anti-Trafficking sub-committee.

*Note : this webinar presentation will be in English, but participants are welcome to ask questions in French.*

Click here for resources from the webinar (you must be logged in to your CCR member account)