H&C Evidence Gathering Tool for Advocates Supporting Women Survivors of Gender-based Violence


This webinar gave an overview of the Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) Evidence Gathering Toolkit developed by the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic for services providers to help their clients, women who have experienced violence.

The webinar answered questions that may arise in gathering evidence in applications dealing with gender-based violence, as well as when reviewing the checklist with clients. It also provided some helpful resources to assist workers and clients to gather strong supporting evidence for the H&C.

**Please note that the toolkit should not be used as a self-help resource. The session was also closed to government and the media.

*Cette session a eu lieu en anglais seulement*

Wednesday 10 December, 2-3 pm (Eastern time)

RVasavithasanResource person:

Rathika Vasavithasan, Migration Lawyer, Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic, Toronto

Click here for resources from this webinar (you must be logged in to your CCR member account)