In this issue: Labour trafficking PSA, 2015 Trafficking in Persons Report, new resources to assist trafficked persons, upcoming events and more…
Issue No. 20 - September 2015
Important policy developments on trafficking
On 30 July, the Ministers of Canada’s Task Force on Human Trafficking marked the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons by reaffirming Canada’s commitment to address trafficking, highlighting some of the efforts carried out under the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (NAP).
While the statement and the recent NAP Annual Report on Progress 2013-2014 indicate that these efforts have followed the NAP’s main objectives of prevention, protection, prosecution and partnerships, organizations continue to call for further action in the area of protection and assistance for trafficked persons. Organizations have noted that in practice, anti-trafficking efforts under the NAP largely favour a prosecution and proof-based approach, rather than a rights-based and victim-centred one. There has also been a call for strengthened collaboration between the government and the non-governmental sector to improve responses.
More information on the priorities identified by organizations is available in the CCR Trafficking Forum Highlights Report.
Some statements:
ACT Alberta:
Committee of Action against Human Trafficking Internal and International (CATHII) (in French):
International Organization for Migration:

The directory includes some guiding information on trafficking and criteria to assist in the identification of potential trafficked persons. It also lists a number of training programs on different aspects of trafficking.
The directory is available in French only here.
Labour Trafficking PSA, West Coast Domestic Workers’ Association (WCDWA)
On 30 July, as part of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, the WCDWA launched a public service announcement raising awareness about labour trafficking in Canada. Watch the PSA here.
To learn more about labour trafficking, please consult the CCR’s Trafficking in Persons for Forced Labour Backgrounder.
Project imPACT Film Program: Youth Documentary on Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in Ottawa

The Project imPACT Film Program brought together youth to produce short films raising awareness of human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Ottawa. The documentary describes the program's intention and impact and includes the three youth-made films. The youth chose to focus their films on recruitment, victim statements and public misinformation.
The short films and documentary are available in English and French here.
Reports and media

The report is now available online in English here.
The report examines existing practices in providing assistance to and protecting trafficked persons across Canada. It also explores possible areas of action to support front-line workers in their responses, to facilitate consultation and cooperation between front-line workers, and to facilitate access to services that adequately respond to the specific needs of trafficked persons.
Media Reports
Third person charged in Toronto-Montreal human trafficking case, CTV News Toronto, 30 September 2015:
Winnipeg among 4 cities eyed for RCMP human trafficking teams, CBC News Manitoba, 28 September 2015:
Oshawa man charged with human trafficking, CTV News Toronto, 24 September 2015:
Crown wants 20 years for B.C. man at centre of teenage prostitution ring, Vancouver Sun, 21 September 2015:
76 charges laid in illegal massage parlour raid, Ottawa Citizen, 16 September 2015:
Second arrest made in teens' human trafficking case, CTV News Toronto, 10 September 2015:
Quebec man charged with human trafficking, faces several counts in Saskatoon, The StarPhoenix, 22 August 2015:
Richard Hover Cooper faces new human trafficking charge, CBC News Nova Scotia, 18 August 2015:
N.B. community groups launch project to research and reduce human trafficking, Global News, 10 August 2015:
Human trafficking charge in Airdrie spurs group to dispel myths, CBC News Calgary, 31 July 2015:
Trafficking-related events
Ride for Refuge Events across Canada, 3 October 2015
For a list of organizations to support, please visit: Locations are also available at:
For more information about how to join or organize an event, please visit:
SWAN Vancouver Society Event, Vancouver, 15 October 2015
SWAN Vancouver Society is hosting a critical perspectives forum to foster an informed dialogue on human trafficking and anti-trafficking efforts. This event seeks to promote an evidence-based discussion about human trafficking and anti-trafficking initiatives that hopes to result in ethical and responsible front-line practice and policymaking.
For more information and to register, please visit:
ACT Alberta Hosting Human Trafficking Presentation for Service Providers, Edmonton, 21 October
In collaboration with the Edmonton Public Library, ACT Alberta is offering an education session directed to service providers and stakeholders interested in learning more about human trafficking as it presents in Alberta.
For more information on the time, location and agenda, please send an email to
Together Let’s Stop Traffick International Summit 2015, Los Angeles, USA, 9 - 11 November

The third international summit will take place in Los Angeles, California, in the United States and is open to international stakeholders from across disciplines working to address human trafficking.
For more information about the event and to register, please visit:
International developments
U.S. Department of State 2015 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report ReleasedThe U.S. Department of State has released its 2015 global report on trafficking in persons. The TIP Report is published every year and provides a summary of almost every country’s response to trafficking as well as their compliance with the U.S. Department of State’s standards.
The 2015 report ranks Canada as continuing to comply with the U.S. Department of State’s standards, but also highlights some of the gaps in Canada’s response. Notably, concerning protection measures the report points out a significant decline in the number of Temporary Resident Permits (TRPs) issued to trafficked non-citizens. It also notes that stakeholders have stressed that the demand for services currently exceeds available resources, particularly for longer-term services. Barriers to access to services, including health care, particularly affect individuals without documentation.
The report prompted Canada to improve its anti-trafficking efforts by:
- Providing specialized care and reintegration services, in partnership with civil society and through dedicated funding from federal and provincial governments;
- Dedicating funding for specialized care for child victims, ensuring their access to appropriate shelter;
- Improving efforts to investigate and prosecute trafficking offenses, convict and issue dissuasive sentences;
- Instating proactive law enforcement techniques to investigate trafficking, particularly forced labour;
- Training officials working in law enforcement, immigration, the justice sector, health care, and social work, on identifying and assisting trafficked persons, as well as on the subtle forms of coercion employed by traffickers;
- Advancing coordination efforts between law enforcement and service providers through specialized case managers or counsels, to ensure that the needs of trafficked persons are met;
- Improving communication efforts between federal, provincial, and territorial actors, and the strengthening of provincial interagency efforts;
- Investigating and prosecuting Canadian child sex tourists;
- Collecting data to document trafficking and service provision to trafficked persons.
The US State Department’s country narrative on Canada is available here.
The full report is available to download here.