Issue No. 28 - AUGUST 2017
Policy developments on trafficking
Evaluation of Temporary Residence Permits
In 2016, the federal government undertook an evaluation of Temporary Residence Permits (TRPs) to assess their relevance and effectiveness as an instrument that allows a person who is otherwise inadmissible to enter or remain in Canada. TRPs are issued under circumstances such as humanitarian and compassionate grounds and to ‘victims of human trafficking’ (VHTs). The CCR has raised concerns about the TRPs with respect to gaps in access to protection and rights for trafficked persons. The government evaluation affirms the ongoing relevance of the TRP as an instrument and acknowledges the need to address operational and policy issues and questions related to managing VHT cases. The CCR will continue to urge the government to address the gaps related to the protection of trafficked persons. CCR welcomes the elimination of Conditional Permanent Residence
The CCR welcomed news that the federal government has eliminated conditional permanent residence for sponsored spouses and partners. Under the conditional permanent residence rules, the permanent residence of some sponsored spouses was conditional on their remaining in the conjugal relationship and living with their sponsor, for a period of two years. This stipulation had a devastating impact on women in abusive relationships, including potentially trafficked persons. The elimination of the measure comes as a direct result of the efforts of the many who mobilized against it. Read the CCR statement here. Legal aid for refugees is essential and must be adequately funded
The CCR has called on the federal and provincial governments to provide increased and sustainable legal aid funding to represent refugees and vulnerable migrants in refugee and immigration proceedings. Recently, Legal Aid Ontario invited input on how cuts should be made to legal representation for refugees. There are concerns that other provinces might go down the same road. Denying legal representation to refugee claimants would contravene Canada’s international human rights obligations and rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Read the CCR statement here.
Resources & announcements
CCR National Forum on Human Trafficking Report
On 23 November 2016, the CCR hosted a National Forum on Trafficking in Persons in conjunction with the CCR Fall 2016 Consultation in Montreal. The comprehensive report addresses the challenges, promising practices, emerging needs, policy concerns and priorities moving for forward in anti-trafficking work across the country. The Forum was attended by non-governmental organizations (including anti-trafficking and social justice advocates), service providers, academics, as well as representatives of different levels of government.
The next Trafficking Forum will take place on 29 November in Niagara Falls. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Spring 2017 Consultation Report
The report of the CCR’s Spring Consultation, held in Edmonton, includes a summary of workshops and plenary sessions, including the workshop, Difference Faces of Exploitation: Promising practices for service provision and policy change, organized by the CCR Anti-Trafficking Committee and the Migrant Workers Committee. Thinking Outside the Box: Developing Case Law on Trafficking
In a webinar held in June 2017, federal Crown Prosecutor Michelle Ferguson addressed the limitations of existing trafficking laws and legal strategies to overcome them. Her presentation also referred to landmark trafficking cases. Click here for resources from this webinar (for CCR members only) PublicationsTrafficking in Persons Report 2017 The latest Trafficking in Persons Report by the U.S. Department of State focuses on how to increase criminal accountability of human traffickers and address the challenges in prosecution. This year’s report recommends Canada step up its efforts to improve access to or funding for trauma-informed care and specialized services, as well as efforts to investigate human trafficking, especially forced labour. It also recommends Canada increase its efforts to prosecute and convict traffickers.
Visit the report page to view or download the full report, the Country Narratives with recommendations for each country, or Fact Sheets. The Canada Report is available here. A Formidable Task: Reflections on obtaining legal empirical evidence on human trafficking in Canada
In this special issue of the Anti-Trafficking Review, this article explores the experiences, challenges and findings of two empirical research studies examining Canada’s legal efforts to combat human trafficking. The Intersection of Exploitation and Coercion in Cases of Canadian Labour Trafficking
This article reports on a review of documented cases over the past fifteen years in Canada where labour exploitation intersected with coercion. Published in the Journal of Law and Social Policy. Challenging Trafficking in Canada
This report presents information about human trafficking policy interventions as they impact sex workers, Indigenous women, migrants, youth, and other marginalized groups. Published by the York University Centre for Feminist Research. Human Trafficking – An Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography provides an overview of relevant academic and grey literature that addresses a range of related issues including forced labour, sex trafficking, violence against women, and issues that particularly impact specific groups including temporary foreign workers, non-status/undocumented workers and Indigenous women. Published by the York University Refugee Research Network.
International developments
UN Global Compact on Migration
This is a United Nations initiative to develop a global blue print for safe, orderly and regular migration. Through a series of global consultations, where member states and civil society organizations can attend, the UN will be address six thematic issues. The thematic consultation on the Smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and contemporary forms of slavery will take place on 4 September in Geneva. Read the UN issue brief on this topic here. Also read the Women in Migration issue brief here.
The Canadian Women’s Foundation organized a webinar with speakers from women’s and migrant serving agencies spoke about the relevance of the Compact on Migration and ways that civil society organizations may be able to inform the global process. View the recording by registering here.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has launched an anti-trafficking campaign penned as IOM X. Leveraging the power of media and technology, IOM X is described as an innovative campaign to encourage safe migration and public action to stop exploitation and human trafficking.
Trafficking events in Canada
CCR Legal Workshop at CARL Conference The CCR will be organizing a legal education workshop at the 13 thCanadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) National Conference on 16 October.
More details will be announced shortly.
In the news
- Canada's flight attendants urged to take training to spot signs of human trafficking, Toronto Star, 11 Aug. 2017
- Canadian Anglicans step up fight against human trafficking. Anglicannews, 1 Aug. 2017
- As more crime becomes digital, Canada needs a serious security update, Financial Post, 21 July 2017
- As the law and society evolve, Canadian judges go back to school…,Toronto Star, 2 July 2017
- Human Trafficking And Disability – Looking For A Light In The Darkest Of Places, Huffington Post Canada, 27 June 2017
- Homeless youth prime target for trafficking, The Catholic Register, 15 June 2017
- Canadian girls being targeted for sex trafficking, Canoe, 13 June 2017
- Backpage: Sex workers can find safety in online marketplace, The Globe and Mail, 1 June 2017
- Canada a primary target for human trafficking, says expert, The Catholic Register, 24 May 2017
- Man facing human trafficking charges after investigation in seven provinces, Hamilton Spectator, 4 May 2017
- Now Is The Time To Decriminalize Sex Work, Huffington Post Canada
- Health-care workers learning to combat the 'epidemic' of human trafficking, CBC News, 1 May 2017
- Study shows Canadian immigration system's shift toward migrant workers, Toronto Star, 22 March 2017
- Newfoundland: Government of Canada supports the Blue Door Program in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, CNW, 17 Aug.2017
- Newfoundland: New program offers support for people who want to leave sex trade, CBC News, 14, July 2017
- Nova Scotia: Halifax police determined to identify johns in human trafficking cases, Crown says, Local Xpress, 28 July 2017
- Nova Scotia: 'They are so incredibly brainwashed': A daughter's spiral into human trafficking, CBC News Nova Scotia, 17 June 2017
- Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia man gets seven years for trafficking girl, 14, Toronto Star, 31 March 2017
- Quebec: Montreal police cracking down on pimps at record rate, CBC News, 27 July
- Quebec: Canadian Grand Prix: Is Montreal Formula One race really a sex-trade hotbed?, Montreal Gazette, 9 June 9 2017
- Quebec: Why is the Canadian Grand Prix a hub for human trafficking?, Global News, 25 May 2017
- Ontario: Woman, 18, and female youth charged with sex trafficking local girl, CBC News Kitchener-Waterloo, 16 Aug 2017
- Ontario: How a girl living in a Guelph group home ended up in a sex trafficking ring, CBC News, 10 Aug 10 2017
- Ontario: 'Hotel of youth': How an Ontario hotel ad campaign tackles sex trafficking, CBC News, 9 Aug 2017
- Ontario: Kingston not immune to human trafficking, Kingston Whig-Standard, 13 July 2017
- Ontario: In memory of Janos Acs, The Hamilton Spectator, 4 July 2017 -
- Ontario: Ottawa family building school in Madagascar to prevent child trafficking, CBC News, 19 June 2017
- Ontario: A murky, misunderstood hell: On the front lines of human trafficking in Ottawa, Ottawa Citizen, June 9, 2017
- Ontario: Man, woman face human trafficking charges after missing girl found, CBC News, 1 June 2017
- Ontario: Human trafficking 101, The Barrie Examiner, 1 June 2017
- Ontario: The reality of sex trafficking in Toronto, Toronto Sun, 24 May 2017
- Ontario: Turning True Stories of Sex Trafficking into an Opera, Torontoist, 19 May 2017
- Ontario: 2-day workshop tackling human trafficking issues in London and Middlesex County,, 18 May 2017
- Ontario: OPP find ten victims, several underage, in human trafficking probe, MetroNews Canada, 25 April 2017
- Ontario: Police arrest 104 men in massive multi-year child prostitution investigation in Ontario, Global News, 21 April 2017
- Ontario: Ontario program targets child sex trafficking, Toronto Star, 16 April 2017
- Ontario: London human trafficking: how the women recover, CBC News, 12 April 2017
- Ontario: Stouffville church shining spotlight on human trafficking in York Region, CBC News, 28 March 2017
- Ontario: Conference aims to end sex trafficking, The Sudbury Star, 17 March 17 2017
- Ontario: Human trafficking victim says rural areas and cities are at risk during workshop in Seaforth, Huron Expositor, 15 March 2017
- Ontario: Ordinary folks can help stop human trafficking, Camrose Canadian, 3 March 2017
- Ontario: Oakville Beaver Editorial: Fighting back,, 3 March 2017
- Ontario: Highway of horrors, not heroes, Hamilton Spectator, 7 March 2017
- Manitoba: Korean workers in some Winnipeg sushi restaurants coerced into handing over part of pay to..., CBC News, 27 Jun3 2017
- Manitoba: Police visit airport-area hotels to raise awareness of sex trade, CBC News, 10 March 2017
- Alberta: Recruiting teens for prostitution nets High River woman 2-year sentence, CBC News Calgary, 17 Aug 2017
- Alberta: Buying sex is illegal, billboard campaign reminds Edmontonians, CBC News, 13 July 2017
- Alberta: 'As soon as we shine a light, it flees': Paul Brandt raises his voice against human trafficking, CBC News, 5 July 2017
- Alberta: 'Monstrous' crimes: Alberta man accused of abusing 3 daughters faces sex, weapons charges, CBC News, 10 June 2017
- Alberta: Edmonton police finding new ways to battle sex trade, CBC News, 5 April 2017
- British Columbia: Daphne Bramham: Jail sentences for two members of BC polygamous sect in child bride case, Vancouver Sun, 11 Aug. 2017
- British Columbia: Former bishops guilty of polygamy involving isolated sect in Bountiful, BC, The Globe & Mail, 24 July 2017
- British Columbia: Nanaimo teen educates community about human trafficking, Nanaimo News Bulletin, 20 April 2017