Reclaim Honour - Spoken Word Workshops

Want to hear about the realities of fierce Muslim women?

This project was led by group of young women working with the Reclaim Honour initative at the Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration in London, Ontario.



The Story of Reclaim Honour's Spoken Word Workshops:

As a part of their youth-led initiative addressing the issue of so called "honour-based violence," a group of young women organized two full day spoken word workshops to give a platform to youth affected by gendered violence to use their voice on the issue. One of the workshops was faciliated by Outburst!, a movement of young Muslim women in Toronto. In the workshops, the participants learned skills in writing spoken word and faciliating a safe space where women can share their experiences.

This can be a model for other groups trying to create a safe space for sharing, utilize arts as a tool for community development and faciliate through sensitive conversations.

In the workshops, the group created a collective spoken word piece entited "A Tapestry of Voices: As a Muslim Woman" which they turned into an incredible video (see above)! "Each line represents the unique voice of a Muslimah ... and collectively it celebrates the many strengths, vibrant diversity and dynamic identities of young Muslim women."

Contact: Gina Kayssi -

Reclaim Honour:


Voices united to end violence in the name of honour. 

Reclaim Honour is a community engagement project shaped by young Muslim women & men to promote healthy dialogue, awareness and collaborative action on gender-based violence. Reclaim Honour hopes to better understand the issue of "honour-based" violence, promote constructive dialogue within the community, develop appropriate supports and ultimately end violence against girls and women.