Limitations on G-5 sponsorship

Resolution number
  1. For refugees from countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, and urban refugees in many countries, there is no possibility of receiving timely or any refugee status determination by UNHCR or a host country.
  2. The requirement of host country or UNHCR recognition as refugees in order to be considered as eligible for sponsorship by a Group of 5 or by a Community Sponsor is a de facto limit on the Private Sponsorship of Refugees program that discriminates against refugees who do not have timely or any access to status determination.
  3. The CCR has adopted many resolutions over the years in support of non-discrimination in access to refugee resettlement and of family reunification.
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR call upon the government to remove the requirement of refugee status determination for G-5 and Community Sponsors.

Working Group
Overseas Protection and Resettlement