Equitable responses to Humanitarian Crises

Resolution number
  1. IRCC has created temporary immigration measures for Ukrainians that allowed for applications for Ukrainians looking to travel to Canada, whether or not they had family in Canada;
  2. IRCC has highlighted the success of temporary protection and signaled an increasing use of temporary protection as a response to emerging crises;
  3. There continue to be complex and emerging humanitarian situations in Sudan, impacting both Sudanese nationals and others living in Sudan including refugees from Eritrea and across the African continent;
  4. The differential approach to Ukrainians and African refugees in terms of the requirement for existing family ties to Canada highlights inequities in the approaches taken by IRCC based on race, nationality, and ethnicity.


Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR calls on:

  1. IRCC to develop a rapid response framework to respond to humanitarian crises that is transparent and equitable regardless of race, nationality and ethnicity and that respects the principle of additionality
  2. And to develop equal opportunities for nationals, refugees and others needing humanitarian protection to access temporary and permanent pathways to protection in Canada.


Working Group
Overseas Protection and Resettlement