Resolution number
- The government of Canada made a commitment to Canadians for efficient program management in the document "Results for Canadians";
- The government of Canada made a commitment to the Voluntary Sector for rational reporting systems in the Voluntary Sector Accord and its Code of Good Practice on Funding;
- LINC providers in Ontario are being forced into a triple reporting structure because CIC's two computer systems, the regional ARS and the national iCAMS, are incompatible and unreliable;
- ISAP providers in Ontario are being forced into double reporting because NHQ and Ontario Region do not have the same reporting requirements;
- Both LINC and ISAP providers are forced to input large amounts of client data into systems with no capacity to assist program management;
- CIC provides no realistic support for this administrative burden;
Therefore be it resolved
That CCR write to Treasury Board and CIC urging them to:
- Stop the implementation of iCAMS until the issues between CIC national and CIC region have been resolved.
- Review the iCAMS system in light of the new Voluntary Sector agreement to ensure that it conforms with the Code of Good Practices on Funding.
- Take into consideration CCR's previous resolutions from May 2001(Res. 1), Dec. 2000 (Res. 16) and May 1999 (Res. 4).
Working Group
Immigration and Settlement