Colombia refugee support

Resolution number
  1. The violation of human rights in Colombia has reached unprecedented and outrageous levels;
  2. The targets of this violence are key institutions of civil society (human rights groups; church, justice and peace groups; workers and trade union leaders; peasant and indigenous organizations);
  3. The Colombian government has proven, once again, to be unwilling and incapable of curbing the atrocities committed by the military and especially the paramilitary formations;
  4. An estimated one million Colombians are internally displaced within the country;
  5. Colombia was added to the Source Country list this year;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Demand that the Government of Canada put special emphasis immediately on Colombian nationals at risk of human rights violations, including expediting the processing of persons applying through the Humanitarian Designated (Source Country) class;
  2. Urge the Government of Canada to strongly condemn the serious and escalating human rights violations in Colombia in all international and regional fora and in particular:
    a) request the UN Human Rights Commission convene a special session on Colombia;
    b) raise concerns about Colombia at the next meeting of the OAS general assembly;
  3. Urge the Government of Canada to cease all sales of military equipment to Colombia, including all "dual purpose" equipment that could have military application.
Working Group
Overseas Protection and Resettlement