
Resolution number

Citizenship is fundamental to who we are as a country;

Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR take the position that citizenship laws and policies must:

  1. Respect the principle that all citizens are equal.
  2. Embrace newcomers and encourage them to quickly become full participating members of our society.
  3. Recognize the barriers that some newcomers face to full participation, including the particular barriers faced by refugees who have suffered persecution and long years of deprivation.
  4. Respect the principle that citizenship is a status from which rights derive, and is thus similar to our status as human beings. It is not something that can be lost through behaviour.
  5. Have clear and transparent criteria about acquisition and loss of citizenship.
  6. Ensure that individuals have access to a fair hearing before an independent decision-maker, with the right of appeal. Decisions should not be made on a discretionary basis by the Minister.
Working Group
Immigration and Settlement