Watch a film on seeking refuge and protection

Some films about refugees at IMDB.comLooking for a film to show at your next group event? Or just looking for a Friday-night film that will make you think?

Here are some ideas of films - from popular dramas to documentary films - on issues affecting refugees, including lots of Canadian content!

Check here for selections from the National Film Board of Canada to watch online or order.

And here are some UNHCR-recommended TedxTalks on refugee resilience.

Don’t watch alone or keep these to yourself!

Consider planning a movie night with a group you belong to, or with friends.

Check with your public library.

Can they compile a playlist of DVDs on issues affecting refugees for others to borrow? They may have many from this list or from the National Film Board available already. Here’s a DVD playlist from the Greater Victoria Public Library prepared for World Refugee Day (June 2014) to start.

Have a suggestion to add to these lists? Send it by email to Colleen French at: