Toolkit: Promoting and Raising Awareness on Refugee Rights


Best for: Awareness-raising, engagement, outreach, amplification, news & press

Free useful features: 

  • Lists: Twitter lists are a great way to segment your followers and accounts you follow into different groups for organizational purposes. For example you can segment your audience into: media, donors, partners, etc. More information here.
  • Live tweeting and Twitter chats: live tweeting is a great way to expand your reach, connect and engage with likeminded audiences on specific subjects such as fundraising, advocacy. etc. Get started here: Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Live-Tweet Your Event on Refugee Rights Day, including sample tweets.


  • Photo and video content outperforms all other types of posts.
  • Post regularly: ideally, you should Tweet/Retweet 1-3 times/day.
  • Retweet related and relevant content from other sources.
  • Schedule some of your Tweets ahead of time
  • Interact with other Tweeps by mentioning them: “@Username”
  • Don't be a hashtag spammer: keep your tweets to one or two hashtags

Reminder: Don't forget to follow the Canadian Council for Refugees' bilingual twitter account and public lists.

Here are two good examples of engaging tweets: 

Here is where you can find lists on Twitter:

Twitter lists screenshot 

For a list of tools and advice on how to make the best use of Twitter, including outreach tips, hashtags and tracking tools, click here.