Organizations protecting refugees from Bill C-31

Organizations that would like to endorse this joint statement should send an email to

The following organizations endorse the Protect Refugees from Bill C-31 joint statement.

They support an immigration system that is fair, independent of political considerations, and affordable.

Bill C-31 is unconstitutional, undermines our humanitarian traditions, and violates our international obligations - it should be withdrawn.

Action Gaie, Lesbienne, Bisexuelle, Trans et Queer pour Immigrants et Réfugiés (AGIR, Montreal)

Action Réfugiés Montréal

Amnesty International - Canada

AMSSA – the Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of BC

Anglican Diocese of Ottawa

Anglican Diocese of Quebec

Anglican Diocese of Saskatoon

Assaulted Women's and Children's Counselor/Advocate (AWCCA) Program at George Brown College

Assistance aux femmes de Montréal

Association des Religieuses pour les Droits des Femmes (ARDF)

Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic (Toronto)

British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA)

Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL)

Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres, pan-Canadian

Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture

Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA)

Canadian Council for Refugees

Carrefour d'aide aux nouveaux arrivants (Montreal)

Carrefour pour elle (Longueuil)

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Quebec)

Catholic Network for Women's Equality (CNWE)

Centre Afrika (Montreal)

Centre communataire des femmes sud-asiatiques (Montreal)

Centre d’action socio-communautaire de Montréal (CASCM)

Centre des femmes d'ici et d'ailleurs (Montréal)

Centre for Refugee Studies (Toronto)

Center for Research-Action on Race Relations (Montreal)

Centre justice et foi (Montreal)

Christian Reformed Church in North America - Canada

Christie Refugee Welcome Centre (Toronto)

Citizens for Public Justice

Comité d'action contre la traite humaine interne et internationale (CATHII)

Committee to Support Social Development in El Salvador (CODESES, Vancouver)

Doctors of the World Canada

Frontline Partners with Youth Network (FPYN)

Furniture Bank of Ottawa

Grandview Calvary Baptist Church (Vancouver)

Halifax Refugee Clinic

Inland Refugee Society of British Columbia

International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG)

Jesuit Refugee and Migrant Service - Canada


Legal Assistance of Windsor

Maison d'Haïti (Montreal)

Matthew House Toronto

Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support (Kitchener)

M.O.S.A.I.C. (Vancouver)

Mouvement contre le viol et l'inceste (Montreal)

National Anti-Racism Council of Canada

Noella Project (Quebec City)

Oasis Centre des femmes (Toronto)

Office of Migration (Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon)

Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI)

PEN Canada

PINAY (Montreal)

Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund – Anglican Church of Canada

Project Genesis (Montreal)

Projet Refuge - Maison Haidar (Montreal)

Quaker Committee for Refugees

Quebec Immigration Lawyers Association

Québec solidaire

Rainbow Refugee Society (Vancouver)

Refugee Forum, University of Ottawa

Refugee Lawyers Association

Réseau d’intervention auprès des personnes ayant subi la violence organisée (RIVO) (Montreal)

Romero House (Toronto)

Salaam: Queer Muslim Community (Toronto)

Salsbury Community Society (Vancouver)

Salsbury Advocacy Society (Vancouver)

Social Action Office (Catholic Archdiocese of Montreal)

Soeurs missionnaires de Notre-Dame d'Afrique

Sojourn House (Toronto)

SOS: Settlement Orientation Services (Vancouver)

South Ottawa Community Legal Services

Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM)

Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI)

Taproot Faith Community (Toronto)

The Diocese of London Ministry to Refugee Claimants

Toronto Unity Mosque (TUM) / el Tahid Juma Circle

United Church of Canada

University of Regina Group for Refugees (URGR)

Vancouver Airport Chaplaincy

Watari Youth, Family & Community Services (Vancouver)

Windsor Essex Fighting the International Growth of Human Trafficking (WEFIGHT)

Y des femmes de Montréal

For more information, see Bill C-31 - Rolling Back Refugee Protection: At what cost?.