
Syrian refugees: discriminating by religion is unacceptable

Canadian Council for Refugees
Media Release

For immediate release
12 December 2014

Syrian Refugees: Discriminating by religion is unacceptable

The Canadian Council for Refugees reacted with shock to reports that the Canadian government may be considering restricting its commitment to resettle Syrian refugees to religious minorities.

Newsletter type

160 organizations urge Minister of Finance to keep social assistance for all

Media release

For immediate release
18 November 2014

160 organizations urge Minister of Finance to keep social assistance for all

The Canadian Council for Refugees has joined 160 organizations across Canada in opposing provisions in the budget bill (Bill C-43) that would open to the door to refugee claimants being denied social assistance.

Newsletter type

Budget bill targets refugees at their most vulnerable

Media release

For immediate release
28 October 2014

Budget bill targets refugees at their most vulnerable

Canada without Poverty and the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) today expressed their deep dismay at provisions in Bill C-43, the omnibus budget bill that could lead to newly arrived refugees being deprived of social assistance.

Newsletter type

Coroner’s Inquest: Answers needed to circumstances of death in CBSA detention

Media release

For immediate release
30 September 2014


Coroner’s Inquest: Answers needed to circumstances of death in CBSA detention

The Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) today expressed its hopes for answers from the inquest this week in Vancouver into the death of Lucia Vega Jiménez in immigration detention.

Newsletter type

New restrictions mean families will be broken apart

Media release

For immediate release
30 July 2014

New restrictions mean families will be broken apart

The Canadian Council for Refugees today expressed its disappointment at the narrowing of the definition of dependent child in the immigration rules, starting August 1st . The maximum age is being reduced from 21 to 18 years and the exception for full-time students is eliminated.

Newsletter type

Syrian refugee crisis requires strong Canadian response

Media release

For immediate release
9 July 2014

Syrian refugee crisis requires strong Canadian response

The Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) today expressed its support for a substantial Canadian response to the UNHCR appeal for pledges for 100,000 places for Syrian refugees over the next two years (2015-2016). The CCR urges the government to focus its commitment on Government Assisted Refugees, and to introduce measures for Syrians with family in Canada.

Newsletter type